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Release 8.0.0

NOTE: This changelog only contains release notes for PWA Studio 8.0.0. For older release notes, see PWA Studio releases.

Table of contents

What's new in 8.0.0

PWA Studio 8.0.0 contains new features, refactors, and various improvements.

Improved performance

A lot of work has been done in this release to improve storefront performance. This means that any project using the latest PWA Studio components will benefit from these updates.

One of the bigger changes is the migration to Apollo Client 3.0. This version of the Apollo Client provides better cache controls and better network fetching performance in general.

This release also includes various refactors and improvements on the GraphQL queries themselves to reduce the API request times from Magento.

Complete cart and checkout experience

This release finishes the full page cart and checkout features introduced in previous releases. The complete cart and checkout workflow is based on research made by members of the UX team.

Storefront developers can use this streamlined process as implemented or they can use the different components to customize their own cart and checkout workflow.

Shopping Bag feature

In addition to the complete full page cart and checkout experience, this release introduces a new Mini-Cart/Shopping Bag feature.

This feature is a floating modal that appears when you click on the shopping bag icon. It replaces the old MiniCart component, which previously appeared as a drawer from the right side of the app.

Instead of competing with the full page cart feature, it only contains a subset of actions, such as removing an item and checking out. For additional modifications to cart products, it links to the cart page.

Developers can still use the old MiniCart component in their projects, but it has been renamed to LegacyMiniCart.

Branding updates

The UX team continues in their research to improve the look and feel of the Venia brand. This release includes many style updates to give the Venia storefront a more modern and accessible experience.

Developers get all these improvements right away when they start their projects using this version of Venia as the base storefront or by upgrading their dependencies.

My Account code preview

This releases includes a sneak peak at features associated with My Account, such as Wishlist, Order History, and Address Book. Even though the Communications Page is the only navigable page, curious developers can peek at the 8.0.0 release codebase to see the initial code for these features.

Targets reference documentation

During 8.0.0 development, the PWA Studio doc site has published reference documentation for extensibility targets in the different packages. This documentation contains API descriptions and sample code to help developers discover the different PWA Studio extension points.

Pull requests merged in this release

Venia (storefront and visual component library)

Description Change type PR
Implemented initial code for the new MiniCart component Feature #2494
Created new components for an account menu Feature #2550
Created components for a Newsletter Subscription page Feature #2571
Implemented initial code for an Order History page Feature #2611
Implemented a way to access top/intermediate level categories through the left nav Feature #2616
Implemented initial UX and workflow for a Forgot Password feature for My Account Feature #2619
Implemented initial code for Wishlist Feature #2620
Implemented the ability to translate Venia's header / footer Feature #2643
Added ability to allow PWA Studio to use a different store to localize CMS Pages Feature #2649
Implemented initial code for Address Book Feature #2653
Implemented initial code for an Order History table Feature #2660
Updated Venia's button style to match new design Update #2496
Added product listing to the MiniCart Update #2506
Added a header section to the MiniCart Update #2509
Added a footer section to the MiniCart Update #2511
Adjusted styles for the header, main page, and footer components Update #2513
Update Gallery component to use for key prop on GalleryItem Update #2520
Added product link for each product in the MiniCart Update #2549
Disabled the visibility of the MiniCart on the checkout page Update #2554
Added product links to the product listings on the cart page Update #2557
Updated Venia's filter modal styles to match the new design Update #2559
Added CSS to handle multiple configurable options Update #2577
Implemented consistent error state handling Update #2588
Added a sign-in section to the new My Account trigger in the header Update #2590
Enabled GET for GraphQL queries (but not mutations) Update #2602
Added React Refresh to improve development server performance Update #2609
Improved error handling when using the Sign-in dropdown Update #2664
Updated static images to reflect new logo Update #2693
Disabled account page routes for v8.0.0 Update #2709
Removed email from the reset password link Update #2726
Refactored code to use tokens for color and weight Refactor #2500
Refactored Venia's inputs to match new design Refactor #2510
Refactored Venia's accordions to match the style guidelines Refactor #2527
Refactored Venia's cards to match the style guidelines Refactor #2545
Fixed a "Data Fetch Error" on the product page during offline mode Bugfix #2490
Fixed a bug that made the product and category sorting component unavailable Bugfix #2493
Resolved remaining issues with Buttons component implementation Bugfix #2523
Fixed scroll lock page shifting Bugfix #2543
Fixed MiniCart blocking page interactions Bugfix #2547
Fixed a sticky sidebar on the checkout page overlapping the footer Bugfix #2582
Fixed a bug that kept rendering the loading spinner on the page Bugfix #2583
Fixed MiniCart bug that prevent guest users from adding a product to an expired cart Bugfix #2612
Fixed button CSS to handle mobile view Bugfix #2655
Fixed improper use of formatMessage() Bugfix #2698
Fixed Storybook bug caused by i18n work Bugfix #2705
Fixed Payment Information button to disable it while the Payment section loads Bugfix #2723
Fixed an offline homepage error Bugfix #2727

Peregrine library

Description Change type PR
Added access to the root component type for child components Feature #2443
Enable URL redirects when set in the Magento backend Feature #2504
Added Create Account functionality to the Sign-in trigger in the navigation menu Feature #2657
Added support for an app-wide configurable URL suffix Feature #2665
Added support for localized Catalog Products for different stores Feature #2667
Implemented scroll top when payment information processing completes Update #2498
Implemented logic for adding products to the MiniCart Update #2505
Updated fetching logic to use cache-and-network for the Cart/Checkout processes Update #2634
Moved cart creation logic out of cart trigger and into the cart context provider Refactor #2572
Fixed an infinite error loop when cart creation fails Bugfix #2574
Fixed a bug that prevented adding to cart when another product in the cart is out of stock Bugfix #2576
Fixed a bug on the Category page where it did not refresh data when clicking back, previous, or next page Bugfix #2641
Fixed a customer address bug related to addresses for countries without regions or states Bugfix #2659
Fixed bug caused by Apollo when upgrading from a previous release Bugfix #2673
Fixed bug that showed product types that are not supported yet Bugfix #2697
Fixed a data sort error Bugfix #2736
Fixed an error in the filters list associated with multiple filters having the same label Bugfix #2739
Fixed an address merging error during sign in Bugfix #2744

Build tools

Description Change type PR
Created a staging server utility instead of a script Feature #2618
Deprecated getUnionAndInterfaceTypes() function Update #2663
Fixed scaffolding bug that did not include a pwa-studio section in the package.json file Bugfix #2514
Fixed Storybook files for scaffolded projects Bugfix #2708


Description Change type PR
Implemented feature that allows HTTP for the Magento backend URL Feature #2423
Updated implementation code to improve WebPageTest score Update #2548
Added support for additional image types Update #2562
Updated upward-security-headers peer dependencies Update #2605
Fixed UPWARD bug that prevented the use of an allowable header character Bugfix #2484
Fixed image optimized middleware Bugfix #2535
Removed rimraf as a peer dependency in the upward-security-headers extension Bugfix #2594
Fixed YouTube and Vimeo urls being blocked Bugfix #2656


Description Change type PR
Created Venia Targets reference documentation Documentation #2472
Created Peregrine Targets reference documentation Documentation #2492
Created Buildpack Targets reference documentation Documentation #2508
Created reference docs for the UI components and talons used in the cart page Documentation #2637
Added a note about Node 12 deprecation warnings Update #2566
Added upgrade steps in the changelog for scaffolded projects Update #2587
Updated magento-research references to magento Update #2599
Removed GraphQL limitation entry in the Page Builder docs Update #2630
Added Page Builder integration videos Update #2632
Updated out of date content in the custom footer tutorial Update #2652
Added more verbose upgrade installation instructions in the README Update #2662
Updated routing tutorial to use the extensibility framework Update #2670
Updated README Update #2676
Removed deprecated topics and files in the docs project Update #2684
Fixed a typo in the Add a static route docs Bugfix #2553
Fixed a broken link Bugfix #2642


Description Change type PR
Created simple README content for the create-pwa package Update #2415
Updated contributors list Update #2518
Upgraded to @apollo/client@3 Update #2560
Configure dependabot to only open 5 pull requests and restrict to semver Update #2526 #2528
Bumped http-proxy-middleware from 0.19.1 to 0.19.2 Update #2532
Bumped apollo-link-retry from 2.2.15 to 2.2.16 Update #2530
Bumped @apollo/react-hooks from 3.1.3 to 3.1.5 Update #2529
Bumped lodash from 4.17.14 to 4.17.19 in /docker Update #2556
Bumped lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 in /pwa-devdocs Update #2555
Bumped elliptic from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 Update #2593
Bumped elliptic from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 in /pwa-devdocs Update #2596
Bumbed dot-prop to version 5.1.1 or later Update #2601
Bumped kramdown from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0 in /pwa-devdocs Update #2614
Removed dependabot version bump settings Update #2646
Bumped bl from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 Update #2675
Fixed a PageBuilder visibility bug affecting slider buttons and links Bugfix #2722

Known issues

  • PWA Studio 8.0.0 is not fully compatible with Magento 2.3.6, which can prevent Users from using the Reset Password feature.
  • When switching stores as a logged in customer, the shopping cart is not reassigned to the new store.

Upgrading from a previous version

The method for updating to 8.0.0 from a previous version depends on how PWA Studio is incorporated into your project. The following are common use cases we have identified and how to update the project code.

Scaffolded project

Using the scaffolding tool is the recommended method for starting a new storefront project. This tool generates a copy of the storefront project defined in the Venia concept package.

Upgrade method: Update dependencies and manual merge

Since scaffolded projects consume PWA Studio libraries as dependencies, you just need to update your PWA Studio dependencies in your package.json file to use the released version.

After that, install the new dependencies using the install command:

yarn install


npm install

If you need to update other project files, such as configuration and build scripts, you need to use a diff tool to compare your projects files with those of Venia concept. This will help determine what changes you need to manually copy into your project files.

PWA Studio fork

Many PWA Studio users have forked the PWA Studio Git repository. Even though their codebase may have diverged a great deal from the current codebase, there is still a Git relationship.

Upgrade method: Update using Git

Pull and Merge the changes from the upstream repository using Git. Most of the conflicts will be in components that we have fully refactored.

We recommend merging the library code we changed and updating component calls with any new prop signatures introduced in this version.

Manual code copies

Some PWA Studio users have copied parts of the code into their own projects. This is similar to the Git workflow, but without the merging tools Git provides.

Upgrade method: Manual copy updates

Updating this code involves manually copying updates for the code they use. New code may also need to be copied over if the updated code depends on it.

This method can be a chore, and we hope that some of the features in 5.0.0+ will help these users migrate to a package management approach.

NPM packages

Some users have imported the PWA Studio libraries using NPM. This is the easiest way to work with the released versions of PWA Studio.

Upgrade method: Update package.json

To upgrade to the latest version (currently 8.0.0), simply call yarn add on each of the @magento packages. This will both update package.json in your project, as well as install the latest versions.

Sample command:

yarn add @magento/eslint-config @magento/pagebuilder @magento/peregrine @magento/pwa-buildpack @magento/upward-js @magento/venia-ui