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Processing Azure Percept DK inferencing data

In the default set-up of the Azure DK, the camera module inferencing output is directly sent to IoT Hub, as shown in the following image. Lab diagram

The responsible of this behaviour are the routes on the IoT Edge device defined in the IoT Hub instance serving this DK.

In this lab, we are going to add an IoT Edge module that process this data in the device itself, before sending it over to the cloud, as shown here: Lab diagram

We are going to use Azure CLI and code a simple module in Python. Certainly other choices are possible, but this are my preferences :) You also need a docker runtime in your PC. I recommend WSL if you are a Windows user

Add the configuration of your environment

In your favorite editor of choice, edit the following variables shown empty in

Lab diagram

Just to clarify:

  • registry_name = The name of your ACR (Azure Container Registry) instance
  • device_name = The name of the AzPercept DK in your IoT Hub

Build the container and push it to ACR for the first time

The script is considering the initial states, when certain items required are missing. The first thing we need is having this module in an ACR instance, so IoT Hub can connect to. We run the script:


Lab diagram

The script produces an error after the container has been pushed, but this is expected in the first iteration. Now the image is uploaded to our ACR instance: Lab diagram

Deploy the container to Azure Percept for the first time

Once the module is running and the routes are properly defined, the module can be updated automatically with the provided script. Lab diagram

Add ACR credentials to IoT Edge Configuration

As shown in the previous image, highlighted in red, you need to provide ACR credentials. For this, go to your ACR instance, under Settings > Access Keys, Enable Admin user and copy the fields Login server, username and password to the fields highlighted in red. If you do not do this, you might configure the module, it will deploy, but your edge device will fail to download and the module will be shown as a crashed container on your AzPercept DK IoT Edge runtime.

Deploy the module you pushed to ACR on your AzPercept DK

Select the option Add > IoT Edge Module highlighed in green in the previous image. The following blade will open and the module name and image URL in ACR must be input. Lab diagram

In order to let the automation script work, please use the name dataparser. The image URL was shown when the container was pushed to ACR for the first time, highlighted in red

Update IoT Edge routes

Now we need to update module routes, so the inference output goes to our module. For this, go to Routes option in the blade where you input ACR credentials.

Lab diagram

We defined the following routes.

Name Value
AzureEyeModuleToParser FROM /messages/modules/azureeyemodule/outputs/* INTO BrokeredEndpoint("/modules/dataparser/inputs/input2")
ParserToIoTHub FROM /messages/modules/dataparser/outputs/* INTO $upstream
AzureSpeechToIoTHub FROM /messages/modules/azureearspeechclientmodule/outputs/* INTO $upstream

Grab the deployment manifest

Once the routes have been defined, there is a deployment manifest ready to use. Lab diagram

Create a file named percept.reference.deployment.json and copy the content of this JSON in the previous image to this file:

touch percept.reference.deployment.json

Click on Create in order to send the deployment to the DK.

Verify it is working

The easiest method to see everything working is looking at the telemetry sent to IoT Hub. With the changes provided, the telemetry should now come from our custom module. Use the command az iot hub monitor-events pointing to your IoT Hub and Azure Percept DK device name, as shown below. Lab diagram

As you can see highlighted in yellow, now the telemetry comes from a module called dataparser and the payload is a simpler JSON format.

Continuous deployment

With the deployment manifest properly stored, now we can easily make changes to the script and push it to the device with a single script. This is very useful for fine tunning the data manipulation process.

In this example, we are going to change the message output to something basic hardcoded, that I hope it will indicate how easy it is to modify the script behaviour. Lab diagram In the previous image, shown in yellow, I commented out the desired line and put a copy with a fixed message. Then, as shown in orange, I launch the script, pushing a new version of the container image to ACR and deploying the manifest with the updated version to the AzPercept DK. Lab diagram

A few seconds later, in the AzPercept DK we can see the updated version of the container image. Then, we see in IoT Hub the modified messages arriving. Lab diagram


Although this lab does not pretent to be a formal CI/CD environment, it provides a basic foundation for automated deployments in AzPercept DKs or any other IoT Edge powered device. For this, the only items of this repo to modify are:

File Required change Update your ACR, IoT Hub and IoT Edge device data
percept.reference.deployment.json Create an initial manual deployment of the container image and set the IoT edge routes on IoT hub and copy the resulting manifest
module/dataparser/ Modify the data processing application as you like/need


Processing DK data on device






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  • Shell 58.6%
  • Python 41.4%