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Drupal 8 devops workflow using Docker, Ansible, Composer and GIt . Developed in Google summer of Code 2018

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This project template provides a starter kit for managing Drupal Workflow using Ansible, Docker, Git and Composer

You can manage multiple sites like production/development and staging servers through this project, All your environment will setup, install dependencies and Sync Configuration in a single click.


You should have python2.7 installed on your server so that Ansible can use its magic ward to help you in managing Drupal Projects.


Let's see how to use and implement this project kit.

Configure .env file

You need to create .env file for each deploying server. It will also be managed by ansible automatically. You need to create .env.<hostname> file and add <hostname> name in env_file variable in host group_var file.

cp .env.example .env.<hostname>




Note : For configuring on Local system, create .env file and set configs.

Copy .env.example file to .env

  cp .env.example .env


Ansible is the most powerful automation tool that can automate cloud provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, and many other IT needs.

Manage your Inventory

Ansible represents what machines it manages using a very simple INI file that puts all of your managed machines in groups of your own choosing.

It looks like this -

  [digitalocean] ansible_user=root

  [aws] ansible_user=ubuntu

Once inventory hosts are listed under ansible/inventories, variables can be assigned to them in yml files (in a subdirectory called group_vars)

It looks like this -

  remote_user: ubuntu
  docker_group: docker
  github_repo: ''
  staging_branch: 'develop'
  env_file: 'ansible'
  backup_dir: '/var/www'
  project_dir: '/var/www'
  project_folder_name: 'html'
  backup_folder_name: 'backup'

Note : Configure default path to your inventory in ansible.cfg in root directory

Ansible Playbooks

Anisble Playbooks can be used to manage configurations of and deployments to remote machines.

Ansible playbooks looks like -

  - name: Name of the playbook
  hosts: <hostname>
  - role1
  - role2

Add your hosts name in existing playbooks defined in drupal.*.yml under ansible dir or create your own custom playbooks.


In this project, Total 8 playbooks are defined to help you, Detailed description of these playbooks-

  1. drupal.development.yml is configured for your development environment -
  ansible-playbook ansible/drupal.development.yml -i <inventory_path>

have following roles - {git-pull, env, restart, composer, drupal}

  1. drupal.docker-install.yml is configured to install docker and docker-compose -
  ansible-playbook ansible/drupal.docker-install.yml -i <inventory_path>

have following roles - {docker-install}

  1. drupal.production.yml is configured to setup site on production server -
  ansible-playbook ansible/drupal.production.yml -i <inventory_path>

have following roles - {backup, docker-install, git-clone, git-hooks, env, docker-build, composer-prod, drupal}

  1. drupal.restore-backup.yml is configured to restore backup on your server -
  ansible-playbook ansible/drupal.restore-backup.yml -i <inventory_path>

have following roles - {restore, docker-build, composer-prod, drupal}

  1. drupal.staging.yml is configured to setup site on staging server -
  ansible-playbook ansible/drupal.staging.yml -i <inventory_path>

have following roles - {backup, docker-install, git-stage, git-hooks, env, restart, composer, drupal}

  1. drupal.backup.yml is configured to backup your site on server -
  ansible-playbook ansible/drupal.backup.yml -i <inventory_path>

have following roles - {backup}

  1. drupal.local.yml is configured to configure development environment on your local system -
  ansible-playbook ansible/drupal.local.yml -i <inventory_path>

have following roles - {docker-install, git-hooks, docker-build, composer, drupal}

  1. is configured to integrate Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment -
  ansible-playbook ansible/ -i <inventory_path>

have following roles - {docker-build, composer, drupal}


  1. backup - It will rename html folder to backup folder and create empty html folder.

  2. composer - Install Composer Dependencies with dev dependencies.

  3. composer-prod - Install Composer Dependencies without dev dependencies.

  4. docker-build - Delete previous container and rebuild image if there is any change and re-create drupal and drupaldb containers.

  5. docker-install - Install Docker and docker-compose on the server.

  6. drupal - Import Configuration and Rebuild Cache.

  7. env - Move .env.example to .env.

  8. git-clone - Clone the git repo.

  9. git-pull - Pull the changes from the git repo after stashing any local changes.

  10. git-stage - Clone the selective branch from git repo.

  11. git-hooks - Configure git hooks on pre-commit

  12. restart - Restart Docker containers.

  13. restore - Restore previously generated backup folder to html and html to backup.


Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it all out as one package

This project will have two images from which we create two containers.

  1. mariadb image from Docker hub for creating database container.

  2. ankitjain28/php-nginx-composer install nginx, php7.2 with its extensions and composer. This image is maintained by me under Github Repo php-nginx-composer

Docker Compose

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

We have defined docker-compose.yml file to create Containers from ankitjain28/php-nginx-composer and mariadb images.

docker-compose.yml contains two services -

  1. drupaldb : It will create container name drupaldb using mariadb image and import the dump in the db-dump to the database. Set env variable in .env file.

  2. drupal : It will create container name drupal using ankitjain28/php-nginx-composer image and mount /var/www/html directory to /var/www/html in container and application runs on port 80.

It depends on drupaldb container for database.

  docker-compose up -d

will create two containers and you can anytime start and stop your container using-

  docker-compose stop <container-name>
  docker-compose start <container-name>

Note : You can configure your docker-compose file, Read more about it under docker directory

One Click deployment

  ansible-playbook ansible/drupal.production.yml -i ansible/inventories/develop

will deploy your drupal site on all the hosts from the inventory file.

Default inventory file is loaded from ansible.cfg.

Install Drupal on Localhost (Locally)

  1. Set group_vars for the localhost host in localhost.yml file in ansible/group_vars directory.

  2. Run this command -

  ansible-playbook ansible/drupal.local.yml --connection=local --extra-vars "ansible_sudo_pass=<local-system-password>"

All the dependencies are managed using Composer.

For more information about managing dependencies and sync configuration, Read here -

Continous Integration

For Continuous Integration, We are using Travic-Ci. Each time we pushes through Git, Travis is triggred and checks for Code Quality (Using CodeSniffer) and Unit Tests (Using PHPunit).

You can skip these in .travis.yml file by setting env variables value.

    DEPLOY: true

Note : You can also add your custom testsuites by making changes in .travis.yml file.

Continous Deployment

On Successful Build, Travis will deploy the changes to the server using Ansible. Ansible will connect to server through SSH username and Password. Password will be saved in Travis-CI env variable in a secure mode through Web Interface so that it won't be visible during build. Password Key should be - ssh_pass

It will automatically deploy the changes to your deploying server.

Note : Travis configuration will be set in .env.travis and travis.yml under group_vars dir and You can add your own custom roles under roles and called them from playbook for travis configuration.

Future Implementation

  • Maintaining log file for each deployment using ansible on host server.

  • Opting .env. file from setting up through Ansible.

Contribute :

If you are interested in contributing to this project, Open Issues, send PR and Don't forget to star the repo.

Feel free to code and contribute

Note : Make new branch for each PR.


Drupal 8 devops workflow using Docker, Ansible, Composer and GIt . Developed in Google summer of Code 2018






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