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Dimitar Zabaznoski edited this page Jun 16, 2021 · 4 revisions

Flutter Template Project Documentation


Project setup

  • 1st run
    • Setting Flutter and Dart versions
    • Resolving todos
    • Upgrading dependencies
    • Deleting template code and removing references
  • 3rd party libraries
  • App flavors
  • Pre-app config
  • Post-app config

Higher-level services

  • Service locator: Global and User scope
  • User Management
  • Firebase setup: analytics, crashlytics, and push notifications

Data and Networking

  • Data: Repository, Storage, JSON serialization
  • Networking w/ Chopper
  • Models: immutable and json serializable, integration w/ chopper

Flutter framework-specific

  • State Management: Bloc, Provider, lifting state up
  • Platform communication
  • app.dart
  • Resources: theme, styles, colors
  • Localization
  • Routing Nav 2.0


  • Logging
  • Equals checks: Equatable
  • Transactions: Synchronized
  • Util methods
  • Common widgets

Demo features

  • Features: Authentication, Home page


  • Android-specific config: gradle project setup, Flutter engine caching, Adding e new screen
  • iOS-specific config


  • Unit tests