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Crowd Sale ICO


  • truffle init
  • Write smart sontrat in contracts folder
  • Edit truffle-config.js file
  • Edit/Add migrations file
  • ganache-cli (Local blockchain for accounts)


  • touch test/RAJToken.js

Write test cases in RAJToken.js file.

Initialize git

  • git init
  • git status

Truffle console Demonstartion

Javascript runtime environment

  • truffle console

To compile and migrate our contract

  • truffle(development)>> truffle migrate --reset

To deploy and create intance of contract and then assign the value of the instance to a variable 'token'

  • truffle(development)>> RAJToken.deployed().then(function(instance){ tokenInstance = instance; })

Because of asynchronous nature of our smart contracts, developing them relies heavily upon javascript promises. Javascript promises are basically a way of handling the eventual result of asynchronous application. Here deploy() will going to return a promise, whenever this promise is finished, then call the then() function, that going to accept a callback function, then set the return value, which is going to get the deployed instance of contract and set it to token variable.

  • truffle(development)>> tokenInstance.address '0x4357B32550DA07CBd337546C3B0A7845311Ec6B9'

  • truffle(development)>> tokenInstance.totalSupply() BN { negative: 0, words: [ 1000000, <1 empty item> ], length: 1, red: null }

  • truffle(development)>> tokenInstance.totalSupply().then(function(s){ totalSupply = s; }) undefined

  • truffle(development)>> totalSupply

BN { negative: 0, words: [ 1000000, <1 empty item> ], length: 1, red: null }

  • truffle(development)>> totalSupply.toNumber() 1000000

To exit from the console

  • truffle(development)>> .exit

Get list of accounts from ganache

  • truffle(development)>> web3.eth.accounts or accounts

First account, deployer

  • truffle(development)>> web3.eth.accounts[0] or accounts[0]

Deploy contract, create instance of contract and assign to a variable 'token'

  • truffle(development)>> RAJToken.deployed().then(function(instance){tokenInstance=instance;}) undefine

Contract address of token

  • truffle(development)>> tokenInstance.address '0x1388cCce945d2c4893A982d9b3B9A05aAB515682'

Name of the token

  • truffle(development)>> 'RAJ Token'

Symbol of the token

  • truffle(development)>> 'RAJ'

Check Total Supply of token

  • truffle(development)>> tokenInstance.totalSupply().then(function(_totalSupply){totalSupply=_totalSupply;})

Convert BN (BigNumber) to Number

  • truffle(development)>> totalSupply.toNumber() 1000000


  • truffle(development)>> accounts //web3.eth.accounts [ '0x778670901269f7a72d5bB88c810876340218509D', '0x87eD3Fd0f73134450881A35087E9C8e3f159018D', '0xb1d9Ff9ea2CF1C6cd24eFEA69980c5562907F3a0', '0xe07eA857e995487886709d61a62B39322002dc97', '0x25C17F6a254f48e58f68d7A9B341Dd0c91ec6A27', '0x3264e4Fd3894d62eC4EC19843eAB85d42A21F720', '0x49F20fAA33159869e3c7390CFFC66b546E1fab0e', '0x851bC6BDB807228FB4AA1936Af0A4885F5306759', '0x133355C232b89D2F1D03753BE50332efbBb54614', '0xc9368BD8CE61dA45f18B20C930Cd686E05f9BEd4' ]

Accounts 1

  • truffle(development)>> accounts[0] //web3.eth.accounts[0] '0x778670901269f7a72d5bB88c810876340218509D'

Check Balance of any account

  • truffle(development)>> tokenInstance.balanceOf(accounts[0]) BN { negative: 0, words: [ 1000000, <1 empty item> ], length: 1, red: null }

Check Balance and Convert to BigNumber

  • truffle(development)>> tokenInstance.balanceOf(accounts[0]).then(function(_balanceOfAdmin){balanceOfAdmin = _balanceOfAdmin;})

  • truffle(development)>> balanceOfAdmin.toNumber() 1000000

  • truffle(development)>> tokenInstance.balanceOf(accounts[1]).then(function(_balanceOfAccount1){balanceOfAccount1 = _balanceOfAccount1;})

  • truffle(development)>> balanceOfAccount1.toNumber() 0

Transfer tokens to some other account

  • truffle(development)>> tokenInstance.transfer(accounts[1], 1, {from: accounts[0]})

Check balance after transfer truffle(development)> tokenInstance.balanceOf(accounts[1]).then(function(balance){balanceOfAccount1=balance;}) undefined

  • truffle(development)> balanceOfAccount1.toNUmber() 1

Again transfer tokens to accounts[1]

  • truffle(development)>> tokenInstance.transfer(accounts[1], 1, {from: accounts[0]})

Check balance after transfer 2 truffle(development)> tokenInstance.balanceOf(accounts[1]).then(function(balance){balanceOfAccount1=balance;}) undefined

  • truffle(development)> balanceOfAccount1.toNUmber() 2

Check balance of accounts[0] after transfer 2 truffle(development)> tokenInstance.balanceOf(accounts[0]).then(function(balance){balanceOfAdmin=balance;}) undefined

  • truffle(development)> balanceOfAdmin.toNUmber() 999998

Approve accounts[1] 100 tokens truffle(development)> tokenInstance.approve(accounts[1], 100) //By default fromAccount will be the first account of ganache accounts[0]

Check allowances truffle(development)> tokenInstance.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1]).then(function(allowance){allowances = allowance;})

  • truffle(development)> allowances BN { negative: 0, words: [ 100, <1 empty item> ], length: 1, red: null }

  • truffle(development)> allowances.toNumber() 100


  • truffle(development)> tokenInstance.transferFrom(accounts[0], accounts[2], 50, {from: accounts[1]})

  • truffle(development)> tokenInstance.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1]).then(function(allowance){allowances=allowance;})

  • truffle(development)> allowances.toNumber() 50

Check Balance of accounts[2] after transferFrom

  • truffle(development)> tokenInstance.balanceOf(accounts[2]).then(function(bal){balanceOfAccount2=bal;}) undefined

  • truffle(development)> balanceOfAccount2.toNumber() 50

Deploy contracts using Infura Rinkeby

  • Infura website:

  • Login to Infura, and create project and copy Network Endpoints. (

  • Make .env file to save MNEMONIC and ENDPOINT_KEY (.env is for not to expose to the public)

  • Go to truffle-config.js file, add MNEMONIC and ENDPOINT_KEY (MNEMONIC is metamask private key)

  • Install truffle HDWallet Provider: (npm install @truffle/hdwallet-provider)

  • Install dotenv: (npm install dotenv --save)

  • Add this to truffle-config.js file

    require("dotenv").config(); const HDWalletProvider = require("@truffle/hdwallet-provider");

    const mnemonic = process.env.MNEMONIC; const tokenKey = process.env.ENDPOINT_KEY;

    /* Rinkeby Testnet */ rinkeby: { provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, "" + tokenKey), network_id: 4, // gas : 6700000, // gasPrice : 10000000000, confirmations: 2, networkCheckTimeout: 10000, timeoutBlocks: 200, skipDryRun: true, },

    • Migrate and deploythe contracts with Rinkeby testnet.

    $ truffle console --network rinkeby truffle(rinkeby)> truffle migrate --reset

Deploying the Crowd Sale website

  • Craete a folder "docs" whcih contains all "src files" and "json files" like we used bs-config.json file to take all the files to the root of our project and used for light-server as: ({ "server":{ "baseDir": ["./src", "./build/contracts"] } })

  • Make a srcipt that's going to take all the files that we want from the src and build/contracts and put those all in docs directory. (touch

  • Go to, and write script for synchronizing all the files. rsync -r src/ docs/ rsync build/contracts/* docs/

  • Make it to be executable. (chmod +x

  • Run the executable file: (./

  • Check the docs folder, and all the files from src/ and build/contracts/, that we wanted to be available

  • Then, deploy it to github (write in file) as: rsync -r src/ docs/ rsync build/contracts/* docs/ git add . git commit -m "Compile assets for Github Pages" git push -u origin master

  • Then run the executable file (./

Set up the ICO Crowd Sale repository to serve pages for Github.


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