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InfluxDB is a time-series database. You can typically store metrics about your servers and applications in InfluxDB.

Telegraf can be used to collect various metrics. With Telegraf, you could directly write collected metrics to InfluxDB.

However, an indirection may be useful between Telegraf and InfluxDB.

  • Maybe you don't wish to expose directly InfluxDB to all your servers and apps for security or network segmentation
  • Your InfluxDB database may not be always available
  • High metrics trafic may require some buffering
  • You'd like to perform real-time stream processing on the metrics before they reach InfluxDB

In that case, Telegraf can push the metrics to a Kafka cluster.

kafka2finfluxdb provides a simple way to pull the metrics from Kafka and push them to InfluxDB.

Important notes

  • 15/05/2017: configuration breaking change. InfluxDB TLS parameters have been merged into the main InfluxDB sections (topic_conf). Kafka TLS and SASL parameters have been merged into the main Kafka section. The change made parsing configuration from Consul easier.
  • 15/05/2017: kafka2influxdb can now read its configuration from file and from Consul. The Consul configuration has precedence.


Just go get

The dependencies are vendored.

After compilation, you can sudo ./kafka2influxdb install --prefix=/usr/local to copy the binary in the PATH and create a default configuration, the systemd/upstart service, the log directory, a specific user/group, etc.

Debian packaging

You can build a package for Debian based distributions.

First install go, then:

git clone"
cd kafka2influxdb && make deb && cd ..

(If needed, it will sudo to install devscripts and dh-systemd.)

  • The package installs a systemd service (kafka2influxdb) but does not enable it and does not start the service at package installation.
  • The configuration file is /etc/kafka2influxdb/kafka2influxdb.toml.
  • Logs are put in /var/log/kafka2influxdb/kafka2influxdb.log.

File-based configuration

See the configuration example.

The configuration directory can be specified by a commandline flag --config=XXX (it defaults to /etc/kafka2influxdb).

In that directory, the configuration filename must be kafka2influxdb.toml.

Retrieve configuration from Consul KV

You can use the key-value store of Consul to store kafka2influxdb configuration. To enable the feature, specify a --consul-addr=http://ADDR:PORT flag.

Command examples:

kafka2influxdb --consul-addr= check-config
kafka2influxdb --consul-addr= start

How to store the parameters in Consul KV:

kafka2influxdb/kafka/client_id              => my_client_id
kafka2influxdb/kafka/consumer_group         => kafka2influx-cg
kafka2influxdb/kafka/version                =>
kafka2influxdb/topic_conf/default/dbname    => generic
kafka2influxdb/topic_conf/default/precision => s
kafka2influxdb/topic_conf/mail/dbname       => mailmetrics

TOML array parameters must be translated into comma-separated values in Consul (eg. for the list of topics to consume from, or for the list of Kafka brokers).

kafka2influxdb/kafka/brokers => kafka1.vpn:9092,kafka2.vpn:9092,kafka3.vpn:9092 (comma-separated list)

Also note that the global TOML parameters that don't belong to any section are to be put in the kafka2influxdb/global prefix. Eg:

kafka2influxdb/global/refresh_topics => 200000
kafka2influxdb/global/topics         => telegraf_*,mymetrics                    (comma-separated list)

The ordered list of 'mappings' ([[mapping]] sections in TOML) must be stored at the Consul key kafka2influxdb/mappings. Just put your mappings there, one mapping per line. For example the value for the kafka2inflxudb/mappings key could be something like:

"*pgsql*"                            = "database"
"*mysql*"                            = "database"
"*ldap*"                             = "database"
"*webmail*"                          = "web"
"*vmail*"                            = "mail"
"*"                                  = "default"

(Each line is parsed as TOML).

The command check-config can be used to check the resulting configuration.

When Consul configuration is used with the start command, kafka2influxdb monitors the Consul KV store for configuration changes, and restarts itself if necessary.


See kafka2influxdb --help.

kafka2influxdb uses a Kafka consumer group. Throughput may be increased by running multiple instances of kafka2influxdb. In that case, the Kafka partitions will be devided between the instances.


  • kafka >= 0.9
  • influxdb >= 1.2
  • go >= 1.8


Pull metrics from Kafka and push them to InfluxDB








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