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HTTP/2, PHP-FPM, Redis cache and Samba client enabled Nextcloud docker image

What's this?

This docker image is Nextcloud image which is enabled HTTP/2, PHP-FPM, Redis cache and Samba client with small memory tweaks.

This image is used to learn how it works. If you want to get the production ready one, I recommend to use

Use it from dockerhub

docker run -d -p 8080:80 whitehara/nextcloud-docker-http2

Now you can access Nextcloud at http://localhost:8080/ from your host system.

You may need to add some options for using, please see:

How to build your customized docker image?

git clone --recurse-submodules .
cd nextcloud-docker-http2

You get "nextcloud-custom" image.


This docker image is based on three parts.

1. php

The 1st part is customized php. It is originaly from

And add these compile options.

  • for zts(Threadsafe worker)
    • --enable-zts
    • --disable-zend-signals
  • for fpm
    • --enable-fpm
    • --with-fpm-user=www-data
    • --with-fpm-group=www-data for bzip2
    • --with-bz2


The 2nd part is nextcloud. It is originaly from

There is no extra customize. Just use the 1st php image.


The last part is customized nextcloud. It is based on the 2nd image. The additional customizes are below. (See also Dockerfile)

  • Install supervisor (for cron and php-fpm)

  • Install smbclient (Samba client)

  • Enable php-fpm (ondemand)

    • You can change parameters by environments below.
      • pm.max_children: PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN (default value:5)
      • pm.process_idle_timeout: PHP_FPM_PROCESS_IDLE_TIMEOUT (default value:10s)
      • pm.max_requests: PHP_FPM_MAX_REQUESTS (default value:400)
  • Change php max upload count

    • You can change it by an environment below.
      • PHP_UPLOAD_COUNT (default value:20)
  • Tune APCu shared memory size (original=32M)

    • You can change it by an environment below.
      • PHP_APC_SHM_SIZE (default value:128M)
  • Make local cache dir .You can use the fllolwing settings in the config/config.php

      'cache_path' => '/var/www/nxc_cache',
  • Setup Redis Server

    • You can use it to write the following settings in the config/config.php
    'filelocking.enabled' => true,
    'memcache.locking' => '\\OC\Memcache\Redis',
    'memcache.distributed' => '\\OC\Memcache\Redis',
    'redis' => [
      'host'     => '/var/run/redis/redis-server.sock',
      'port'     => 0,
      'dbindex'  => 0,
  • Enable / Disable Apache2 modules.

    • Disabled mods
      • access_compat
      • reqtimeout
      • status
      • mpm_prefork
      • deflate
    • Enabled modes (This list contains some default enabled ones.)
      • mpm_event
      • proxy_fcgi
      • proxy
      • http2
      • rewrite
      • headers
      • setenvif
      • env
      • mime
      • dir
      • alias
      • remoteip
      • filter
      • brotli