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GitHub WebHook Reverse Proxy (gwrp)

gwrp (pronounced gɜ:rp) is a reverse proxy, or router, for your Github WebHooks.

gwrp validates any incoming webhooks, and routes them to other service endpoints.
Routing rules are defined by a triple of the GitHub event, a target endpoint (POST) and a jq query which must successfully evaluate for the route to match.

gwrp is useful where you want to route large numbers of GitHub webhooks to different components. This avoids the limitation on the number of webhooks for each

Example configuration

The following environment variables define two rules, GWRP_PRS and ALL_PINGS.

Each rule is of the form github,event,list|url|jq query.


GWRP_PRS is defined for pull_request events only, where the repository's full name is shteou/gwrp.
ALL_PINGS is defined for ping events, and matches all json payloads, via the identity operator (.).

GitHub setup

A GitHub Webhook should be setup pointing to your gwrp instance on the /webhook endpoint. It must specify the json payload option. You can choose to send all events to gwrp, or just a subset.

You can also setup an organization webhook to forward to gwrp.

Helm Installations

A fairly standard helm chart is supplied. gitHub.secretKey must be supplied, and an arbitrary number of rules can be configured as in the following example::

  secretKey: "your-secret-key"

    events: pull_requests
    route: https://my-receiver:8080/gwrp-webhook
    jq: .repository.full_name == \"shteou/gwrp\"
    events: ping
    route: https://my-receiver:8080/pings
    jq: .