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Tablesaw parquet I/O

Apache 2.0 Build Status Coverage Maintainability Rating Reliability Rating


tablesaw-parquet is an Apache Parquet reader and writer for the Tablesaw project implemented using parquet-mr.


tablesaw and tablesaw-parquet have different release schedules and versioning schemes. New tablesaw-parquet features will be available for the most recent and for the previous released version of tablesaw . Older tablesaw releases will not get updates.

The first supported tablesaw version is v0.38.2 .

tablesaw-parquet follows the semantic versioning scheme.

Getting started

Adding the tablesaw-parquet package to your project

Add tablesaw-core and tablesaw-parquet to your project as follows:





ext {
    tablesawVersion = "0.42.0"
    tablesawParquetVersion = "0.10.0"

dependencies {

Reading and writing local parquet files

Read and write your parquet files using the following patterns:

// using the file name
Table table = new TablesawParquetReader().read(TablesawParquetReadOptions.builder(FILENAME).build());
new TablesawParquetWriter().write(table, TablesawParquetWriteOptions.builder(FILENAME).build());
// using a File object
Table table = new TablesawParquetReader().read(TablesawParquetReadOptions.builder(FILE).build());
new TablesawParquetWriter().write(table, TablesawParquetWriteOptions.builder(FILE).build());

Using a tablesaw Source object is also supported for reading parquet files using default options:

Table table = new TablesawParquetReader().read(new Source(FILE));

Alternatively, you can manually register the parquet reader and writer to use tablesaw classic patterns:


Table table =;
table = File(FILENAME));
table =;


The file extension must be ".parquet" when using

Note that all write methods not mentioned above are not supported and will throw a RuntimeException.

As parquet is a binary format, reading from character-based input is not supported.

Reading remote parquet files

Reading remote parquet files is supported starting from v0.10.0. See working with remote files for tested examples and implementation details.

Reading from hadoop-supported file systems:

Parquet files on hadoop-supported file systems can be read using:

Table table = new TablesawParquetReader().read(TablesawParquetReadOptions.builder(URI).build());
Reading from http(s)/ftp(s):

Parquet files from http or ftp servers can be read using:

Table table = new TablesawParquetReader().read(TablesawParquetReadOptions.builder(URL).build());

You can also register the parquet reader and use the tablesaw read method. For this to work, the URL must end with ".parquet" as there is currently no parquet MIME type:

Reading from user-provided InputStream:

Reading from a user-provided InpustStream is provided as a courtesy and only possible by using:

Table table = new TablesawParquetReader().read(new Source(INPUTSTREAM));

Why are you mentioning hadoop ? Do I need to install hadoop ?

The short answer is: no, you don't need to install hadoop to use this library.

The slightly longer answer: we are using a parquet reader from parquet-mr that requires we provide a couple of additional hadoop Java libraries. See hadoop dependency for more details, if you want to exclude some hadoop transitive dependencies, or if you are using this library on Windows.

Note on logging

tablesaw-parquet uses the same logging framework than tablesaw (slf4j). It only logs performance indicators at DEBUG level, and a few WARNings when using options inherited from tablesaw that have no effect with this library. It never logs any data nor authentication information.

The internal parquet reader we are using (org.apache.parquet.hadoop.InternalParquetRecordReader) logs the data it reads at DEBUG level. It should be configured at least at INFO level to avoid data leaking in the logs. Its performance indicators are logged at INFO level.

No slf4j binding is provided by tablesaw-parquet nor by tablesaw .

Data type conversion

Default conversion when reading a parquet file (parquet to tablesaw)

Non-annotated parquet data types are converted to tablesaw column types as follows:

Parquet type Tablesaw column type Notes
BOOLEAN BooleanColumn
INT32 IntColumn
INT64 LongColumn
INT96 StringColumn (default) or InstantColumn Managed by the convertInt96ToTimestamp option
FLOAT DoubleColumn (default) or FloatColumn Managed by the minimizeColumnSizes option
DOUBLE DoubleColumn
BYTE_ARRAY StringColumn Managed by the withUnnanotatedBinaryAs option

Annotated parquet logical types are converted to tablesaw column types as follows:

Parquet logical type Tablesaw column type Notes
STRING StringColumn
ENUM StringColumn
UUID StringColumn Not formatted as a UUID. Not tested
Signed Integers ShortColumn or IntColumn or LongColumn ShortColumn only with the minimizeColumnSizes option
Unsigned Integers ShortColumn or IntColumn or LongColumn ShortColumn only with the minimizeColumnSizes option
DECIMAL DoubleColumn
DATE DateColumn
TIME TimeColumn
TIMESTAMP DateTimeColumn or InstantColumn Timestamps normalized to UTC are converted to Instant, others as LocalDateTime
INTERVAL StringColumn ISO String representation of the interval. Not tested
JSON TextColumn Not tested
BSON Not read Not tested
Nested Types TextColumn Textual representation of the nested type, see withManageGroupsAs option

Parquet also supports repeated fields (multiple values for the same field); we handle these as the Nested Types: by default a string representation of the repeated fields is stored in a TextColumn. The same withManageGroupsAs option is used to change this behavior.

Due to the lack of parquet files for testing, some logical type conversion are currently not tested (INTERVAL, UUID, JSON, BSON).

Keep in mind that all tablesaw columns storing time (TimeColumn, DateTimeColumn and InstantColumn) use MILLIS precision, if read from a parquet file with better time precision (MICROS or NANOS) the values will be truncated (in the current tablesaw implementation).

Using columnTypes and columnTypesPartial options to control conversion

Starting from v0.9.0, tablesaw-parquet allows a better control of data conversion and column filtering when reading a parquet file: using one of TablesawParquetReadOptions several columnTypes and columnTypesPartial methods, users can assign compatible tablesaw column types to all or some of the parquet file columns.

Only a limited set of possible conversions is implemented:

  • Widening primitive conversions for integers (e.g. INT32 column can be read as a LongColumn)
  • Widening primitive conversions for floats (e.g. FLOAT32 column can be read as a DoubleColumn)
  • Switching between TextColumn and StringColumn for any textual columns
  • Switching between InstantColumn and DateTimeColumn for timestamps - in this case the UTC annotation is ignored

Other conversions (e.g. converting numbers or dates to StringColumn) are not implemented but can be done using one of the several tablesaw features for such operations.

Note that the ColumnType.SKIP column type can be used with these options to filter out any column from the parquet file.

Conversion done when writing a parquet file (tablesaw to parquet)

Tablesaw column type Parquet type (logical type) Notes
BooleanColumn BOOLEAN
ShortColumn INT32 (Integer: 16 bits, signed)
IntColumn INT32
LongColumn INT64
FloatColumn FLOAT
DoubleColumn DOUBLE
StringColumn BINARY (STRING)
TimeColumn INT32 (TIME: MILLIS, not UTC) Changed in v0.11.0, was INT64 (TIME: NANOS, not UTC) before
DateColumn INT32 (DATE)
DateTimeColumn INT64 (TIMESTAMP: MILLIS, not UTC)

Note that a tablesaw Table written to parquet and read back with default conversion will have the following changes:

  • TextColumns will be read back as StringColumns.
  • If the minimizeColumnSizes option is not set (which is the default), Floats will be changed to Doubles and Shorts to Integers.


Column filtering

Starting from v0.8.0, column filtering is possible using the TablesawParquetReadOptions.withOnlyTheseColumns method.

The resulting Table will only contain the requested columns, in the order they were specified.

Starting from v0.9.0, column filtering is also possible using ColumnType.SKIP as a column type with one of TablesawParquetReadOptions several columnTypes and columnTypesPartial methods.

Filtering is done by schema projection in the underlying reader: columns that are not required are not even read from the file. This is highly efficient when reading only a few columns, even from very large parquet files.

Column encoding

Physical reading and writing of parquet files is done by parquet-mr. The encoding and decoding is managed by this library.

Compression codecs

Currently supported and tested compression codecs: UNCOMPRESSED (None), SNAPPY, GZIP, and ZSTD.

Other compression codecs might work when reading parquet files depending on your setup but there is no guarantee.

Predicate pushdown

Predicate pushdown is not supported when reading parquet files.

Parquet files written with tablesaw-parquet contain the statistics needed for predicate pushdown when reading files with other parquet readers.


Parquet Modular Encryption is not supported.

Compatibility testing

Testing the compatibility with other sources of parquet files is paramount. We currently use two sets of test files for that:

Testing is performed on linux, macOS, and Windows - with Java 8, 11, and 16.

How To Contribute

Users are welcome to contribute to this project.

Bugs or problems with the library should be reported on github. If you report an issue you have when reading a parquet file, please attach a sample test file, so we can reproduce and correct the issue. Feature requests are also welcome, but there is no guarantee we will be able to implement them quickly...

Users are also welcome to contribute (small) test parquet files from different sources or with different column types than the ones currently tested. In this case please provide a quick description of the file content and origin. If you are able to provide a pull request with the tests implemented all the better.

Users are encouraged to report successful (or unsuccessful...) use of the library with remote file systems to complement the current use cases documented.

We also accept pull requests with code or documentation improvements. We prefer pull requests linked to an existing issue, create one if needed. Code quality is important, code efficiency is even more important, and testing is mandatory.

Code of conduct

We do not yet have an official code of conduct. In the meantime, be nice to the developers and to each others.