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Implementation of the paper "Minipatch: Undermining DNN-based Website Fingerprinting with Adversarial Patches" which is published in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.


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Minipatch: Adversarial-based Website Fingerprinting Defense

Minipatch is a lightweight defense against DNN-based Website Fingerprinting (WF) attacks, which works by perturbing the network traffic patterns with very few dummy packets. Minipatch involves a patch injection function to preserve the traffic pattern constraints and a patch generation approach that requires only black-box feedback of the target model. The generated adversarial patches are website-oriented and can be pre-computed and applied to real-time traffic. More importantly, Minipatch provides over 97% protection success rate with less than 5% bandwidth overhead, much lower than existing defenses.

Reference Format

  author    = {Ding Li and
               Yuefei Zhu and
               Minghao Chen and
               Jue Wang},
  title     = {Minipatch: Undermining DNN-Based Website Fingerprinting With Adversarial Patches},
  journal   = {{IEEE} Transactions on Information Forensics and Security},
  volume    = {17},
  number    = {},
  pages     = {2437-2451},
  year      = {2022},
  doi       = {10.1109/TIFS.2022.3186743},



We utilize the publicly available Sirinam et al.'s dataset and several datasets provided by Rimmer et al.

Please download the following datasets:

  • Sirinam's ClosedWorld NoDef dataset (6 pkl files) from here.
  • Rimmer's Closed World and Concept drift datasets (9 npz files) from here.

After downloading, please put the data into data/Sirinam and data/Rimmer directories, respectively.


Before starting, please install the required packages in requirement.txt.

Use the argument -h to get the help message:

> python -h

usage: [-h] [-t] [-m MODEL] [-d DATA] [-nw WEBSITES]
                    [-ns SAMPLES] [-vm VERIFY_MODEL] [-vd VERIFY_DATA]
                    [--patches PATCHES] [--inbound INBOUND]
                    [--outbound OUTBOUND] [--adaptive] [--maxiter MAXITER]
                    [--maxquery MAXQUERY] [--threshold THRESHOLD] [--polish]
                    [--verbose VERBOSE]

Minipatch: Undermining DNN-based Website Fingerprinting with Adversarial Patches

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t, --train           Training DNN model for Deep Website Fingerprinting.
  -m MODEL, --model MODEL
                        Target DNN model. Supports ``AWF``, ``DF`` and
  -d DATA, --data DATA  Website trace dataset. Supports ``Sirinam`` and
  -nw WEBSITES, --websites WEBSITES
                        The number of websites to perturb. Take all websites
                        if set to -1.
  -ns SAMPLES, --samples SAMPLES
                        The number of trace samples to perturb. Take all
                        samples if set to -1.
  -vm VERIFY_MODEL, --verify_model VERIFY_MODEL
                        Validation Model. Default is the same as the target
  -vd VERIFY_DATA, --verify_data VERIFY_DATA
                        Validation data. Default is the validation data.
                        Supports ``3d/10d/2w/4w/6w`` with ``Rimmer200``.
  --patches PATCHES     The number of perturbation patches.
  --inbound INBOUND     The maximum packet number in incoming patches. Perturb
                        outgoing packets only if set to 0.
  --outbound OUTBOUND   The maximum packet number in outgoing patches. Perturb
                        incoming packets only if set to 0.
  --adaptive            Adaptive tuning of patches and bounds for each
  --maxiter MAXITER     The maximum number of iteration.
  --maxquery MAXQUERY   The maximum number of queries accessing the model.
  --threshold THRESHOLD
                        The threshold to determine perturbation success.
  --polish              Perform local search at each iteration.
  --verbose VERBOSE     Print out information. 0 = progress bar, 1 = one line
                        per item, 2 = show perturb details.

STEP 1: Training Target DNN Models

We challenge the protection performance of Minipatch against three state-of-the-art DNN-based WF attacks: AWF, DF, and Var-CNN. We adopt an early stopping strategy and a sufficient maximum number of training epochs to adequately train the model. The training process terminates only when the validation loss does not decrease for a specific number of epochs, and the final model is derived from the epoch with the lowest loss.

Use the argument -t to train a model. For example, to train the DF attack on the Sirinam dataset, use the following command:

> python -t -m DF -d Sirinam

STEP 2: Generating Minipatch Perturbations

Use commands without argument -t to generate Minipatch perturbations.

For example, to generate perturbations comprising a maximum of 8 patches of length up to 64, use the following command:

> python -m DF -d Sirinam --patches 8 --inbound 64 --outbound 64 --adaptive --maxiter 30 --maxquery 10000

Set the argument --inbound to 0 to generate one-way client-side perturbations:

> python -m DF -d Sirinam --patches 8 --inbound 0 --outbound 64 --adaptive --maxiter 30 --maxquery 10000

Use the argument -vd to evaluate the effect of concept drift:

> python -m DF -d Sirinam -vd 10d --patches 8 --inbound 64 --outbound 64 --adaptive --maxiter 30 --maxquery 10000

Use the argument -vm to evaluate the perturbation transferability:

> python -m DF -d Sirinam -vm VarCNN --patches 8 --inbound 64 --outbound 64 --adaptive --maxiter 30 --maxquery 10000


Feel free to contact us with any questions or feedback about our research.


Implementation of the paper "Minipatch: Undermining DNN-based Website Fingerprinting with Adversarial Patches" which is published in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.







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