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TURFPTAx edited this page Apr 14, 2023 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the ugit wiki!

ugit is an OTA micropython module for keeping ESPs, or other wifi enable Micropython boards, in sync with a github repository. It was designed to be used with the open muscle forearm band to supply updates for the wearable device. Please visit to learn more.

Getting Started

import ugit

ugit.backup() # good idea to backup your files!



Simply put: copy onto the micropython board.

  1. Copy onto your micropython board
  2. modify ugit_config with the user,repository,ssid, and password
  3. run the ugit.pull_all()
Logo ## Usage

You can use ugit without any other code in boot. It will connect to wifi and download filetree from github and copy the raw data to your board.


import ugit


If you want to use your own method of connecting to wifi you can add the isconnected=true parameter to ugit.pull_all()
import ugit

wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)


You can also use the built in function wificonnect()

import ugit

wlan = ugit.wificonnect('SSID','PASSWORD')

# backup internal files
ugit.backup() # saves to ugit.backup file

# Pull single file

# Pull all files
Logo ### TESTING:

We plan to include a roll-back feature in the future where you can roll back to a previous state.

import ugit

ugit.build_internal_tree() #grabs internal file structure
ugit.pull(local_file_path,raw_file_url) #pulls single raw files
ugit.pull_git_tree() #pulls the github file tree from the repository
ugit.parse_git_tree() #parses the github tree file to stdout
ugit.is_directory() #checks if file path is a directory (folder).
ugit.wificonnect(ssid=ssid,password=password) #connects to wifi

Things to note for developers:

Github requires a urequests header otherwise it will give you a 403 error.

Github uses main instead of master for URL api conncetion to repository tree. See source code in for more informaiton.

NOTE if you are pulling from a non-python repository you made need to change call_trees_url to /master? instead of /main?

giturl = '{user}/{repository}'

call_trees_url = f'{user}/{repository}/git/trees/main?recursive=1'

raw = f'{user}/{repository}/master/'

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Logo Logo


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).

As we test and update the code to work in a variety of scenarious we wish to have the following features implemented as soon as possible.

  • Rollback function
  • SHA1 internal hash storage - Currently ugit pulls all files
  • update function - updates the code from this repository (currently in dev branch)
  • Simplified Logging