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Multi-Theme Strategy in Tailwind CSS

This is the "companion website" of the this Pro Tailwind course!

There is no need to clone this website locally to follow along, but you can if you want!

If you opt to follow the course via this website, challenges will be provided via Tailwind Play and GitPod.

This makes working on the challenges a one-click affair!

Let's build a multi-theme Tailwind CSS plugin

In this workshop, we'll build a Tailwind CSS plugin that brings support for multiple color themes to any project using Tailwind.

We'll do most of our work in a series of Tailwind Play challenges, but at some point we'll test our code again a playground version of the Calendar App.

Aaaand... who am I?

I'm Simon, your course instructor. 👋

If you've watched some YouTube videos from the Tailwind Labs channel, you've most probably seen my face already!

I love utility-first CSS. I've been supporting and promoting this styling approach even before Tailwind CSS existed! I'm a front-end developer, designer and content creator.

I bring a lot of enthusiasm and positive energy in everything I do, this is just how I'm wired up!

I have been teaching in-person workshops for multiple senior engineering teams, and a constant piece of feedback I get is my workshops are exciting, fun and engaging. To me, that's the best way to learn!

I sometimes speak at conferences and meetups. I make YouTube videos and I'm also an instructor on

You can connect with me on Twitter, I'm simonswiss 🇨🇭

I'm super excited to dive into this course with you.

📜 Assumptions

This course assumes the following:

  • You are already familiar with Tailwind CSS and its core concepts
  • You are comfortable enough with CSS and JavaScript

📋 Dev Environment Requirements

You don't need to install anything on your machine for this course. However, if you want to get this course app running locally, you should have the following installed in your development environment:

Let's go!