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Copyright (c) 2009-2011 VMware, Inc.

== What is Cloud Foundry?
Cloud Foundry is an open platform-as-a-service (PaaS). The system supports
multiple frameworks, multiple application infrastructure services and
deployment to multiple clouds.
== License
Cloud Foundry uses the Apache 2 license.  See LICENSE for details.

== Installation Notes

Cloud Foundry is made up of a number of system components (cloud controller,
health manager, dea, router, etc.). These components can run co-located in a
single vm/single os or can be spread across several machines/vm's. 

For development purposes, the preferred environment is to run all of the core
components within a single vm and then interact with the system from outside of
the vm via an ssh tunnel. The pre-defined domain * maps to local host,
so when you use this setup, the end result is that your development environment
is available at

For large scale or multi-vm deployments, the system is flexible enough to allow
you to place system components on multiple vm's, run multiple nodes of a given
type (e.g., 8 routers, 4 cloud controllers, etc.) 

The detailed install instructions below walk you through the install process
for a single vm installation. 

Versions of these instructions have been used for production deployments, and 
for our own development purposes. many of us develop on mac laptops, so some
additional instructions for this environment have been included.

== Detailed Install/Run Instructions:

- step #-1: 
    - setup a VM with a pristine Ubuntu 10.04.2 server 64bit image, 
    - you may wish to snapshot your VM now in case things go pear shaped.
    - great snapshot spots are here and after step #4
    - to enable remote access (more fun than using the console), install ssh.

     sudo apt-get install openssh-server

- step #0, install system and rvm dependencies 
    sudo apt-get install autoconf curl git-core ruby bison build-essential zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libreadline5-dev

- step #1, install rvm
    #for detailed rvm install instructions see: []
    #or follow the quick steps below.

    #grab rvm
    #note, he -k switch is only needed if the certificate validation fails
    bash < <(curl -s -k -B

    #follow the instructions given by the RVM installer (a copy is
    #include below for your convenience).
    # you must complete the install by loading RVM in new shells.
    #  1) Place the folowing line at the end of your shell's loading files
    #     (.bashrc or .bash_profile for bash and .zshrc for zsh),
    #     after all PATH/variable settings:
    #     # This loads RVM into a shell session.
    #     [[ -s \"$rvm_path/scripts/rvm\" ]] && source \"$rvm_path/scripts/rvm\"  
    #     You only need to add this line the first time you install rvm.
    #  2) Ensure that there is no 'return' from inside the ~/.bashrc file,
    #     otherwise rvm may be prevented from working properly.
    #     This means that if you see something like:
    #    '[ -z \"\$PS1\" ] && return'
    #  then you change this line to:
    #  if [[ -n \"\$PS1\" ]] ; then
    #    # ... original content that was below the '&& return' line ...
    #  fi # <= be sure to close the if at the end of the .bashrc.
    #    # this is a good place to source rvm
    #         [[ -s \"$rvm_path/scripts/rvm\" ]] && source \"$rvm_path/scripts/rvm\"      
    #   <EOF> - this marks the end of the .bashrc
    #     Be absolutely *sure* to REMOVE the '&& return'.
    #     If you wish to DRY up your config you can 'source ~/.bashrc' at the 
    #     bottom of your .bash_profile.
    #     Placing all non-interactive (non login) items in the .bashrc,
    #     including the 'source' line above and any environment settings.
    #  3) CLOSE THIS SHELL and open a new one in order to use rvm.

- step #2, use rvm to install ruby 1.9.2 and make it default
    rvm install 1.9.2-p180 
    rvm --default 1.9.2-p180

- step #3, use rvm to install ruby 1.8.7
    rvm install 1.8.7

- step #4, clone the vcap and vmc repos:
    mkdir ~/cloudfoundry; cd ~/cloudfoundry
    # optionally create new ssh keys and add them to your github account: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C [email protected]
    # note, this release uses a handful of submodules. its important
    # to understand the impact of this which is:
    # 1) after clonding the vcap repo, you must run git submodule update --init
    #    this ends up mounting the services and tests repos in the directory tree of vcap
    # 2) any time you git pull in vcap, you must also git submodule update
    git clone
    # note, there should be a .rvmrc file in vcap/rvmrc
    # make sure that the vcap/.rvmrc is present and that it contains
    # rvm use 1.9.2
    cd vcap
    git submodule update --init
    gem install vmc --no-rdoc --no-ri
- step #5, run vcap_setup to prep cloudfoundry for launch
    # Points to keep in mind.
    # 1) Answer Y to all questions
    # 2) Remember your mysql password, you will need it in a minute
    cd ~/cloudfoundry/vcap
    sudo setup/vcap_setup
    # after vcap_setup completes, edit your mysql_node config file 
    # with the correct password created during install
    cd ~/cloudfoundry/vcap/services/mysql/config 
    vi mysql_node.yml and change mysql.pass to your password
- step #6, restart nginx with a custom config
    cd cloudfoundry/vcap
    sudo cp setup/simple.nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
    sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart
- step #7, install bundler gem and run bundler:install
    cd cloudfoundry/vcap    
    gem install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri
    rake bundler:install

- step #8, start the system  
    cd cloudfoundry/vcap
    bin/vcap start
    bin/vcap tail  # see aggregate logs

- step #9 *Optional, mac users only*, create a local ssh tunnel 
  # from your vm, run ifconfig and note eth0, possiby
  # go to your mac terminal window and create a local port 80 tunnel as
  # once you do this, from both your mac, and from within the vm, and * 
  # map to localhost which maps to your running cloudfoundry instance
  sudo ssh -L 80: [email protected] -N

===Trying your setup

- step #10, validate that you can connect and tests pass
  # from the console of your vm, or from your mac (thanks to local tunnel)

  vmc target
  vmc info

  #it should produce roughly the following...

  VMware's Cloud Application Platform
  For support visit [email protected]

  Target: (v0.999)
  Client:   v0.3.10

  #play around as a user, start with
  vmc register --email [email protected] --passwd password
  vmc login --email [email protected] --passwd password

  #to see what else you can do try
  vmc help

== Testing your setup  

#Once the system is installed, you can run the following command Basic System
#Validation Tests (BVT) to ensure that major functionality is working.
cd cloudfoundry/vcap
cd tests && bundle package; bundle install && cd ..
rake tests
# unit tests can also be run using the following.
cd cloudcontroller
rake spec
cd ../dea
rake spec
cd ../router
rake spec
cd ../health_manager
rake spec

-step #11, you are done, make sure you can run a simple hello world app.
  #1) create an empty directory for your test app (lets call it env), and enter it.
  cd env

  #2) cut and paste the following app into a ruby file (lets say env.rb)
  vi env.rb

  ==== cut ===

require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'

get '/' do
  host = ENV['VMC_APP_HOST']
  port = ENV['VMC_APP_PORT']
  "<h1>XXXXX Hello from the Cloud! via: #{host}:#{port}</h1>"

get '/env' do
  res = ''
  ENV.each do |k, v|
    res << "#{k}: #{v}<br/>"

 === cut ===

  # run the following the create/push a 4 instance version of this app
  # validate by running vmc apps, note the 4 instance running app
  # then go to a browser and hit, note that hitting refresh
  # will show a different port in each refresh reflecting the different
  # active instances
  vmc push env --instances 4 --mem 64M --url -n

  vmc apps

  #should give the following output.
  #| Application | #  | Health  | URLS        | Services |
  #| env         | 1  | RUNNING | |          |


Cloud Foundry - the open platform as a service project







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  • Ruby 97.8%
  • Shell 2.2%