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SmugMug backup


Makes a full backup of a SmugMug account (images and videos are supported).

The program loops over the images and videos of the user's albums and saves them in the destination folder, replicating the SmugMug paths.

You can run the app multiple times, all exising files will be skipped if their sizes match.

Note on multiple runs

The app skips existing files but doesn't check their sizes. So if you interrupt a running execution of the program while it's saving a file, it will exist but will also probably be corrupted.

I'd like to manage this situation, but in the meanwhile when you interrupt an execution, take notes of the last files shown in the console and check if they're valid, deleting them otherwise.


Releases for multiple systems can be found in the project releases page


SmugMug requires OAuth1 authentication. OAuth1 requires 4 values: API key and secret you can get from SmugMug registering the app (they're generic for the app) and user token and secret each user must obtain (they authorize the app to access the user's data).

Obtain API keys

Apply for an API key:

You'll get an API key and secret, save them as environment variables:

export API_KEY="<key>"
export API_SECRET="<secret>"

Obtain Tokens

The get_tokens folder contains a script from SmugMug to obtain OAuth1 tokens. You need to create a config.json file with your API key/secret using example.json as example. Then, using a python3 environment, run The script will show you a link you must open with your browser. SmugMug will give you a 6-digit code you must then paste to the console prompt. That's the last step, the console will show the user token and secret. Export them:

export USER_TOKEN="<token>"
export USER_SECRET="<secret>"

Build and install

To build and install the program:

git clone
make build

More make commands are available, run make help to get help


With all the four environment variables set, you can run the program with:

./smugmug-backup -user <username> -destination <path of downloads> -ignorefetcherrors

Command line options

-user <username>

The username can be found in the first part of the url in your SmugMug's homepage.
In my case the url is and the username is tommyblue.

-destination <path>

Local path to save SmugMug pictures and videos. If not empty, only new or changed files will be downloaded.


Ignore Smugmug API fetch errors and go on with the sync. If not provided, exits at the first error.

Debug for errors

To increase the logging, export a DEBUG=1 environment variable:

DEBUG=1 ./smugmug-backup -user <username> -destination <path of downloads>


OAuth1 signature has been heavily inspired by

The code in the get_tokens folder is a copy of

Bugs and contributing

If you find a bug or want to suggest something, please open an issue.

If you want to contribute to this project, fork the repo and open a pull-request. Contributing is more than welcome 😄