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Clone frames

Lailloken edited this page Jun 16, 2024 · 16 revisions

Feature Overview

  • set up pixel-precise frames to 'project' the enclosed screen-area onto a different part of the screen

  • frames can be individually customized: size, aspect ratio, and opacity

  • clicks will not be blocked, so they can be placed near the center of the screen

User Interface & Settings

  • this feature has no specific UI-elements other than the individual frames set up by the user

  • it has its own section in the settings menu, with toggle and customization options


  • open the clone-frames section of the settings menu

  • enter a unique name into the edit-field and click add new: the frame will appear in the list underneath

  • click the frame's edit button to enter edit-mode:

    • this will activate the section below and make the buttons usable

    • the source frame will appear in the top-left corner of the client, the target frame in the center of the top edge: they now also have colored corners that each correspond to an F-key

  • how to move frames:

    • move the cursor to the top-left corner of the area you want to clone (example: flask area), then press F1 to move the blue corner there

    • move the cursor to the bottom-right corner of the area to be cloned and press F2 to move the red corner there

    • move the cursor to the destination area (example: underneath the character) and press F3 to move the yellow corner there

    • for fine-tuning, hover over the edit-fields and scroll the mouse-wheel to change their values by 1: the corresponding corners will move by 1 pixel


    • choose scale and opacity settings, then click save

  • important notes:
    • theoretically, you can create as many frames as you want, but that will obviously have performance implications

    • optimize your layouts before cloning: if you only clone two flasks/skills, put them next to each other in game and clone them with a single frame, instead of using two separate ones

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