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Card Deck T**** take-home assignment

Implementation of REST API service to simulate a deck of cards.

This code requires Go 1.22 because it uses routing enhancement

Building the service and running in docker locally:

make @docker-build
make @docker-run

Makefile is set to serve on port 8088. The implementation uses in-memory storage and all decks would be lost on restart. You can use additional make targets to interact with the service, like this:

make local-http-create-shuffled-deck  # creates a deck and returns deck_id
DECK_ID=66960c43-c727-4e33-82da-ede4f204f484 make local-http-open-deck-jq
DECK_ID=66960c43-c727-4e33-82da-ede4f204f484 make local-http-draw-deck-jq

Note that DECK_ID in the last two commands is the one returned by the first one. If you don't have jq installed, the last two commands can be used as local-http-open-deck and local-http-draw-deck correspondingly

Card deck

All cards are assumed to be from the deck of standard French 52-card deck. It includes thirteen ranks in four suits: (♣), diamonds (♦), hearts (♥), and spades (♠). Joker cards are not supported.

For simplicity, all cards are coded with a 2-3 characters string, like "KD" for "King of Diamonds", "AS" for "Ace of Spades", "10C" for "Ten of Clubs", and so on. The user can provide a subset of card codes when creating a card, but unknown codes will be ignored.

The service does assumes anything about the deck you want to create, that is if you want a deck consisting of 20 Aces of hearts, the service would be happy to create it.


API provides parameters to Create card decks and Open and Draw cards from existing decks.

Creating a Deck POST /decks/

NB the end slash in path.

Creates a Deck of cards. By default, all 52 cards are used and the deck is created sequentially using standard Preferans progression: ♠<♣<♦<♥, that is "AS, 2S, 3S, ...QS, KS, AC, 2C, 3C, ...".

URL Parameters for POST /decks/

Parameter Required Description
shuffle no whether the deck should be shuffled on creation
cards no optional list of card keys to use when creating the deck

When no parameters are provided, returns a deck consisting of 52 cards in sequential order. There's no duplication checks on the cards provides, but the card codes not in the deck would be ignored

Example Success Response from POST /decks/

Code: 201 CREATED

    "deck_id": "e13aaa48-2f62-4457-8c87-790cd856d536",
    "shuffled": "false",
    "remaining": 52,

Example Success Response from POST /decks/?shuffle=true,cards=AS,AS,AS,KH,KD,GG,IDDQD

Code: 201 CREATED

    "deck_id": "118a1a98-2fd2-44d9-83d2-b34fe4bd5230",
    "shuffled": "true",
    "remaining": 5,

The resulting deck is stored in DeckStorage and can be accessed using the returned ID

Open Deck GET /decks/{uuid}

This opens the deck given the Deck ID and returns deck properties and cards. The deck_id is provided as a path parameter, for example

GET /decks/e13aaa48-2f62-4457-8c87-790cd856d536

If the deck ID is wrong or the deck is not found, it would error with some status code (400, 404, 405) depending on the situation

Example Success Response from GET /decks/{uuid}

Code: 200 OK

  "deck_id": "b63feb43-cd9a-4376-8560-84082569e736",
  "shuffled": false,
  "remaining": 2,
  "cards": [
      "value": "QUEEN",
      "suit": "Hearts",
      "code": "QH"
      "value": "KING",
      "suit": "Hearts",
      "code": "KH"
      "value": "10",
      "suit": "Hearts",
      "code": "10H"

This request does not alter the deck and can be used for RO access to the deck

Draw a card from Deck POST /decks/{uuid}/draw?count=N

This opens the deck given the Deck ID and returns deck properties along with its cards

URL Parameters for POST /decks/{uuid}/draw?count=N

Parameter Required Description
count yes amount of cards to draw from the deck. Should be integer

The deck_id is provided as a path parameter, for example

POST /decks/e13aaa48-2f62-4457-8c87-790cd856d536/draw?count=5

If the deck ID is wrong or the deck is not found, or something else is wrong, it would error with some status code (400, 404, 405) depending on the situation

Example Success Response for POST /decks/{uuid}/draw?count=N

Code: 200 OK

  "cards": [
      "value": "4",
      "suit": "Clubs",
      "code": "4C"
      "value": "6",
      "suit": "Diamonds",
      "code": "6D"
      "value": "3",
      "suit": "Clubs",
      "code": "3C"
      "value": "10",
      "suit": "Spades",
      "code": "10S"
      "value": "7",
      "suit": "Diamonds",
      "code": "7D"

This request updates the deck: after the draw, the deck would contain count fewer cards.


Local build builds the executable for the service which can be run as ./card-deck-api:

make @build

Building with docker:

make @docker-build

Running locally

make @run

You can use the provided Makefile file to change PORT. Set env variable DEBUG=1 to enable debug logging or use make local-debug-run

Building and running in Docker locally

make @docker-build
make @run-docker

TODO (What would I do if I had more time)

  • I'm quite fond of Golang standard library, but I think some lib for marshaling would be helpful here, so I'd probably use whatever the team is using or gin/negroni/chi
  • The handlers package looks very verbose with all that validation and type coercion, this would be very annoyng to work with when adding new handlers, so it would require refactoring for better flexibility in the future
  • Ratelimit would be nice if the service expected to handle some high traffic (let's say 100+ RPS), and there should be a way to manage storage timeouts
  • Once there's ratelimit, then there might be reasons to add things like auth and such to figure out per-account quotas
  • More tests would be always nice to have, especially if external storage is used
  • Storage should happen in an external system, which would help with state management and can help with consistency
  • For external storage one should use singleflight to help with parallel requests
  • It would be annoying to add new cards or change deck types, which would require some refactoring if such a thing is needed. Having a smaller deck would work fine with the current service, but adding different cards for example for mus would be challenging
  • Would probably use more context handling, adding timeouts and such. I've added it after once I made the storage package
  • I wanted to use stdlib as much as possible with the exception of logrus, but for "real-world" logging I would probably use uber-go/zap instead of logrus. I think logrus is more commonly used though (maybe?)
  • Again, this is more like my own implied limitation of writing a lean service with little amout of external libs, but currently there's no monitoring and likely in production it should have prometheus handler installed

Extending storage

For example, adding Redis would be something like

type RedisStorage struct {
    client *redis.Client

func (s *RedisStorage) SaveDeck(ctx context.Context, d deck.Deck) error {
    // probably saving deck-id as deck:uuid as hashmap and cards:uuid as list

func (s *RedisStorage) GetDeck(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (Deck, bool) {
    // should get cards from redis

// etc

Adding new handlers

Add handlers to the handlers.go file, and register in main.go, and any deck logic should go into deck.go