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Local Environment Setup

Here's some vague instructions for setting up the local environment, in case anyone needs to redo it in the next few weeks. Instructions are for Macs only.

First, install Postgres. brew install postgresql should work on a Mac.

Then, you have to do a bunch of things to get Postgres working properly with TigerLink. Here's everything that I think you'll need to do:

  1. Start the Postgres Server on your computer by running pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start. Note: this also has to be done every time you restart your computer. If you are using an M1 Mac (and Homebrew is installed to /usr/opt/local) then the command is pg_ctl -D /opt/homebrew/var/postgres start.
  2. Get into the Postgres shell. This can be done by running psql postgres in the terminal.
  3. Run CREATE ROLE tigerlink LOGIN PASSWORD 'xxx'; in the shell to create the new user for our local TigerLink environment.
  4. Run CREATE DATABASE tldata WITH OWNER = tigerlink; to create the database used by TigerLink.
  5. (Optional) To directly enter SQL commands into your local database, run psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U tigerlink -d tldata.

Now you're ready to start the server. You can use in the same way as in our 333 assignments (or you can use something different like gunicorn). Note: to get Google authentication working on your local server, you have to use port 8888.

If you get database errors while using the main branch, you may need to configure your tables. To do this, simply run python util/ from the TigerLink folder.

Once your database is set up, we recommend creating a virtual environment. Once your virtual environment is set up, install the necessary dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt

Using Secret Keys & HTTPS Locally

Our secret keys for Flask and Google OAuth are (obviously) not in this GitHub. Instead, the Heroku deployment has the keys as an environment variable, and our local test servers can use a file to import the required keys. To get these keys working locally:

  • Download from our Drive folder
  • Move into the "server/" folder in our repository, i.e. exactly where is.

Additionally, you might run into trouble when using https://localhost:8888, since web browsers won't find a verified certificate for the test server. To ignore this error in Chrome, you can go to chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost and enable that option.