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Ansible is the most powerful automation tool that can automate cloud provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, and many other IT needs.

Manage your Inventory

Ansible represents what machines it manages using a very simple INI file that puts all of your managed machines in groups of your own choosing.

It looks like this -

  [digitalocean] ansible_user=root

  [aws] ansible_user=ubuntu

Once inventory hosts are listed under ansible/inventories, variables can be assigned to them in yml files (in a subdirectory called group_vars)

It looks like this -

  remote_user: ubuntu
  docker_group: docker
  github_repo: ''
  staging_branch: 'develop'
  env_file: 'ansible'
  backup_dir: '/var/www'
  project_dir: '/var/www'
  project_folder_name: 'html'
  backup_folder_name: 'backup'

Note : Configure default path to your inventory in ansible.cfg in root directory

Ansible Playbooks

Anisble Playbooks can be used to manage configurations of and deployments to remote machines.

Ansible playbooks looks like -

  - name: Name of the playbook
  hosts: <hostname>
  - role1
  - role2

Add your hosts name in existing playbooks defined in drupal.*.yml under ansible dir or create your own custom playbooks.


In this project, Total 8 playbooks are defined to help you, Detailed description of these playbooks-

  1. drupal.development.yml is configured for your development environment -
  ansible-playbook ansible/drupal.development.yml -i <inventory_path>

have following roles - {git-pull, env, restart, composer, drupal}

  1. drupal.docker-install.yml is configured to install docker and docker-compose -
  ansible-playbook ansible/drupal.docker-install.yml -i <inventory_path>

have following roles - {docker-install}

  1. drupal.production.yml is configured to setup site on production server -
  ansible-playbook ansible/drupal.production.yml -i <inventory_path>

have following roles - {backup, docker-install, git-clone, git-hooks, env, docker-build, composer-prod, drupal}

  1. drupal.restore-backup.yml is configured to restore backup on your server -
  ansible-playbook ansible/drupal.restore-backup.yml -i <inventory_path>

have following roles - {restore, docker-build, composer-prod, drupal}

  1. drupal.staging.yml is configured to setup site on staging server -
  ansible-playbook ansible/drupal.staging.yml -i <inventory_path>

have following roles - {backup, docker-install, git-stage, git-hooks, env, restart, composer, drupal}

  1. drupal.backup.yml is configured to backup your site on server -
  ansible-playbook ansible/drupal.backup.yml -i <inventory_path>

have following roles - {backup}

  1. drupal.local.yml is configured to configure development environment on your local system -
  ansible-playbook ansible/drupal.local.yml -i <inventory_path>

have following roles - {docker-install, git-hooks, docker-build, composer, drupal}

  1. is configured to integrate Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment -
  ansible-playbook ansible/ -i <inventory_path>

have following roles - {docker-build, composer, drupal}


  1. backup - It will rename html folder to backup folder and create empty html folder.

  2. composer - Install Composer Dependencies with dev dependencies.

  3. composer-prod - Install Composer Dependencies without dev dependencies.

  4. docker-build - Delete previous container and rebuild image if there is any change and re-create drupal and drupaldb containers.

  5. docker-install - Install Docker and docker-compose on the server.

  6. drupal - Import Configuration and Rebuild Cache.

  7. env - Move .env.example to .env.

  8. git-clone - Clone the git repo.

  9. git-pull - Pull the changes from the git repo after stashing any local changes.

  10. git-stage - Clone the selective branch from git repo.

  11. git-hooks - Configure git hooks on pre-commit

  12. restart - Restart Docker containers.

  13. restore - Restore previously generated backup folder to html and html to backup.