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Here I gather all the resources about hacking that I find interesting


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Made with <3 by Riccardo Malatesta (@seeu)

License Open Source Love

EasyG started out as a script that I use to automate some information gathering tasks for my hacking process, click here to discover what it does. Now it's more than that. Here I gather all the resources about hacking that I find interesting: notes, payloads, tools and more.

I try as much as possible to link to the various sources or inspiration for these notes. A large part of these notes are from: PTS v4, PortSwigger Web Security Academy, PEN-200, Proving Grounds, "Attacking and Defending Active Directory Lab (CRTP)" by Altered Security, Patrick Collins and Updraft, TryHackMe, Hack The Box, PentesterLab, HackTricks, Jhaddix, The Cyber Mentor, Mantas Sabeckis, NahamSec (and NahamCon), InfoSec Twitter and many other amazing people.

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