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A Python implementation of the stacking model for link prediction proposed in the following paper:

Ghasemian, Amir, et al. "Stacking models for nearly optimal link prediction in complex networks." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117.38 (2020): 23393-23400.

There is also the original implementation by the authors, and the implementation in this repository has several differences below:

  1. Some redundant variables are dropped for the sake of speed. These variables are:
  • Load centrality, load_cents (due to a high correlation to the betweenness centrality)
  • Variables based on the full SVD decomposition, svd_edges, svd_edges_dot,svd_edges_mean (since the full SVD decomposition recovers the given adjacency matrix!!).
  1. Train/Test data split.
  • In the initial implementation by Aghasemian, the feature matrix, denoted as $X$, was computed from a provided network without the held-out edges. Then, this matrix was divided into separate train and test feature matrices to facilitate model selection. However, a potential concern with this approach is that the feature matrix $X$ is calculated using all edges in the given network, which means that the train features are based on the ground-truth links that are used for evaluating the mdoel.
  • To prevent this, in this implementation, the given network is split into test and train edges. Then, the feature matrix $X$ is computed based on the train edges. This way, the model only learns the given train edges, and is evaluated based on the unseen test edges.


import stacklp
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

# Load network
A = sparse.csr_matrix(nx.adjacency_matrix(G = nx.karate_club_graph()))

# Create/Fit the model
model = stacklp.StackingLinkPredictionModel()

# Prediction
src_nodes = np.array([0, 1, 5, 9])
trg_nodes = np.array([33, 32, 31, 20])
prob = model.predict(A, src_nodes, trg_nodes)

# Get feature importance

# Save the model"stacking_model.pickle")

# Load the model 
model = stacklp.StackingLinkPredictionModel(filename = "stacking_model.pickle")

The .fit function performs the model selection based on the cross validation. You can change the fraction of test edges and the number of validations. See here for the arguments of StackingLinkPredictionModel


Download the package and run

pip install -e .

You also need to install the following packages:

  • python-igraph
  • numba
  • pandas
  • tqdm
  • graph_tool
  • scikit-learn
  • numpy
  • scipy

which can be installed using conda by

conda install -c conda-forge scikit-learn graph_tool numpy numba scipy pandas tqdm -y


The code is tested in Python 3.9.


Stacking model for link prediction for networks







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