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Vue components to display graphics based on D3.js layout.



Live demo


<tree :data="tree" node-text="name" layoutType="circular">
import {tree} from 'vued3tree'

export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      tree: {
        name: "father",
          name: "son1",
          children:[ {name: "grandson"}, {name: "grandson2"}]
          name: "son2",
          children:[ {name: "grandson3"}, {name: "grandson4"}]


Name Required Type/Value Default Description
data no Object null Data representing tree structure, children nodes are represented by children property
duration no Number 750 Animation duration in milliseconds
layoutType no 'circular' 'vertical' or 'horizontal' 'horizontal' Circular, vertical or horizontal layout
leafTextMargin no Number 6 margin in pixel for leaf node text
linkLayout no 'bezier' or 'orthogonal' bezier' Define the link layout
identifier no Function () => i++ Function that receives a data and returns its identity that can be a number or a string, useful when dynamically updating the tree
marginX no Number 20 margin for X axis in pixel
marginY no Number 20 margin for Y axis in pixel
maxZoom no Number 0.8 minimal zoom value
minZoom no Number 9 maximum zoom value
nodeText no String 'name' name of the property of the node to be used as a display name
nodeTextDisplay no 'all' 'leaves' or 'extremities' 'all' Determine wether all node texts are displayed or only leaf nodes or leaves and root node respectively.
nodeTextMargin no Number 6 margin in pixel for node text
popUpPlacement no String 'bottom-start' Pop-up position as defined by popper.js
radius no Number 3 node circle radius in pixel
selected no Object null The selected node -on which a selected class is applied-. It can be bound using a v-model directive. By default, click on text to select a node but this behavior can be customized using the behavior slot.
strokeWidth no Number 1.5 The path stroke-width in pixel.
type no 'tree' or 'cluster' 'tree' kind of layout: tree or cluster
zoomable no Boolean false If true tree can be zoomed in using mouse wheel and drag-and-drop



Use this slot to customize the rendering of individual node.

Note that the mark-up will be rendered inside a svg element, so only svg elements are allowed here


Name Type Description
actions Object Value: {collapse, collapseAll, expand, expandAll, setSelected, show, toggleExpandCollapse} where each property is a component method (see below for detailed description)
data Object node data as provided by the data props
isRetracted Bool true if the node has hidden children -retracted state-
isSelected Bool true if the node is selected
node D3.js node D3.js node to be displayed
radius Number tree radius props value


<template #node="{data, node: {depth}, radius, isRetracted}">
  <template v-if="data.children && data.children.length">
    <path :fill="isRetracted? 'red' : 'blue'" d="M190.5..">
      <title>{{data.text}} {{depth}}</title>
  <template v-else>
    <circle r="6" :stroke="blue? 'blue' : 'yellow'">
      <title>{{data.text}} {{depth}}</title>


Use this slot to create a pop-up, tooltip or context menu for nodes. The position of the pop-up relative to its target is defined by the popUpPlacement prop.

By default, pop-up will open when clicking on node text. This behavior can be overridden using behavioral slot. For example by using the PopUpOnTextHover component provides opening of pop-up when hovering the node test. See below for example.


Name Type Description
data Object node data as provided by the data props
close Function function to close the pop-up
node D3.js node D3.js node to be displayed


<template #popUp="{data,node}">
  <div class="btn-group-vertical">
    <button @click="addFor(data)">
      <i class="fa fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i>
    <button @click="remove(data, node)">
      <i class="fa fa-trash" aria-hidden="true"></i>


Behavior slots provide an elegant way to customize the tree behavior by receiving as slot-scope both node information (including clicked node, hovered node, ...) and actions to alter the graph accordingly.

The concept of this slot is to react to changes in node information by calling an action

By design this slot is renderless.

For more about this pattern, you can check here.


Name Type Description
on Function Value: $on method of the tree component, exposing all events
actions Object Value: {collapse, collapseAll, expand, expandAll, setSelected, show, toggleExpandCollapse} where each property is a component method (see below for detailed description)

By default tree component use standardBehavior as component which provides toggle retract on node click and select the node on clicking on its text.


  <template #behavior="{on, actions}">
    <CollapseOnClick v-bind="{on, actions}"/>

With CollapseOnClick component:

export default {
  props: ['on', 'actions'],

  render: () => null,

  created () {
    const {on, actions: {toggleExpandCollapse}} = this;

    on('clickedNode', ({element}) => {

To display pop-up on hover, use the built-in popUpOnHoverText:

  <template #behavior="{on, actions}">
    <popUpOnHoverText v-bind="{on, actions}"/>
import {tree, popUpOnHoverText} from 'vued3tree'

export default {
  components: {



  • Argument : node raw data.
  • Sent when the node is selected


  • Argument : {element, data, target} where element represents the node build by D3.js, data is the node raw data and target the target DOM element.
  • Sent when the node is clicked


  • Argument: none
  • Sent when mouse is clicked outside any geometry or text of the tree


  • Argument: same as mouseNodeOver
  • Sent when the node text is clicked


  • Argument : same as clicked.
  • Sent when the node is clicked and the node children are expanded


  • Argument: same as mouseNodeOver
  • Sent when mouse hovers the node text


  • Argument: same as mouseNodeOver
  • Sent when mouse leaves the node text


  • Argument : same as clicked.
  • Sent when the node is clicked and the node children are retracted

For all these events, the argument passed is {element, data} .



Name Argument return Description
expand D3.js node a promise which resolve when animation is over Expand the given node.
expandAll D3.js node a promise which resolve when animation is over Expand the given node and all its children.
collapse D3.js node a promise which resolve when animation is over Collapse the given node.
collapseAll D3.js node a promise which resolve when animation is over Collapse the given node and all its children.
resetZoom - a promise which resolve when animation is over Set zoom matrix to identity
resetPopUp - undefined close pop-up
setPopUp {target, node} undefined Open pop-up for the corresponding node, using the target DOM element as reference. Designed to be called with event argument.
setSelected Object: node data undefined Select the given node by sending a change event. Should be used with a v-model binding
show D3.js node a promise which resolve when animation is over Expand nodes if needed in order to show the given node.
showOnly D3.js node a promise which resolve when animation is over Retract all node that are not in the path of the given node.
toggleExpandCollapse D3.js node a promise which resolve when animation is over Retract or collapse the given node depending on its current state.


This component is responsive and will adjust to resizing. In order for this to work properly, you must define for this component or its parent wether:

  • a height or a max-height
  • or a width or a max-width.

Failing to do so may result in a component whose size that will keep increasing.

Hierarchical Edge Bundling


Live demo


<hierarchical-edge-bundling identifier="id" :data="tree" :links="links" node-text="name"/>
import {hierarchicalEdgeBundling} from 'vued3tree'

export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      tree: {
        name: "father",
          name: "son1",
          children:[ {name: "grandson", id: 1}, {name: "grandson2", id: 2}]
          name: "son2",
          children:[ {name: "grandson3", id: 3}, {name: "grandson4", id: 4}]
      links: [
        {source: 3, target: 1, type: 1},
        {source: 3, target: 4, type: 2}
      linkTypes: [
        {id: 1, name: 'depends', symmetric: true},
        {id: 2, name: 'implement', inName: 'implements', outName: 'is implemented by'},
        {id: 3, name: 'uses', inName: 'uses', outName: 'is used by'},


Name Required Type/Value Default Description
data no Object null Data representing tree structure, children nodes are represented by children property
duration no Number 750 Animation duration in milliseconds
links no Array null Data representing links between the nodes, having source and target properties referencing node identifiers
identifier yes String or Function - name of the property of the node to be used as a identifier or function taking a node and returning its identifier
marginX no Number 20 margin for X axis in pixel
marginY no Number 20 margin for Y axis in pixel
maxTextWidth no Number -1 Max node text width (in pixel) to be displayed, if -1 text is not truncated.
nodeClass no String 'graph' class to be applied to the root div. Useful when custom CSS rules have to be applied.
nodeText yes String - name of the property of the node to be used as a display name



  • Argument: {element, data} where element represents the node build by D3.js and data is the node raw data.
  • Sent when the node name is hovered by mouse


  • Argument: same as mouseNodeOver
  • Sent when mouse leaves the node name


  • Argument: none
  • Sent when mouse is clicked outside any geometry or text of the hierarchical edge bundling



  • Argument: none
  • Sent when highlighted node has changed.



Highlighted node: when set to a node data, the corresponding node and its related links will be highlighted. If null standard display is showing.


This component is responsive and will adjust to resizing. In order for this to work properly, you must define for this component or its parent wether:

  • a height or a max-height
  • or a width or a max-width.

Failing to do so may result in a component whose size that will keep increasing.


  • Available through:
 npm install vued3tree

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build


Vue component to display tree based on D3.js layout.







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