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Datatables Package for Laravel 4|5

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This package is created to handle server-side works of DataTables jQuery Plugin via AJAX option by using Eloquent ORM or Fluent Query Builder.

Feature Overview

  • Supporting Eloquent ORM and Fluent Query Builder
  • Adding or editing content of columns and removing columns
  • Templating new or current columns via Blade Template Engine
  • Works with ALL the DATABASE supported by Laravel
  • Works with Oracle Database using Laravel-OCI8 package
  • Works with DataTables v1.9 and v1.10

Laravel 4 Installation

Add the yajra/datatables under the require key after that run the composer update.

        "require": {
            "laravel/framework": "~4.0",
            "yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle": "~3.0"

Laravel 5 Installation

Add the yajra/datatables under the require key after that run the composer update.

        "require": {
            "laravel/framework": "~5.0",
            "yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle": "~4.0"

Composer will download the package. After package downloaded, open "app/config/app.php" and edit like below:

    'providers' => array(

    'aliases' => array(
        'Datatables'      => 'yajra\Datatables\Datatables',

Finally you need to publish a configuration file by running the following Artisan command.

** Laravel 4 **

$ php artisan config:publish yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle

** Laravel 5 **

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="yajra\Datatables\DatatablesServiceProvider" --tag="config"


It is very simple to use this package. Just create your own fluent query object or eloquent object without getting results (that means don't use get(), all() or similar methods) and give it to Datatables. You are free to use all Eloquent ORM and Fluent Query Builder features.

It is better, you know these:

  • When you use select method on Eloquent or Fluent Query, you choose columns
  • You can easily edit columns by using editColumn($column, $content)
  • You can remove any column by using removeColumn($column) method
  • You can add columns by using addColumn($column_name, $content, $order)
  • You can override the default filter function by using filter(function($query){})
  • You can use Blade Template Engine in your $content values
  • The name of columns is set by returned array.
    • That means, for '' it is 'id' and also for ' as ownername' it is 'ownername'
  • You can easily toggle datatables mdata support by passing true/false on make function. ->make(true)
  • You can add DT_RowId via ->setRowId('id') function. Parameters could be like below:
    • a column on selected query if exists, else will just return the parameter
    • a closure function
    • a blade template
  • You can add DT_RowClass via ->setRowClass('id') function. Parameters could be like below:
    • a column on selected query if exists, else will just return the parameter
    • a closure function
    • a blade template
  • You can add DT_RowData via these functions:
    • ->setRowData(array()) to add batch data using an array
    • ->addRowData($key, $value) to append single data on array (Note: setRowData should be called first if you plan on using both functions)
    • the value parameter can also be a string, closure or blade template.
  • You can add DT_RowAttr via these functions:
    • Note: This option will only work on DataTables 1.10.5 or newer
    • ->setRowAttr(array()) to add batch data using an array
    • ->addRowAttr($key, $value) to append single data on array (Note: setRowAttr should be called first if you plan on using both functions)
    • the value parameters can also be a string, closure or blade template.


Demo Application


Example 1:

    $posts = Post::select(array('','','posts.created_at','posts.status'));

    return Datatables::of($posts)->make();

Example 2:

    $place = Place::leftJoin('owner','places.author_id','=','')
                    ->select(array('','','places.created_at',' as ownername','places.status'));

    return Datatables::of($place)
    ->addColumn('operations','<a href="{{ URL::route( \'\', array( \'edit\',$id )) }}">edit</a>
                    <a href="{{ URL::route( \'\', array( \'delete\',$id )) }}">delete</a>
    // you can also give a function as parameter to editColumn and addColumn instead of blade string
    ->editColumn('ownername','Author of this post is {{ $ownername }}')

Example 3: Overriding default filter option

    $posts = Post::select(array('','','posts.created_at','posts.status'));

    return Datatables::of($posts)
            if (Input::get('id')) {

Example 4: Accessing Carbon object on timestamps and/or any objects in model

Note: Only applicable if you use Eloquent object.

    $posts = Post::select(array('','','posts.created_at','posts.status'));

    return Datatables::of($posts)
        ->editColumn('created_at', function($data){ $data->created_at->toDateTimeString() })
            if (Input::get('id')) {

Example 5: Returning object data source

    $posts = Post::select(array('','','posts.created_at','posts.status'));

    return Datatables::of($posts)->make(true);

Example 6: DT_RowId, DT_RowClass, DT_RowData and DT_RowAttr

$users = User::select('*');

return Datatables::of($users)
    ->setRowId('id') // via column name if exists else just return the value
    ->setRowId(function($user) {
        return $user->id;
    }) // via closure
    ->setRowId('{{ $id }}') // via blade parsing

    ->setRowClass('id') // via column name if exists else just return the value
    ->setRowClass(function($user) {
        return $user->id;
    }) // via closure
    ->setRowClass('{{ $id }}') // via blade parsing

        'string' => 'data',
        'closure' => function($user) {
            return $user->name;
        'blade' => '{{ $name }}'
    ->addRowData('a_string', 'value')
    ->addRowData('a_closure', function($user) {
        return $user->name;
    ->addRowData('a_blade', '{{ $name }}')
        'color' => 'data',
        'closure' => function($user) {
            return $user->name;
        'blade' => '{{ $name }}'
    ->addRowAttr('a_string', 'value')
    ->addRowAttr('a_closure', function($user) {
        return $user->name;
    ->addRowAttr('a_blade', '{{ $name }}')

###Example View and Controller On your view:

<table id="users" class="table table-hover table-condensed">
            <th class="col-md-3">{{{ Lang::get('users/table.username') }}}</th>
            <th class="col-md-3">{{{ Lang::get('users/') }}}</th>
            <th class="col-md-3">{{{ Lang::get('users/table.created_at') }}}</th>
            <th class="col-md-3">{{{ Lang::get('table.actions') }}}</th>

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
    oTable = $('#users').DataTable({
        "processing": true,
        "serverSide": true,
        "ajax": "/users/data",
        "columns": [
            {data: 'username', name: 'username'},
            {data: 'email', name: 'email'},
            {data: 'created_at', name: 'created_at'},
            {data: 'actions', name: 'actions'}

On your controller:

public function getData()
    $users = $this->users->select('*');

    return Datatables::of($users)
        ->addColumn('action', 'action here')

Notice: If you use double quotes while giving content of addColumn or editColumn, you should escape variables with backslash (\) else you get error. For example:

    editColumn('id',"- {{ \$id }}") .

License: Licensed under the MIT License
