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Lailloken edited this page Jul 16, 2024 · 5 revisions

Feature Overview

  • collect and record mapping-related statistics (maps per day, net run-time, effective exp, kills, side-content, etc.)

  • the collected data can be viewed via the log-viewer while playing, or be exported as .csv files

  • optional statistics to collect:

    • side-areas (lab trials, vaal areas, abyssal depths), side-content (blight, harvest, ritual, etc.)

    • dropped loot & monster-kills

    • effective exp gained in a map

    • map mods rolled on a map

    • custom notes, and map-device stats (scarabs, sextants, Kirac mods)

    • which character/build was played

User Interface & Settings

  • this feature has its own section in the settings menu, with customization and sub-feature options
main UI-elements & user interaction screenshot
toggle button on the main toolbar:
- click to open the log-viewer
- right-click to pause tracking
tracker panel:
- hidden while mapping, hold TAB to view

1. in hideout: drag to move the panel, right-click to reset position to default

2. map-name, (tier), run-time
- click when it flashes red to update kill-tracker (optional)
- long-click when in hideout to manually log the run and "clear" the panel

3. side-content encountered in the map (optional)

4. custom notes (optional)
- click to add notes that will be logged along with the runs

5. character/build tracking (optional)
- click to see the current settings


  • local client (streaming clients such as GeForce Now don't have an accessible log-file)

  • optional loot tracking: stash image-check has to be set up correctly in the screen-checks section of the settings menu

  • optional mechanic tracking:

    • some mechanics can be tracked via dialog-lines in the client.txt, which requires the in-game option output dialogue to chat to be enabled (bottom of the UI tab)

    • other mechanics can only be tracked visually via screen-reading, which requires manual calibration for each of those mechanics

  • optional character/build tracking:

    • specify your character's name in the general tab of the settings menu

Initial Setup

  • go the map-tracker section of the settings menu and enable the feature

  • the toggle button will appear in the main toolbar, and the tracker panel on the bottom edge of the client

General Usage

  • in its default state, the panel will read not tracking

  • once you enter an instance in your map device, the panel will show the name and tier of the instance, and the timer will start

  • timer behavior:

    • leaving the instance will pause the timer, re-entering will resume it

    • the timer will also pause when the game-client is out of focus, so you can tab out or press the Windows key once to avoid logging AFK time (if you don't want to TP out, or need leave quickly)

  • entering a new instance will save the logged data of the previous run, and the panel will be updated with the new name, tier, and timer

  • the logged data will also be saved automatically when the script closes, e.g. when you close the client at the end of a session

  • you can manually log the map-run and "clear" the panel by long-clicking the map-name while in a hideout

    • this can be used after finishing a map, knowing you will do something else, so that there's no "pending" map in the tracker
  • you can temporarily pause/disable the tracker by right-clicking the toggle-button (the button and the panel-text will turn gray)

    • use this if you want to run something in-between without tracking, or when you need to enter someone else's map device and cannot finish your current map

Loot Tracking

  • if loot tracking is enabled, ctrl-clicked items will be listed in the tracker panel when stashing items

  • ctrl-clicking will track loot if these criteria are met:

    • the panel is active, i.e. not showing not tracking

    • the stash is on screen and the plaque at the top is clearly visible

    • the clicked item is on the right side of the screen, i.e. it is transferred from inventory to stash and not the other way around

  • this list can be used to double-check whether data logging is working correctly

    • ctrl + right-click to undo the previous steps (like ctrl-Z in a text-editor, in case something was added accidentally)
  • pressing ESC will restore the panel to the smaller size (the list will only be hidden, not deleted), adding more items will show the list again

Kill Tracking

  • NOTE: this feature cannot be automated since it would violate GGG's terms of service (TOS), so it is as streamlined as possible right now

  • if enabled, a tooltip will follow the cursor prompting you to press the omni-key upon entering a new map

    • don't press it during the loading-screen, wait for your character to be visible

    • pressing it will trigger the /kill command in game and use the returned value as the starting kill-count

  • whenever you leave the map device, the panel will flash red as a reminder that the kill-count needs to be refreshed

    • clicking the map-name will trigger the /kill command again and calculate the kill-count difference

    • refreshing the kill-count is only required when you leave the map for the last time and know you won't enter it again

    • if you leave the map for trading or stashing only, you can ignore the flashing (it will stop once you re-enter)

  • entering a new map will save the logged data as usual, and the tooltip will prompt you to press the omni-key again

League-mechanics Tracking

  • if enabled, optional content/mechanics you encounter while mapping will also be tracked

    • the tracker panel will show icons of league content you found during this map run


    • the log-viewer will list all the content you found during each map run


  • you can toggle tracking for each mechanic individually by clicking their buttons in the settings menu

  • some mechanics can only be tracked via screen-reading, which requires manual calibration

    • find the specific content/mechanic in a map and open the map-tracker section of the settings menu

    • right-click the button of said mechanic to open the snipping tool, then screen-cap a unique ui-element

    • left-click the button to enable tracking for it (it will be highlighted green)

    • whenever you encounter this mechanic while mapping, hold TAB to activate screen-reading

    • if the script finds the ui-element, the map-tracker panel will show a small icon to indicate successful tracking of the content/mechanic

    • do not use the buttons in some mechanics for calibration because they don't render correctly and are hard to track

    • some examples of alternative ui-elements:

  • there's also an option to show a reminder whenever you activate portal scrolls in the map

    • this only works when activating portals via the in-game hotkey

    • you also have to go to the map-tracker section of the settings and specify which key portal scrolls are bound to


Logging Custom Notes for each Run

  • if enabled, a new icon will appear on the tracker panel

    notes enabled, currently none added notes enabled, notes added
    image image
  • click the icon to open the notes panel


  • you can add different types of notes

    • personal notes (e.g. RIP: didn't know boss mechanics, kirac mod used, etc.): click into the edit-field, type in a note and press

    • drops worth logging (e.g. div-cards, high-tier currency, etc.): omni-click (default: middle mouse-button) an item while the note panel is open to add it to the notes

    • map-device items used (fragments, scarabs, etc.): same as drops (see above), but these will be highlighted and limited according to maximum map-device slots

  • limiting notes to a specific number of runs

    • you can tag notes with x# to let them "expire" after x logged runs, e.g. 1#nameless seer (when finding him in a map) will log that note for that specific run and then automatically be cleared from the panel afterwards

    • drops added by omni-clicking items will automatically be tagged with 1#

  • notes have their own column and search-bar in the log-viewer

    • click highlighted cells within that column to view that run's notes

    • right-click these cells to edit the notes after the fact

Character/Build Tracking

  • if enabled, the current character's name, ascendancy, and level will be logged (optionally, you can also provide a build name/description)

  • to use this, you have to specify your character's name in the general tab of the settings menu


  • if enabled, an additional icon will be displayed on the tracker panel

    enabled, but character name is invalid/missing enabled, and character name is valid click it to see the current settings
    image image image

  • limitation: the game only logs your class/ascendancy when you level up

    • so if you have recently (re)specced your ascendancy and have not leveled up yet, the status will be out of date

    • you can click the ascendancy (XYZ) label to activate the "/whois" in-game command and force the game to log your ascendancy again



  • this data-set also has its own column and search-bar in the log-viewer


    • click highlighted cells in this column to view the logged data
  • the search-bar allows letter- and number-string inputs (hover over it for more information)

    • numeric inputs will search for character level, non-numeric inputs will perform regex searches

    • you can also combine the two by means of comma-separation: champion, smite, 90-100

  • possible use-cases:

    • comparing builds across different ascendancies: run X hundred maps as one ascendancy, then X hundred maps as another, then compare clear-speed, deaths, etc.

    • check how long it took to reach level X: log every map run on a new character, search for that character in the log-viewer, and you'll be able to check the number of map runs, the net run-time (by clicking the sum-row of the run column), etc.

    • check which build/character you played the most during a league: limit the log-viewer to a specific league, then click the sum-row of the character column to see absolute and relative numbers of map runs

Accessing Logged Data

  • clicking the toggle button will open an interface to view logged data (pressing ESC will close it)


  • click the button next to logs: in the top left to open the date selector which shows dates and league periods with logged runs


  • you can export logged data into csv-files: long-click export to save the runs that are currently loaded into the log-viewer

    • the csv-files will be stored in the export folder within the script's install folder
  • some columns don't have text but simply highlighted cells to indicate stored data: click these cells to view it in a tooltip


  • each column has its own search bar that can be used to search for specific data within that column

    • simply type text-strings or number-values into one or more search bars and press

    • you can hover over each search bar to view help tooltips with supported inputs