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Import Meetup Events allows you to import Meetup ( events into your WordPress site effortlessly.


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=== Import Meetup Events ===
Contributors: xylus,dharm1025,rajat1192
Donate link:
Tags: events, calendar, event, meetup, meetup event, meetup events, import, meetup import, the events calendar, manager, events manager, import meetup, events, calendar, event, import event, my calendar, eventon, all in one event calendar, timely, event organiser, event management, event calendar, event manager
Requires at least: 4.0
Requires PHP: 5.3
Tested up to: 6.6
Stable tag: 1.6.3
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Import Meetup Events allows you to import Meetup ( events into your WordPress site effortlessly.

== Description ==

This plugin allows you to import events from []( into your wordpress. You can schedule event import so it will be imported automatacally [Pro]

This Plugin is works as a stand alone as well as add-on plugin for below listed Events plugins, which allows you to run imports from right from your dashboard. As a stand alone plugin this plugin work independently for event import and Event Management.

You can use `[meetup_events]` for display in-built Meetup events list.

**Import Events into**

* [The Events Calendar]( - supported with the latest version 6.0. 
* [Events manager](
* [Event Organiser](
* [EventON](
* [My Calendar](
* In-built Event Management System.

You can configure settings for this plugin at **Meetup Import** Menu in your WordPress dashboard. You can insert your [ API key]( in settings section. After configure settings you can import meetup event from there.

Here are some features of this plugins.

*   "Manual" event import.
*   Upcoming Events Widget On Elementor Editor.[PRO Version](
*   New Event listing Grid view Layout.[PRO Version](
*   Element for Visual Composer ( WPBackery Page Builder).[PRO Version](
*   Scheduled event import - [PRO Version](
*   Setup time interval for "Automatic" event import.
*   Assign events to particular categories.
*   Set status(publish, pending, draft) for imported events.
*   Shortcode for display events on anywhere you want
*   Upcoming Events widget - [PRO Version](
*   Advanced Synchronization with Meetups - [PRO Version](

><strong>New All in one Event Import Tool!</strong><br>
>We’ve developed bulk event imports tool. This add-on service for The Events Calendar allows you import events from your favorite sources like Facebook, Meetup, Eventbrite, iCalendar, and ICS.
>[Check out WP Event Aggregator now](

><strong>Our Plugins for importing events!</strong>
* [WP Event Aggregator](
* [Import Facebook Events](
* [Import Eventbrite Events](
* [WP Bulk Delete](

== Installation ==

This plugin can be installed directly from your site.

1. Log in and navigate to Plugins & Add New.
2. Type "Import Meetup Events" into the Search input and click the "Search" button.
3. Locate the "Import Meetup Events" in the list of search results and click "Install Now".
4. Click the "Activate Plugin" link at the bottom of the install screen.

It can also be installed manually.

1. Download the "Import Meetup Events" plugin from
2. Unzip the package and move to your plugins directory.
3. Log into WordPress and navigate to the "Plugins" screen.
4. Locate "Import Meetup Events" in the list and click the "Activate" link.

== Screenshots ==

1. Meetup Import Settings
2. Meetup Import Screen for The Events Calendar
3. Meetup Import Screen for Events Manager

== Screenshots ==

1. Events page using '[meetup_events posts_per_page="12"]' shortcode
2. Single Event page (Twenty Sixteen Theme).
3. Import Meetup events (one-time import)
4. Import Meetup events (scheduled import) - [PRO](
5. Scheduled Meetup Imports (Pro).
6. Import History
7. Settings

== Changelog ==

= 1.6.3 =
* ADDED: Copy-Paste button in the settings page.
* IMPROVEMENTS: Support for WP 6.6

= 1.6.2 =
* FIXED: Recurring Events Duplicate issue
* FIXED: Schedule import bug after complete action to manually,
* IMPROVEMENTS: Enhanced Schedule import history entry.

= 1.6.1 =
* FIXED: Grammar Correction
* FIXED: Plugin Deletion Bug
* IMPROVEMENTS: Support for PHP 8.3

= 1.6.0 =
* FIXED: Javascript Exceptions.
* FIXED: Delete WP Cron multiple queue when you delete schedule delete.(PRO)
* IMPROVEMENTS: EventOn Event Metadata.
* IMPROVEMENTS: Added Support for PHP 8.2 and some design and security fixes
* IMPROVEMENTS: Support for WP 6.4

= 1.5.9 =
* FIXED: Google Map Iframe Bug

= 1.5.8 =
* ADDED: Skip Trashed Events Option
* ADDED: Google Map API key Option
* ADDED: Supported plugin Hook
* ADDED: Responsive grid view style 1 support
* ADDED: Time Format support in grid view style 2 (PRO)
* ADDED: Minimum Pro version notice
* FIXED: Event Metadata Save/Update Bug
* IMPROVEMENTS: Security and GUI changes

= 1.5.7 =
* IMPROVEMENTS: Gutenberg Block
* IMPROVEMENTS: Support for WP 6.2

= 1.5.6 =
* ADDED: Events Grid List New Layout ( PRO )
* ADDED: Upcoming Events Elementor Widget ( PRO )
* ADDED: Element for Visual Composer ( WPBackery Page Builder)
* ADDED: Admin Submenu Schedule Import, Import History, etc..
* ADDED: Schedule import Source Data Link.
* FIXED: Duplicate Event issue in TEC.
* IMPROVEMENTS: Support for PHP 8

= 1.5.5 =
* ADDED: Compatibility with The Events Calendar 6.0
* FIXED: Parsedown class conflict issue.

= 1.5.4 =
* ADDED: Compatibility with The Events Calendar 6.0

= 1.5.3 =
* ADDED: Converted the Event Description Markup to Html import.
* ADDED: Support for don't update status & category during auto-update. (Pro)
* ADDED: Event source link field in create/edit event.
* FIXED: Duplicate Event issue in My Calendar.
* IMPROVEMENTS: Support for WP 6.0

= 1.5.2 =
* ADDED: Shortcode page for help
* ADDED: Import history delete button for clear import history
* FIXED: Placeholder image url not working
* FIXED: OAuth key and secret link issue
* FIXED: Authorization object related error

= 1.5.1 =
* ADDED: Support and Docs link in plugin page
* ADDED: Additional classes support in meetup block
* FIXED: Undefined schedule group name issue

= 1.5.0 =
* ADDED: GraphQL Support
* ADDED: Considered private status in event already exists check
* IMPROVEMENTS: Support for WP 5.9

= 1.4.4 =
* ADDED: Optional Plugin deactivation Feedback
* FIXED: Google map iframe embed error.
* FIXED: Some translation string
* IMPROVEMENTS: Made load over https
* IMPROVEMENTS: Support for WP 5.6

= 1.4.3 =
* FIXED: jQuery 3.0 Error

= 1.4.2 =
* ADDED: EM timezone support.
* ADDED: Option for Direct Event link to Meetup.
* ADDED: Option for author.
* ADDED: Option for time format.
* ADDED: Option for event slug.
* ADDED: Accent Color Functionality
* IMPROVEMENT: New design for Support and help page.
* FIXED: Event get removed before it happens (for some timezones)

= 1.4.1 =
* ADDED: Support for Meetup OAuth 2.0 Authorization.
* IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements
* FIXED: some bug fixes.

= 1.4.0 =
* ADDED: Support for WP 5.0
* ADDED: Meetup Events Gutenberg block.
* ADDED: more options in shortcode full shortcode is now like. [meetup_events col="2" posts_per_page="12" category="cat1,cat2" past_events="yes" order="desc" orderby="post_title" start_date="2017-12-25" end_date="2018-12-25" ]
* ADDED: Merged Pro & Free codebase, Introduced Pro as an add-on
* IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements
* FIXED: some bug fixes.

= 1.3.0 =
* ADDED: Featured Image import support
* IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements
* FIXED: some bug fixes.

= 1.2.1 =
* IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements
* FIXED: some bug fixes.

= 1.2.0 =
* ADDED: Upcoming Facebook Events Widget (Pro)
* ADDED: Advanced sync option in Import Meetup Events. (Pro)
* ADDED: option in shortcode for eventlist “category,col”
* IMPROVEMENTS: make date multilingual
* IMPROVEMENTS: in event archive and single event details page.
* FIXED: some bug fixes in ai1ec events import.
* FIXED: jQuery UI css conflict with DIVI theme
* FIXED: some bug fixes.

= 1.1.1 =
* FIXED: some bug fixes in events manage.

= 1.1.0 =
* Added: in-built Event management system.
* Added: Import into My Calendar
* Added: Import into eventON
* Added: import into All-in-One Event Calendar
* Added: import into Event Organizer
* Added: Import history
* Added: support links.
* Improvements in scheduled imports
* Fixes: some bug fixes

= 1.0.0 =
* Initial Version.

== Upgrade Notice == 

We have Improved scheduled event import and moved it to paid version, so if you have installed older version (1.0.0) of this plugin and scheduled imports are setup then please purchase [PRO Version]( or do not upgrade plugin.