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Stable Diffusion img2img pipeline, supporting various models and images and tested on NVIDIA / CUDA devices.

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This pipeline:

  1. Loads images from data/input_images directory
  2. For each image, selects a random model from model_list in
  3. Performs img2img generation for each image
  4. Saves output to data/output_images directory

Run it locally

Set up python environment

It is required to have Python3.8, CUDA, and Pytorch installed on the system

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

You must have CUDA enabled pytorch. You can check by running the following

import torch; print(torch.cuda.is_available())

**Add images to the data/input_images directory

cp example_image.png data/input_images/

Run the pipeline Either over all the images in data/input_images

python -m src.img2img_pipeline.commands.main run_all_images_pipeline

Or on a specific image by providing the [filename] and extra arguments

python -m src.img2img_pipeline.commands.main run_single_image_pipeline example_image.png --prompt "in the style of picasso" --model "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2"

There are a list of prompts and models in src/ If --filename or --prompt are not provided, a default is chosen from the lists. In which case, the command can be simplified into

python -m src.img2img_pipeline.commands.main run_single_image_pipeline example_image.png

Project Structure

├── data
│   ├── input_images
│   └── output_images
│    Metrics of the pipeline runs such as time, memory
├── requirements.txt
└── src
    └── img2img_pipeline
         Application source code

Design considerations

Code structure

All the source code sits under src/img2img_pipeline and uses relative paths so it can be packaged in a pip package and integrated with any another orchestration repo or an API service for example.

The files and are there to provide clean levels of abstraction and separation of responsibilities. Interfaces are defined in to formalise these abstractions. The pipeline class can accept any image model as long as it inherits from ModelInterface, as it knows that the instance will have implemented the predict() function.

This carries on in making it very simple to run the pipeline as it only has to be initialised with a model and then the .run() method has to be called in order to run it. This can be seen in commands/

The current is put inside a commands module because we might want to add an api/ folder using the same modules to create a Stable Diffusion API service. Finally, The typer library has been used to implement the CLI command for running the pipeline as it is very simple and easily extensible.

Work towards increasing GPU memory efficiency

  1. Images are downsampled to 512px before inference and then resampled back to it's original dimensions after inference. This is done because stable diffusion models have only been trained on 512px images or less and memory gets exceeded very rapidly if images are higher resolution than this.

  2. The pipeline has been configured to be memory efficient. The current settings are recommended from my research and they are the following:


It was seen that installing xformers resulted in a significant memory boost.

This can be turned toggled using the memory_efficient_compute flag in to see the difference in GPU utilisation.

  1. Specified torch_dtype=torch.float16 which improved memory efficiency and speed

  2. A generator function has been used to load the images one by one. If this pipeline scales to thousands of images, loading them all into memory one by one will result in exceeding available memory. Using a generator allows the pipeline to release memmory after each image is processed.

  3. In line 71 we clear the cache after every prediction"clearing cache")

This works to clear intermediate results, such as activations, gradients, and other temporary variables that are stored in the GPU memory or system memory.

Future Work

  • Research on torch.compile

Work towards increasing computation speed

  1. The pipeline and image generator are set to run on GPU

  2. Added a fast scheduler DPMSolverMultistepScheduler which requires less inference steps (~25 compared to ~50 by default).

  3. Specified torch_dtype=torch.float16 which improved memory efficiency and speed by loading the models in half precision

  4. Used the TensorFloat32 (TF32) mode for faster but slightly less accurate computations

torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True
  1. There is a CACHE_DIR specified in The models are downloaded into CACHE_DIR directory and loaded from there.

Future Work


Custom Stable Diffusion img2img pipeline







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