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@chewiebug chewiebug tagged this 14 Jul 12:39
  * support new output format (`-XX:+PrintGCDetails`) in jdk 1.7u2+
  * support `-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution` (output ignored)
  * support `-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime` (output ignored)
  * support `-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime` (output ignored)
* updates to the CMS parser
  * support `-XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark`
  * support `-XX:+PrintPromotionFailure` (output ignored)
  * support AdaptiveSizePolicy-CMS (`-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC`
* improved performance in chart for large gc logs
* support B as memory unit
* bug in unittests fixed when they were run in a different timezone than
* Support for OSX application bundles (supplied by [Johan
* support `-XX:-PrintGCTimeStamps` (no timestamps) when
`-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps` (but datestamps) 
  is used (except for G1)
* bug fix: timestamp ruler shows nicer values for long durations (not
3h59m59s but 4h)
* bug fix: prevent polygon optimisation from producing artifacts in the
end of the chart
* support for new timestamp format in IBM JDK 6 (supplied by
* version also shown on DesktopPane
Assets 2