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A Clojure library for accessing the OpenCage geocoder


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A Clojure library for accessing the OpenCage Geocoding API

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Getting started

Simply add clj-ocgeo as a dependency to your lein project:

[clj-ocgeo "0.2.1"]

Then execute

lein deps

And import the library into your namespace

(:use clj-ocgeo.core)

Or in the "repl":

(require '[clj-ocgeo.core :refer :all])


The client should have an API key by registering with the OpenCage Geocoder. It's also always good to check the best practices for using the OpenCage API, and in particular how to format forward geocoding queries.

To make a "forward" request to get the coordinates of a given place or address, the following function call can be used:

(forward-request "Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 7, 48153 Münster, Germany" "6d0e711d72d74daeb2b0bfd2a5cdfdba")

Or a "reverse" request (i.e. given the latitude and longitude coordinates, it returns a list of human understandable place names or addresses):

(forward-request 51.9526599 7.632473 "6d0e711d72d74daeb2b0bfd2a5cdfdba")

Both functions return a Clojure Map with keyword keys so for example to get the status code of the response you can do:

(:status response)
;; Returns:
;; {:code 200, :message "OK"}

(For this specific example, you can also call the response-ok? helper function that returns true when the status code is 200)

A number of keyword arguments corresponding to the optional parameters of the OpenCage Geocoding API can be also supplied to both "request" functions, e.g.

(forward-request 51.9526599 7.632473 "6d0e711d72d74daeb2b0bfd2a5cdfdba"
		:countrycode "de" :no_annotations true :min_confidence 5)

Another example, showing the first result of a request is shown below:

(when-let [r (-> (forward-request "Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 7" "6d0e711d72d74daeb2b0bfd2a5cdfdba")
  (pprint r))

;; {:annotations
;;  {:timezone
;;   {:name "Europe/Berlin",
;;    :now_in_dst 0,
;;    :offset_sec 3600,
;;    :offset_string "+0100",
;;    :short_name "CET"},
;;   :roadinfo
;;   {:drive_on "right",
;;    :road "Friedrich-Ebert-Straße",
;;    :speed_in "km/h"},
;;   :geohash "u1jrt9ty1t8rg3r5wttm",
;;   :what3words {:words "episodes.mass.below"},
;;   :flag "🇩🇪",
;;   :OSM
;;   {:edit_url
;;    "",
;;    :note_url
;;    "",
;;    :url
;;    ""},
;;   :currency
;;   {:symbol "€",
;;    :name "Euro",
;;    :thousands_separator ".",
;;    :iso_numeric "978",
;;    :subunit_to_unit 100,
;;    :iso_code "EUR",
;;    :decimal_mark ",",
;;    :alternate_symbols [],
;;    :symbol_first 1,
;;    :smallest_denomination 1,
;;    :subunit "Cent",
;;    :html_entity "€"},
;;   :MGRS "32UMC0602156656",
;;   :Mercator {:x 849643.007, :y 6757899.137},
;;   :qibla 128.55,
;;   :sun
;;   {:rise
;;    {:apparent 1578468960,
;;     :astronomical 1578461580,
;;     :civil 1578466560,
;;     :nautical 1578463980},
;;    :set
;;    {:apparent 1578497760,
;;     :astronomical 1578505140,
;;     :civil 1578500160,
;;     :nautical 1578502740}},
;;   :DMS {:lat "51° 57' 9.57564'' N", :lng "7° 37' 56.90280'' E"},
;;   :callingcode 49,
;;   :Maidenhead "JO31tw58vp",
;;   :UN_M49
;;   {:regions
;;    {:DE "276", :EUROPE "150", :WESTERN_EUROPE "155", :WORLD "001"},
;;    :statistical_groupings ["MEDC"]}},
;;  :bounds
;;  {:northeast {:lat 51.9528202, :lng 7.6325938},
;;   :southwest {:lat 51.9525445, :lng 7.6323594}},
;;  :components
;;  {:city_district "Münster-Mitte",
;;   :suburb "Innenstadtring",
;;   :continent "Europe",
;;   :political_union "European Union",
;;   :neighbourhood "Josef",
;;   :house_number "7",
;;   :city "Münster",
;;   :_type "building",
;;   :county "Münster",
;;   :postcode "48153",
;;   :state "North Rhine-Westphalia",
;;   :ISO_3166-1_alpha-3 "DEU",
;;   :country_code "de",
;;   :state_district "Regierungsbezirk Münster",
;;   :ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 "DE",
;;   :country "Germany",
;;   :road "Friedrich-Ebert-Straße"},
;;  :confidence 10,
;;  :formatted "Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 7, 48153 Münster, Germany",
;;  :geometry {:lat 51.9526599, :lng 7.632473}}


A Clojure library for accessing the OpenCage geocoder








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