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OrbbecSDK ROS2 is a wrapper for the Orbbec 3D camera that provides seamless integration with the ROS2 environment. It supports ROS2 Foxy, Galactic, and Humble distributions.

Installation Instructions

Install ROS2

If your ROS2 command does not auto-complete, put the following two lines into your .bashrc or .zshrc

eval "$(register-python-argcomplete3 ros2)"
eval "$(register-python-argcomplete3 colcon)"

Create colcon workspace

mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src

Get source code

cd ~/ros2_ws/src
git clone

Install deb dependencies

# assume you have sourced ROS environment, same blow
sudo apt install libgflags-dev nlohmann-json3-dev libgoogle-glog-dev \
ros-$ROS_DISTRO-image-transport ros-$ROS_DISTRO-image-publisher ros-$ROS_DISTRO-camera-info-manager

Install udev rules.

cd  ~/ros2_ws/src/OrbbecSDK_ROS2/orbbec_camera/scripts
sudo bash
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger

Getting start

cd ~/ros2_ws/
# build release, Default is Debug
colcon build --event-handlers  console_direct+  --cmake-args  -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Launch camera node

  • On terminal 1
. ./install/setup.bash 
ros2 launch orbbec_camera # or other launch file, see below table
  • On terminal 2
. ./install/setup.bash 

Select the topic you want to display

  • List topics / services/ parameters ( on terminal 3)
ros2 topic list
ros2 service list
ros2 param list
  • Get device info
ros2 service call /camera/get_device_info orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/GetDeviceInfo '{}'
  • Get SDK version
ros2 service call /camera/get_sdk_version orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/GetString '{}'
  • Get exposure
ros2 service call /camera/get_color_exposure orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32 '{}'

If your check ir or depth, please change /camera/get_color_exposure to /camera/get_ir_exposure or /camera/get_depth_exposure, Same below.

  • Get gain
ros2 service call /camera/get_color_gain orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32 '{}'
  • Get white balance
ros2 service call /camera/get_white_balance orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32 '{}'
  • Set auto exposure
ros2 service call /camera/set_color_auto_exposure std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: false}'
  • Set white balance
ros2 service call /camera/set_white_balance orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32 '{data: 4600}'
  • Set laser enable
ros2 service call  /camera/set_laser_enable std_srvs/srv/SetBool "{data: true}" 
  • toggle sensor
ros2 service call /camera/toggle_ir std_srvs/srv/SetBool "{data : true}"
  • save point cloud
ros2 service call /camera/save_point_cloud std_srvs/srv/Empty "{}"

All available service for camera control

The name of the following service already expresses its function. However, it should be noted that the corresponding set_[ir|depth|color]* and get[ir|depth|color]* services are only available if you set enable[ir|depth|color] to true in the stream that corresponds to the argument of the launch file.

  • /camera/get_auto_white_balance
  • /camera/get_color_exposure
  • /camera/get_color_gain
  • /camera/get_depth_exposure
  • /camera/get_depth_gain
  • /camera/get_device_info
  • /camera/get_ir_exposure
  • /camera/get_ir_gain
  • /camera/get_ldp_status
  • /camera/get_sdk_version
  • /camera/get_white_balance
  • /camera/set_auto_white_balance
  • /camera/set_color_auto_exposure
  • /camera/set_color_exposure
  • /camera/set_color_gain
  • /camera/set_depth_auto_exposure
  • /camera/set_depth_exposure
  • /camera/set_depth_gain
  • /camera/set_fan_work_mode
  • /camera/set_floor_enable
  • /camera/set_ir_auto_exposure
  • /camera/set_ir_exposure
  • /camera/set_ir_gain
  • /camera/set_laser_enable
  • /camera/set_ldp_enable
  • /camera/set_white_balance
  • /camera/toggle_color
  • /camera/toggle_depth
  • /camera/toggle_ir

All available topics

  • /camera/color/camera_info : The color camera info.
  • /camera/color/image_raw: The color stream image.
  • /camera/depth/camera_info: The depth stream image.
  • /camera/depth/image_raw: The depth stream image
  • /camera/depth/points : The point cloud, only available when enable_point_cloud is true.
  • /camera/depth_registered/points: The colored point cloud, only available when enable_colored_point_cloud is true.
  • /camera/ir/camera_info: The IR camera info.
  • /camera/ir/image_raw: The IR stream image
  • /camera/accel/sample: Acceleration data stream enable_sync_output_accel_gyroturned off,enable_accelturned on
  • /camera/gyro/sample: Gyroscope data stream,enable_sync_output_accel_gyroturned off,enable_gyro`turned on
  • camera/gyro_accel/sample: Synchronized data stream of acceleration and gyroscope,enable_sync_output_accel_gyroturned on


  • To get the usb_port of the camera, plug in the camera and run the following command in the terminal:
ros2 run orbbec_camera list_devices_node
  • Set the device_num parameter to the number of cameras you have.
  • Go to the OrbbecSDK_ROS2/launch/ file and change the usb_port.
  • Don't forget to put the include tag inside the group tag. Otherwise, the parameter values of different cameras may become contaminated.
from launch import LaunchDescription
from launch.actions import DeclareLaunchArgument, IncludeLaunchDescription, GroupAction, ExecuteProcess
from launch.launch_description_sources import PythonLaunchDescriptionSource
from launch_ros.actions import Node
from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory
import os

def generate_launch_description():
    # Node configuration
    cleanup_node = Node(

    # Include launch files
    package_dir = get_package_share_directory('orbbec_camera')
    launch_file_dir = os.path.join(package_dir, 'launch')
    launch1_include = IncludeLaunchDescription(
            os.path.join(launch_file_dir, '')
            'camera_name': 'camera_01',
            'usb_port': '6-',  # replace your usb port here 
            'device_num': '2'

    launch2_include = IncludeLaunchDescription(
            os.path.join(launch_file_dir, '')
            'camera_name': 'camera_02',
            'usb_port': '6-2.4.1',  # replace your usb port here
            'device_num': '2'

    # If you need more cameras, just add more launch_include here, and change the usb_port and device_num

    # Launch description
    ld = LaunchDescription([

    return ld
  • Note that the astra camera uses semaphores for process synchronization. If the camera start fails, the semaphore file may be left in /dev/shm, causing the next start to become stuck. To avoid this, run the following command before launching:
ros2 run orbbec_camera ob_cleanup_shm_node

This will clean up /dev/shm/.

  • To launch the cameras, run the following command:
ros2 launch orbbec_camera

Use hardware decoder to decode JPEG

rockchip and Amlogic

Depends on rockchip-mpp-dev and rockchip-rga-dev, not all systems have these two packages, the names may be different, please search by yourself. Open CMakeLists.txt and set USE_RK_HW_DECODER to ON.

Nvidia Jetson

Depends on: jetson_multimedia_api,libyuv. Open CMakeLists.txt and set USE_NV_HW_DECODER to ON.

Launch parameters

The following are the launch parameters available:

  • connection_delay: The delay time in milliseconds for reopening the device. Some devices, such as Astra mini, require a longer time to initialize and reopening the device immediately can cause firmware crashes when hot plugging.
  • enable_point_cloud: Enables the point cloud.
  • enable_colored_point_cloud: Enables the RGB point cloud.
  • point_cloud_qos, [color|depth|ir]_qos,``[color|depth|ir]_camera_info_qos: ROS2 Message Quality of Service (QoS) settings. The possible values are SYSTEM_DEFAULT, DEFAULT,PARAMETER_EVENTS, SERVICES_DEFAULT, PARAMETERS, SENSOR_DATA and are case-insensitive. These correspond to rmw_qos_profile_system_default, rmw_qos_profile_default, rmw_qos_profile_parameter_events, rmw_qos_profile_services_default, rmw_qos_profile_parameters, and SENSOR_DATA, respectively.
  • enable_d2c_viewer: Publishes the D2C overlay image (for testing only).
  • device_num: The number of devices. This must be filled in if multiple cameras are required.
  • color_width, color_height, color_fps: The resolution and frame rate of the color stream.
  • ir_width, ir_height, ir_fps: The resolution and frame rate of the IR stream.
  • depth_width, depth_height, depth_fps: The resolution and frame rate of the depth stream.
  • enable_color: Enables the RGB camera.
  • enable_depth: Enables the depth camera.
  • enable_ir: Enables the IR camera.
  • depth_registration: Enables hardware alignment the depth frame to color frame. This field is required when the enable_colored_point_cloud is set to true.
  • usb_port: The USB port of the camera. This is required when multiple cameras are used.
  • enable_accel : Enables the accelerometer.
  • accel_rate: The frequency of the accelerometer, the optional values are 1.5625hz,3.125hz,6.25hz,12.5hz,25hz,50hz, 100hz,200hz,500hz,1khz,2khz,4khz,8khz,16khz,32khz. The specific value depends on the current camera.
  • accel_range : The range of the accelerometer, the optional values are 2g,4g,8g,16g. The specific value depends on the current camera.
  • enable_gyro: Whether to enable the gyroscope.
  • gyro_rate : The frequency of the gyroscope, the optional values are 1.5625hz,3.125hz,6.25hz,12.5hz,25hz,50hz, 100hz,200hz,500hz,1khz,2khz,4khz,8khz,16khz,32khz. The specific value depends on the current camera.
  • gyro_range : The range of the gyroscope, the optional values are 16dps,31dps,62dps,125dps,250dps,500dps,1000dps,2000dps. The specific value depends on the current camera.
  • enumerate_net_device : Whether to enable the function of enumerating network devices. True means enabled, false means disabled. This feature is only supported by Femto Mega and Gemini 2 XL devices. When accessing these devices through the network, the IP address of the device needs to be configured in advance. The enable switch needs to be set to true.
  • depth_filter_config : Configure the loading path for the depth filtering configuration file. By default, the depth filtering configuration file is located in the /config/depthfilter directory,Supported only on Gemini2.

Depth work mode switch

  • Before starting the camera, depth work mode (depth_work_mode) can be configured for the corresponding file's support.
  • The depth work mode switch is supported by Gemini 2, Gemini 2 L, and Gemini 2 XL cameras.
  • The default depth work mode configuration of is the camera's default configuration. If you need to modify it, you can switch to the corresponding mode as needed.
  • The specific camera depth work mode support types can be found in the comments of the depth mode.
    # Depth work mode support is as follows:
    # Unbinned Dense Default
    # Unbinned Sparse Default
    # Binned Sparse Default
    # Obstacle Avoidance
    DeclareLaunchArgument('depth_work_mode', default_value='')
  • View depth work modes:
ros2 run orbbec_camera list_depth_work_mode_node

Configuration of depth NFOV and WFOV modes

For the Femto Mega and Femto Bolt devices, the NFOV and WFOV modes are implemented by configuring the resolution of Depth and IR in the launch file. In launch file, depth_width、depth_height、ir_width、ir_height represents the resolution of the depth and the resolution of the IR. The frame fps and resolution of IR must be consistent with the depth. The correspondence between different modes and resolutions is as follows:

  • NFOV unbinned: 640 x 576.
  • NFOV binned: 320 x 288.
  • WFOV unbinned: 1024 x 1024.
  • WFOV binned: 512 x 512.

Check which profiles the camera supports

ros2 run orbbec_camera list_camera_profile_mode_node

Launch files

product serials launch file
astra mini /astra mini pro /astra pro
astra mini pro s
astra stereo s
astra pro2
dabai d1
dabai dcw
dabai dw
dabai pro
femto /femto w
femto mega
femto bolt
gemini2 / dabai DCL
gemini e
gemini e lite
dabai max
dabai max pro
gemini uw
dabai dcw2
dabai dw2
gemini ew
gemini ew lite

Actually, All launch files all most the same, the only difference is the default value of the parameters.

Supported hardware products

products list firmware version
Gemini 2 XL Obox: V1.2.5 VL:1.4.54
Astra 2 2.8.20
Gemini 2 L 1.4.32
Gemini 2 1.4.60 /1.4.76
Femto Mega 1.1.7 (window10、ubuntu20.04、ubuntu22.04)
Astra+ 1.0.22/1.0.21/1.0.20/1.0.19
Femto 1.6.7
Femto W 1.1.8
Femto Bolt 1.0.6 (unsupported ARM32)
DaBai 2436
DaBai DCW 2460
DaBai DW 2606
Astra Mini Pro 1007
Gemini E 3460
Gemini E Lite 3606
Gemini 3.0.18
Astra Mini S Pro 1.0.05

DDS Tuning

The default DDS settings (Galactic) may not be optimal for data transmission. Different DDS settings can have varying performance. In this example, we use CycloneDDS. For more detailed information, please refer to the ROS DDS Tuning

● Edit cyclonedds configuration file

sudo gedit /etc/cyclonedds/config.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CycloneDDS xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    <Domain id="any">
                <Peer address="localhost"/>

● Set the environment variables, add to .zshrc or .bashrc

export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=42 # Numbers from 0 to 232
export CYCLONEDDS_URI=file:///etc/cyclonedds/config.xml

Tip:to understand why the maximum ROS_DOMAIN_ID is 232, please visit The ROS DOMAIN ID ● Increase UDP receive buffer size Edit




Frequently Asked Questions

No Picture from Multiple Cameras

  • it's possible that the power supply is insufficient. To avoid this, do not connect all cameras to the same hub and use a powered hub instead.

  • It's also possible that the resolution is too high. To resolve this, try lowering the resolution.

Why are there so many launch files here

  • The reason for the presence of multiple launch files is due to the fact that the default resolutions and image formats of different cameras vary. To make it easier to use, the launch files have been separated for each camera.


Copyright 2023 Orbbec Ltd.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this project except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others


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  • C++ 49.4%
  • Python 24.8%
  • C 23.8%
  • CMake 1.6%
  • Shell 0.4%