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Disclaimer: This is a work in progress. Do not use this library in production, breaking change will happens before arriving to the first stable version.

Create zustand's store with Y.Array or Y.Doc types. We include typescript definitions.

Getting started

Install yjs, zustand and zustand-yjs.

yarn add zustand-yjs yjs zustand

Zustand-yjs manage a store of Y.Doc, allowing you to connect and disconnect easily.

import * as Y from 'yjs'
import { useYDoc } from 'zustand-yjs'

const connectDoc = (doc: Y.Doc) => {
  console.log('connect to a provider with room', doc.guid)
  return () => console.log('disconnect', doc.guid)

const App = () => {
  const yDoc = useYDoc('myDocGuid', connectDoc)
  return <div></div>

From this, you can use the docs with Y.Array, Y.Map. Other Y-types are coming.

import * as Y from 'yjs'
import { useYDoc } from 'zustand-yjs'

const connectDoc = (doc: Y.Doc) => {
  console.log('connect to a provider with room', doc.guid)
  return () => console.log('disconnect', doc.guid)

const App = () => {
  const yDoc = useYDoc('myDocGuid', connectDoc)
  const { data, push } = useYArray<string>(yDoc.getArray('usernames'))
  return (
      <button onClick={() => push([`username #${data.length}`])}>
        New Username
        {, index) => (
          <li key={index}>{username}</li>

Here you are, you have a reactive store!


useYDoc(guid: string, connect: (doc: Y.Doc) => () => void)


  • string guid: The Y.Doc#guid
  • (doc: Y.Doc) => () => void) connect: The connect function triggered on the first mount of the Y.Doc. Should return an unconnect function triggered on unmount.
    • params
      • Y.Doc doc: The mounted doc, with a Y.Doc#guid
    • returns
      • () => void : disconnect function that will be called on unmount.


  • Y.Doc: The created Y.Doc

useYArray(doc: Y.Array)


  • Y.Array<T> doc: A Y.Array to use inside your component


  • T[] data: The current data of the Y.Array used
  • forEach: See Y.Array#forEach
  • map: See Y.Array#map
  • slice: See Y.Array#slice
  • get: See Y.Array#get
  • delete: See Y.Array#delete
  • unshift: See Y.Array#unshift
  • push: See Y.Array#push
  • insert: See Y.Array#insert

useYMap(doc: Y.Array)


  • Y.Map<T, U extends Record<string, T>> doc: A Y.Map to use inside your component. T is the type of the record values, U is the type of the return data.


  • U data: The current data of the Y.Map used
  • set: See Y.Map#set
  • get: See Y.Map#get
  • has: See Y.Map#has
  • delete: See Y.Map#delete
  • forEach: See Y.Map#forEach
  • entries: See Y.Map#entries
  • values: See Y.Map#values
  • keys: See Y.Map#keys

Run the example

  1. Clone the Repository
  2. yarn install
  3. cd example; yarn
  4. yarn start

The example doesn't mount any connector for Y.Doc (yet). So don't expect syncing. To do some sync, you can edit example/src/organizationDoc.ts and add some provider to the main document.

Special Thanks

  • Relm, svelt-yjs, the repo we started with, many thanks for publishing.
  • YJS – CRDT framework that deserve love and support
  • Zustand – A small, fast and scaleable bearbones state-management solution. Our build system is taken from there.


  1. Online demo
  2. Add tests


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).


See the CONTRIBUTE file for contribution guidelines

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):



Neftaly Hernandez

💻 🐛

Nicolas Schmidt

🤔 👀


🤔 👀 💻 🚧

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!