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Qwik City App + Cloudflare D1 with Drizzle ORM ⚡️

Add Integrations and deployment

Use the npm run qwik add command to add additional integrations. Some examples of integrations includes: Cloudflare, Netlify or Express Server, and the Static Site Generator (SSG).

npm run qwik add # or `yarn qwik add`

Cloudflare | Wrangler Setup


npm run qwik add cloudflare-pages

As of writing this 8/17/2024 the latest cloudflare version is 3.72.0. When running the above command it installs wrangler 3.0.0 to package.json

The version I found that works is "wrangler": "^3.57.1" so I suggest installing that now.

npm install -D [email protected]

Sometimes the wrangler cloudflare types are automatically present but you can install them by running the following command.

npm install -D @cloudflare/workers-types

This usually adds them globally no need to include them anywhere, unless something is different with your tsconfig, and or if you want to specify a specific compatibility date.

code: tsconfig.json

// ./tsconfig.json
    "types": [
        "@cloudflare/workers-types/2024-0-01" // remove the date or adjust it to match the compatibility date in your projects wrangler.toml as mentioned this usually doesn't need to be added it just works when you install the types package.

You will need an active cloudflare account this would be a good time to make one or login to your existing account in your web browser, you will be redirected to the browser to confirm your login from wrangler cli after running the following command.

npx wrangler login

You will need to have an active D1 database if you do not have one yet run the following wrangler cli command, feel free to change the name ("d1-prod-db") to anything you would like.

npx wrangler d1 create d1-prod-db

For the purposes of this demo you can create a second one using the same command for cloudflare preview deployments.

npx wrangler d1 create d1-preview-db

You can create a wrangler.toml file if you would like, you will need to copy the output of the previous two d1 create and paste that into the wrangler.toml file (see reference below), or you can use wrangler cli command to generate a wrangler.toml file your current bindings by running the following command


npx wrangler pages download config <PAGES PROJECT NAME>

I'm not exactly sure why when you run the above command it returns the database_name = "DB", but keep the binding name how you named it ( all the info should be in the terminal after you ran the wrangler d1 create ... command)

I get an error of DB name not found in wrangler.toml with the default generated wrangler.toml, which adds a [[env.production.d1_databases]] I have to remove env.production. from it and add env.preview to the original preview one. example below.

code: generated version

# Generated by Wrangler on Sat Aug 17 2024 21:52:54 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
name = "qwik-cloudflare-d1-drizzle"
pages_build_output_dir = "dist"
compatibility_date = "2024-08-23"

database_id = "yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy"
binding = "DB"
database_name = "DB"

database_id = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
binding = "DB"
database_name = "DB"

code: updated to work correctly

# Generated by Wrangler on Sat Aug 17 2024 21:52:54 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
name = "qwik-cloudflare-d1-drizzle"
pages_build_output_dir = "dist"
compatibility_date = "2024-08-23"

[[env.preview.d1_databases]] # added env.preview.
database_id = "yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy"
binding = "DB"
database_name = "db-preview-d1" # fixed the name

[[d1_databases]] # removed env.production.
database_id = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
binding = "DB"
database_name = "db-prod-d1" # fixed the name

Next you can import the types using the following wrangler cli command...

npx wrangler types

This command should create a file in your root directory called worker-configuration.d.ts and should contain you cloudflare bindings. Finally you will import this into the src/entry.cloudflare-pages.tsx file

// ./src/entry.cloudflare-pages.tsx

import {
  type PlatformCloudflarePages,
} from "";
import qwikCityPlan from "@qwik-city-plan";
import { manifest } from "@qwik-client-manifest";
import render from "./entry.ssr";

declare global {
  interface QwikCityPlatform extends PlatformCloudflarePages {
    env: Env; // This is what you add no import is necessary

const fetch = createQwikCity({ render, qwikCityPlan, manifest });

export { fetch };

Vite Config

Next you need to add this to the current vite.config.ts file in the root directory. This is important to use cloudflare's proxy to work when running in dev mode ie: npm run dev. Just below the last import add the following to vite.config.ts

// ./vite.config.ts
... // don't add this dots existing code above , import pkg will be there also
import pkg from "./package.json";

// This is what you are adding
let platform = {};

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {
  const { getPlatformProxy } = await import("wrangler");
  platform = await getPlatformProxy({ persist: true });
... // don't add this dots ...leave existing code

export default defineConfig(({ command, mode }): UserConfig => {
  return {
    plugins: [
        qwikCity({platform}), // This is what was changed * added {platform} *
... // don't add this dots ...leave existing code

That should be it for getting cloudflare environment setup and working with vite in dev mode.


You can now proceed to adding Drizzle D1 support. better-sqlite3 is added for dev mode you do not need to initialize it anywhere just have it in our devDependencies

npm i drizzle-orm
npm i -D better-sqlite3 drizzle-kit @types/node

There are several ways of getting this to work but since this is running in cloudflare things get strange. The way I found that this works well is by creating a middleware for initializing the database.

Drizzle Config drizzle.config.ts

First lets create the drizzle.config.ts file in the root of your project


code: drizzle.config.ts

// ./drizzle.config.ts
import type { Config } from "drizzle-kit";

const { LOCAL_DB_PATH, D1_ID, D1_TOKEN, CF_ACCOUNT_ID } = process.env;

// Use better-sqlite driver for local development
export default LOCAL_DB_PATH
  ? ({
      schema: "./src/database/schema.ts", // determined by you, refer to drizzle docs
      dialect: "sqlite",
      dbCredentials: {
        url: LOCAL_DB_PATH,
    } satisfies Config)
  : ({
      schema: "./src/database/schema.ts", // determined by you, refer to drizzle docs
      out: "./migrations", // this should be determined by you, but different wrangler versions are "picky" (broken) and could throw some errors  refer to drizzle docs, cloudflare docs.
      dialect: "sqlite",
      driver: "d1-http",
      dbCredentials: {
        databaseId: D1_ID!,
        token: D1_TOKEN!,
        accountId: CF_ACCOUNT_ID!,
    } satisfies Config);

Github Ignore .gitignore

Now you need to create the .drizzle.env file here its being called .drizzle.env, which you will want to add to your gitignore while you are adding this to the gitignore file in the root of your projects directory you may also want to add .wrangler along with the .drizzle.env

code: .gitignore

# ./.gitignore
... # don't add this dots, leave previous

# Development
.wrangler # add this anywhere you want.
.drizzle.env # add this anywhere you want.

...  # don't add this dots, leave previous

Environment Variable File .drizzle.env


Now create the .drizzle.env file to your projects root. You will need to get this information from your cloudflare dashboard. If you don't have a D1_token you can follow the link to create it in your Cloudflare > My Profile > API Tokens

# ./.drizzle.env

export D1_TOKEN=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
export CF_ACCOUNT_ID=bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

Scripts package.json

You should add the Environment variables somewhere safe, some of the variables are not needed in a .env file since they are only used in dev mode and can be ran from the cli or npm scripts in our package.json lets add this to the bottom of our current package.json file under the scripts section

Update the D1_ID values according to your preview and prod ID’s in the previous steps!

code: package.json

"scripts": {
	"db:generate": "drizzle-kit generate",
	"db:migrate:local": "wrangler d1 migrations apply d1-prod-db --local",
	"db:migrate:prod": "wrangler d1 migrations apply d1-prod-db --remote",
	"db:migrate:preview": "wrangler d1 migrations apply --env preview d1-preview-db --remote",
	"db:studio:local": "LOCAL_DB_PATH=$(find .wrangler/state/v3/d1/miniflare-D1DatabaseObject -type f -name '*.sqlite' -print -quit) drizzle-kit studio",
	"db:studio:preview": "source .drizzle.env && D1_ID='yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy' drizzle-kit studio",
	"db:studio:prod": "source .drizzle.env && D1_ID='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' drizzle-kit studio"

The above may need to be adjusted depending on what operating system you are using for example in Windows OS using powershell

code: package.json

"scripts": {
  "db:generate": "drizzle-kit generate",
  "db:migrate:local": "wrangler d1 migrations apply d1-prod-db --local",
  "db:migrate:prod": "wrangler d1 migrations apply d1-prod-db --remote",
  "db:migrate:preview": "wrangler d1 migrations apply --env preview d1-preview-db --remote",
  "db:studio:local": "powershell -Command \"$env:LOCAL_DB_PATH = (Get-ChildItem -Path .wrangler/state/v3/d1/miniflare-D1DatabaseObject -Filter *.sqlite -Recurse | Select-Object -First 1).FullName; drizzle-kit studio\"",
  "db:studio:preview": "powershell -Command \"$env:DB_ID='yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy'; $env:D1_TOKEN=(Get-Content .drizzle.env | Select-String 'D1_TOKEN=(.*)').Matches.Groups[1].Value; $env:CF_ACCOUNT_ID=(Get-Content .drizzle.env | Select-String 'CF_ACCOUNT_ID=(.*)').Matches.Groups[1].Value; drizzle-kit studio\"",
  "db:studio:prod": "powershell -Command \"$env:DB_ID='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'; $env:D1_TOKEN=(Get-Content .drizzle.env | Select-String 'D1_TOKEN=(.*)').Matches.Groups[1].Value; $env:CF_ACCOUNT_ID=(Get-Content .drizzle.env | Select-String 'CF_ACCOUNT_ID=(.*)').Matches.Groups[1].Value; drizzle-kit studio\""

Database Directory src/database

Next lets create a new directory in your ./src/ for your database, you can name this or place this where ever you want in your src folder. Here you can name it database, create the directory ./src/database/

Keep in mind that in previous steps like in the drizzle.config.ts files reference this directory so make the appropriate adjustments.

Create your schema accordingly for your project, import and export it with a "splat" to the index.ts file you can now create in our ./src/database/ directory as follows.

Example schema provided in this Github Repo.

Run Generate, Migrate, and Studio commands

Now run your commands to generate the database and migrations


npm run db:generate

Migrate local

npm run db:migrate:local

Run Drizzle Studio local

npm run db:studio:local
// ./src/database/index.ts

import type { DrizzleD1Database } from "drizzle-orm/d1";
import type * as DatabaseSchema from "./schema";

export * from "./schema";

export type AppDatabase = DrizzleD1Database<typeof DatabaseSchema>;

let _db: AppDatabase;

export function getDB() {
  // eslint-disable-next-line
  if (!_db) {
    throw new Error("DB not set");
  return _db;

export async function initializeDbIfNeeded(
  factory: () => Promise<AppDatabase>
) {
  // eslint-disable-next-line
  if (!_db) {
    _db = await factory();

Create a middleware in the ./src/routes/ directory you can call it whatever you want but refer to the docs for order of invocation, based on naming (ABC order, etc...).

You can make a [email protected] or whatever you like. But there are certain implications when doing this, as it will always cause a worker to be executed in all paths. If you are trying to save on worker / page function executions, or are running in SSG / mixed SSG SSR. In SSG to my understanding the Cloudflare pages that are static assets do not execute a worker / page function, by having the [email protected] for example will create a worker / pages function to execute in all of your routes which may be what you need, and if you are running in SSR only mode it should not make a difference as the worker / page function is probably going to be executed on each request. In a mixed SSG SSR setup you may want to isolate this in a "SSR" route/layout.tsx.

Here You will import AppDatabase and initializeDbIfNeeded from the previous step to a specific route and avoid making the [email protected], the middleware in this example will be placed in src/routes/team/layout.tsx. As mentioned above you can make it a plugin middleware instead the code will be the same the file would just be placed in src/routes/[email protected].


code: src/routes/team/layout.tsx optionally src/routes/[email protected]

// ./src/routes/team/layout.tsx

import { type RequestHandler } from "";
import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/d1";
import { type AppDatabase, initializeDbIfNeeded } from "~/database";

export const onRequest: RequestHandler = async ({ platform }) => {
  const env = platform.env;
  await initializeDbIfNeeded(initD1(env));

function initD1(env: Env): () => Promise<AppDatabase> {
  return async () => drizzle(env.DB);

Now in your other files you can import the getDB() function from database directory and use it directly or make a const. This needs to be called inside of a function, or routeLoader, endpoint, routeAction, component etc... , it can't be called "outside" of this "scope". Ie:

import { getDB } from "~/database";
// -- file scope -- wrong
const db = getDB(); // Wrong! this will not work

export const useRouteLoader = routeLoader$(() => {
  // -- functions scope -- correct
  const db = await getDB();;
  return db;
// this will work as well
export const useRouteLoader = routeLoader$(() => {
  // -- functions scope -- correct
  return await getDB().select().from(posts).orderBy(desc(posts.created));

Now test locally.

npm run dev

If everything is running good, you can start making your preview and production migrations

npm run db:migrate:preview
npm run db:migrate:prod

And you can use Drizzle Studio for preview and production with

npm run db:studio:preview
npm run db:studio:prod

Cloudflare Deployment through Github

git init git add git commit -m "first commit" git branch -M dev git remote add origin .git git push -u origin dev


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