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monoids Continuous Integration Maven Central

Monoids is a library of a set of generic Monoid and Semigroup types that are very useful for abstract programming.

This library exposes some generic Monoids:

  • All - Boolean newtype that combines values using &&
  • Any - Boolean newtype that combines values using ||
  • Dual - Inverts the Combine operation of a monoid
  • First - Option newtype that combine takes the first element that is present
  • Last - Option newtype that combine takes the last element that is present
  • Product - Numeric newtype that combines values using Multiplication
  • Sum - Numeric newtype that combines values using Addition

Also some generic Semigroups:

  • Dual inverts the combine operation.
  • Max exposes a Max that given an Order will return the maximum value.
  • Min exposes a Min that given an Order will return the minimum value.

Quick Start

To use this project in an existing SBT project with Scala 2.12 or a later version, add the following dependencies to your build.sbt depending on your needs:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "org.typelevel" %%% "monoids" % "<version>"