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SimpleStats is a fairly minimalistic web stats package. It will track every request to your app. It consists of two parts: a Rack middleware component that can track information from the server-side processing of a request, and a view helper that tracks information from the client-side of a request.

Both parts can be used independently, and when used together, SimpleStats will automatically store them together in the same MongoDB record.

How to use

Mount as engine somewhere in your config/routes.rb:

mount SimpleStats::Engine, "/stats"

Include the middleware component in your config/application.rb:

config.middleware.use SimpleStats::Middleware

In your layout, add:

  $(document).ready(function(){"/stats", {
      professional_id: #{},
      patient_id: #{},
      url: $(location).attr('href'),

      browser: {
        document: {
          width: $(document).width(),
          height: $(document).height()


  • View helpers like

    <%= simple_stats_collector(:professional_id => %>


Copyright (c) 2012 RGOc. See LICENSE.txt for further details.