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Tags: unkushiro/CodeMirror



Toggle 5.41.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Version 5.41.0

### Bug fixes

Fix firing of [`"gutterContextMenu"`]( event on Firefox.

Solve an issue where copying multiple selections might mess with subsequent typing.

Don't crash when [`endOperation`]( is called with no operation active.

[vim bindings]( Fix insert mode repeat after visualBlock edits.

[scheme mode]( Improve highlighting of quoted expressions.

[soy mode]( Support injected data and `@param` in comments.

[objective c mode]( Improve conformance to the actual language.

### New features

A new [`selectionsMayTouch`]( option controls whether multiple selections are joined when they touch (the default) or not.

[vim bindings]( Add `noremap` binding command.


Toggle 5.40.2's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Version 5.40.2

### Bug fixes

Fix firing of `gutterContextMenu` event on Firefox.

Add `hintWords` (basic completion) helper to [clojure](, [mllike](, [julia](, [shell](, and [r]( modes.

[clojure mode]( Clean up and improve.


Toggle 5.40.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Version 5.40.0

### Bug fixes

[closebrackets addon]( Fix issue where bracket-closing wouldn't work before punctuation.

[panel addon]( Fix problem where replacing the last remaining panel dropped the newly added panel.

[hardwrap addon]( Fix an infinite loop when the indention is greater than the target column.

[jinja2]( and [markdown]( modes: Add comment metadata.

### New features

New method [`phrase`]( and option [`phrases`]( to make translating UI text in addons easier.


Toggle 5.39.2's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Version 5.39.2

### Bug fixes

Fix issue where when you pass the document as a `Doc` instance to the `CodeMirror` constructor, the `mode` option was ignored.

Fix bug where line height could be computed wrong with a line widget below a collapsed line.

Fix overeager `.npmignore` dropping the `bin/source-highlight` utility from the distribution.

[show-hint addon]( Fix behavior when backspacing to the start of the line with completions open.


Toggle 5.39.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Version 3.39.0

### Bug fixes

Fix issue that in some circumstances caused content to be clipped off at the bottom after a resize.

[markdown mode]( Improve handling of blank lines in HTML tags.

### New features

[stex mode]( Add an `inMathMode` option to start the mode in math mode.


Toggle 5.38.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Version 5.38.0

### Bug fixes

Improve reliability of noticing a missing mouseup event during dragging.

Make sure `getSelection` is always called on the correct document.

Fix interpretation of line breaks and non-breaking spaces inserted by renderer in contentEditable mode.

Work around some browsers inexplicably making the fake scrollbars focusable.

Make sure `coordsChar` doesn't return positions inside collapsed ranges.

[javascript mode]( Support block scopes, bindingless catch, bignum suffix, `s` regexp flag.

[markdown mode]( Adjust a wasteful regexp.

[show-hint addon]( Allow opening the control without any item selected.

### New features

New theme: [darcula](

[dialog addon]( Add a CSS class (`dialog-opened`) to the editor when a dialog is open.


Toggle 5.37.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Version 5.37.0

### Bug fixes

Suppress keypress events during composition, for platforms that don't properly do this themselves.

[xml-fold addon]( Improve handling of line-wrapped opening tags.

[javascript mode]( Improve TypeScript support.

[python mode]( Highlight expressions inside format strings.

### New features

[vim bindings]( Add support for '(' and ')' movement.

New themes: [idea](, [ssms](, [gruvbox-dark](


Toggle 5.36.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Version 5.36.0

### Bug fixes

Make sure all document-level event handlers are registered on the document that the editor is part of.

Fix issue that prevented edits whose origin starts with `+` from being combined in history events for an editor-less document.

[multiplex addon]( Improve handling of indentation.

[merge addon]( Use CSS `:after` element to style the scroll-lock icon.

[javascript-hint addon]( Don't provide completions in JSON mode.

[continuelist addon]( Fix numbering error.

[show-hint addon]( Make `fromList` completion strategy act on the current token up to the cursor, rather than the entire token.

[markdown mode]( Fix a regexp with potentially exponental complexity.

### New features

New theme: [lucario](


Toggle 5.35.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Version 5.35.0

### Bug fixes

Fix problem where selection undo might change read-only documents.

Fix crash when calling `addLineWidget` on a document that has no attached editor.

[searchcursor addon]( Fix behavior of `^` in multiline regexp mode.

[match-highlighter addon]( Fix problem with matching words that have regexp special syntax in them.

[sublime bindings]( Fix `addCursorToSelection` for short lines.

[javascript mode]( Support TypeScript intersection types, dynamic `import`.

[stex mode]( Fix parsing of `\(` `\)` delimiters, recognize more atom arguments.

[haskell mode]( Highlight more builtins, support `<*` and `*>`.

[sql mode]( Make it possible to disable backslash escapes in strings for dialects that don't have them, do this for MS SQL.

[dockerfile mode]( Highlight strings and ports, recognize more instructions.

### New features

[vim bindings]( Support alternative delimiters in replace command.


Toggle 5.34.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Version 5.34.0

### Bug fixes

[markdown mode]( Fix a problem where inline styles would persist across list items.

[sublime bindings]( Fix the `toggleBookmark` command.

[closebrackets addon]( Improve behavior when closing triple quotes.

[xml-fold addon]( Fix folding of line-broken XML tags.

[shell mode]( Better handling of nested quoting.

[javascript-lint addon]( Clean up and simplify.

[matchbrackets addon]( Fix support for multiple editors at the same time.

### New features

New themes: [oceanic-next]( and [shadowfox](