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To install this library, run:

 npm install gantt-ui-component --save

Peer Dependancies

requires dhtmlx-gantt

npm install dhtmlx-gantt --save

and then from your Angular AppModule:

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

// Import library
import { GanttModule } from 'gantt-ui-component';

  declarations: [
  imports: [

    // Specify as an import
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Once your gantt-ui-component is imported, you can add the chart to your page as follows:

   <gantt [tasks]="tasks" 
import {GanttComponent, GanttConfiguration, GanttTaskItem, GanttTaskLink,GanttEvents } from 'gantt-ui-component';

export myComponent {
    tasks = [
        {id: 1, title: "Task #1", start_date: "2017-06-15 00:00", end_date: "2017-07-03", progress: 0.6},
  links = [

  gantt_configuration: GanttConfiguration = {
        chartTitle: "My Great Chart",
        heading_label: "Tasks",
        details_on_dblclick: true,

Ouput Events

  • TaskAction- Ouputs an event Object for events related to GanttTaskItems
  • TaskSelected- Outputs an event Object when a task is double clicked
      action: GanttEvents<Enum>,//See definition below
      task, //New or updated Task data
      id, //on taskSelected | deleteTask only
      event //only on taskSelected
  • CreateNewTask- Outpus an event Object when a new task is added
    action: GanttEvents<Enum>.createNewTask, 
  • LinkAction- Outputs an event related to GanttTaskLink
  • LinkSelected- Outputs an event Object when a link is double clicked
    action: GanttEvents<Enum>, //See definition below
    link, //New or updated Link data
    id, //on LinkSelected | deleteLink only
    event //only on linkSelected
GanttEvents {
    createNewTask, // when the "plus" is clicked to add a new task
    newTask, // new task has been created 
    updateTask, // a task has been updated
    deleteTask, // a task has been deleted
    taskSelected, // a task has been selected via double click
    newLink, // a new task link has been created
    updateLink, // a link has been update 
    deleteLink, // a link has been deleted
    linkSelected // a link has been selected via double click

Complete configuration Options

  • grid_width:number - Width of the grid layout
  • xml_date: string - Date format for the chart
  • show_chart: boolean - show/hide the scale chart (right side layout)
  • show_grid: boolean - how/hide the grid chart (left side layout)
  • scale_unit: string Time unit scale (day|week|month|year)
  • step:Object - scale_unit intervals for various time scales. Default for each scale is 1
    { hour?:number, day?: number, week?: number, month?:number, year?:number}
  • date_scale: string - Scale (right side) date format exp: "%M %d (see Date definitions below)
  • date_grid: string - Grid (left side) date format exp: "%m/%d/%Y"
  • order_branch: boolean- Allow dragable items within its own parent
  • order_branch_free: boolean- All dragable items at and into any level
  • sort: boolean- Allow sortable columns for the Grid layout (left side)
  • chartTitle: string- Set the Title for chart [REQUIRED]
  • open_tree_initially: boolean- Have the Tasks with children open initially
  • readonly: boolean- Enable/Disable the ability to modify the chart Note: Does not apply if using outside methods to modify the chart
  • row_height: number- Adjust the hight of each row
  • static_background:boolean- Change the background
  • lightbox_additional_height: number- modify the hieght of the lightbox
  • controls:Object- Add the desired Time scale controls
    { hour?:boolean, day?:boolean, week?:boolean, month?:boolean, year?:boolean }
  • popUpFields:Object- Fields to add to the popup lightbox for adding/updating task
    If adding custom fields you must provide those fields definitions in custom_lightbox_fields property {title?:boolean,description?:boolean,units?:boolean,timetable?:boolean}
  • custom_lightbox_fields:Array<Object>- Array of custom fields for the lightbox of adding/updating tasks The name value is the the value to add the popUpFields with a value of true to add to the lightbox
  • details_on_dblclick:boolean,- Enable/disable the use of the default lightbox feature to update/view tasks details on double click Defaults to true
  • allow_delete:boolean- Allow the ability to delete tasks
  • allow_click_for_details:boolean- Enable the use of the default lightbox feature to update tasks on single click defaults to true
  • fit_tasks?:boolean- Enable re render when adding new tasks that don't fit in current time scale view
  • heading_label: string- Heading for the first column of the grid area. Default is "Tasks"
  • time_scale_label?:boolean- Show the Label for the current displayed timescale
  • enable_custom_new_task:boolean- Option to disable the default lightbox for adding a task and use a custom method. When this option is enabled the CreateNewTask event is enabled and can be used like:
<gantt (CreateNewTask)="myCustomHandler($event)"> </gantt>
  • lightbox_buttons?: Array<string>- Array of Buttons to add to the right side of lightbox
    BuiltIn: [
    complete_button: marks an item completed updates progress to 1,
    dhx_delete_btn: deletes an item from the task list
  • lightbox_custom_buttons: Array<Object>- Custom button definitions. each button must have a name in pascal case and a callback function. Adding a custom button automatically adds it to the lightbox
      callback: (button_id:string, el?:any, event?:any)=>void
  • independant_progress_update:boolean-Enable the ability for parent Tasks to update their own incrimental progress. By default this is disabled.
  • grid_columns:Array<string>- Columns to add to the grid layout area Default choices are ["title", "start_date", "end_date", "progress", "add_button"]
  • custom_grid_columns:Array<Object>- Arrray of Custom Columns to add to the Grid layout area
    id:string, #Unique identifer
      name:string, #name of your field (no spaces all lowercase)
      label: string, #visible name of the coloumn
      align?:string,  #text align of hte column
      width:number,  #width in pixels of the column
      template:(task:any)=>string #method of returning the value of each
  • drag_move:boolean- enable/disable the ability to drag a task to change the timeline by default it is enabled :true
  • drag_progress:boolean- enable/disable the bility to drag a task progress meter by default it is enabled :true
  • drag_resize:boolean- enable/disable the ability to resize a task bar changing the start or end dates by default it is enabled :true
  • rightside_text:Function- Text for the right side of the task items in the timeline area
  (start:Date, end:Date, task:Object)=>string
  • leftside_text:Function - Text for the left side of the task items in the timeline area
  (start:Date, end:Date, task:Object)=>string
  • progress_text:Function- Text for the the completed part of the task bar
  (start:Date, end:Date, task:Object)=>string
  • auto_schedule_enable:boolean- Enable the ability for the Gantt Component to automatically reschedule all children tasks based on the timeline changes from a parent task. Disabled by default

Date and Time definitions

%y - the year as a two-digit number ( 00 to 99 );
%Y - the year as a four-digit number ( 1900-9999 );

%m - the month as a number with a leading zero ( 01 to 12 );
%n - the month as a number without a leading zero ( 1 to 12 );
%M - the month as an abbreviation ( Jan to Dec );
%F - the month as a full name ( January to December );

%W - the ISO-8601 week number of the year. Weeks start on Monday;

%d - the day as a number with a leading zero ( 01 to 31 );
%j - the day as a number without a leading zero ( 1 to 31 );
%D - the day as an abbreviation ( Sun to Sat );
%l - the day as a full name ( Sunday to Saturday );

%h - the hour based on the 12-hour clock ( 00 to 11 );
%H - the hour based on the 24-hour clock ( 00 to 23 );
%g - the hour based on the 12-hour clock without a leading zero ( 1 to 12 );
%G - the hour based on the 24-hour clock without a leading zero ( 0 to 23 );

%i - the minute as a number with a leading zero ( 00 to 59 );
%s - the second as a number with a leading zero ( 00 to 59 );
%a - displays am (for times from midnight until noon) and pm (for times from noon until midnight);
%A - displays AM (for times from midnight until noon) and PM (for times from noon until midnight).


0.2.1 - Aug 2017

  • Added a new entry to the GanttEvents enum "createNewTask" to replace the string "create new task" for the action of the (createNewTask) Output event
  • exposed leftside_text, rightside_text, and progress_text on the gantt configuration
  • exposed configuration to disable/enable the ability to modify tasks via the timeline interface
  • Added a method to autoschedule child tasks based on timeline changes to the parent
  • Added a configurtion flag to enable the use of autoschedule


MIT © Deryk w. King


an angular 4 (2+) gantt chart component






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