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Stack-based virtual machine with debug support

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An implementation of a stack-based Virtual Machine architecture with debug support


This is an implementation of a VM with the Rust Language created as a learning resources for Compiler Design class. In the assignment the goal is to use a compiler generator to translate a simple imperative language into instruction of this VM. This VM helps validating the translation by running the generated output.

This implementation started as an exercise on the Rust Language but it can also serve the same purposes of the existing implementations. Furthermore, features such as the integrated debugger will provide a better and faster experience debugging both the generated code and its output.


The full architecture specification can be seen at the following links:


To just launch the VM and run the instruction in a file use:

$ pl-vm  <file>

To initiate the VM in the integrated interactive debug use:

$ pl-vm -d <file>

In order to see all available debug commands and their description you can use the help command:

(debug) help
	r, run              Continue the execution
	s, step [NUMBER]    Step by NUMBER instructions. NUMBER defaults to 1
	n, next [NUMBER]    Show NUMBER instructions. NUMBER defaults to 1
	reg, registers      Print the current value for the registers
	st, stack           Print the current state of the stack
	c, code             Print the code that is being run
	l, labels           Print all labels found in the code
	h, help             Print this message
	q, quit             Exit from the debugger

Error Messages

The following Execution Errors are the possible failure states of this vm:

  • Illegal Operand - Triggered when the value(s) on the stack are not of the expected type
  • Segmentation Fault - Triggered for access to an illegal area of the code, stack, or one of two heaps
  • Stack Overflow - Triggered for any attempt to add to the top of a full stack (execution stack or call stack)
  • Division By Zero - Triggered in case of division (integer) by zero
  • Error "message" - Triggered when the err statement is executed
  • Anomaly - This error must never occur; If so, please report it to the teachers, attaching as much as possible the program that triggered it.


32 of 75 instructions completed

This project is an work in progress and not all vm instructions are yet implemented.

The following sections documents all the instructions for vm while reporting if the implementation of each instruction is complete (✅) or still missing (❌).

Integer Operations

Instructions Status Description
ADD Pop n then m which must be an integer and stack the result of m + n
SUB Pop n then m which must be an integer and stack the result of m - n
MUL Pop n then m which must be an integer and stack the result of m x n
DIV Pop n then m which must be an integer and stack the result of m / n
MOD Pop n then m which must be an integer and stack the result of m mod n
Instructions Status Description
NOT Pop n which must be an integer and stack the result of n = 0
INF Pop n then m which must be an integer and stack the result of m < n
INFEQ Pop n then m which must be an integer and stack the result of m ≤ n
SUP Pop n then m which must be an integer and stack the result of m > n
SUPEQ Pop n then m which must be an integer and stack the result of m ≥ n

Floating Point Operations

Instructions Status Description
FADD Pop n then m which must be a real number and stack the result of m + n
FSUB Pop n then m which must be a real number and stack the result of m - n
FMUL Pop n then m which must be a real number and stack the result of m x n
FDIV Pop n then m which must be a real number and stack the result of m / n
Instructions Status Description
FCOS Pop n which must be a real number and stack the result of cos(n)
FSIN Pop n which must be a real number and stack the result of sin(n)
Instructions Status Description
FINF Pop n then m which must be a real number and stack the result of m < n
FINFEQ Pop n then m which must be a real number and stack the result of m ≤ n
FSUP Pop n then m which must be a real number and stack the result of m > n
FSUPEQ Pop n then m which must be a real number and stack the result of m ≥ n

Address Operations

Instructions Status Description
PADD Pop n which must be an integer then a which must be an address from the stack and stack the address a + n

String Operations

Instructions Status Description
CONCAT Pop n then m which must be string addresses, stack the address of a string equal to the concatenation of the string address n and string address m

Heap Operations

Instructions Status Description
ALLOC n Allocate a structured block of size n(integer) on the heap and stack the corresponding address
ALLOCN Pop an integer n and allocate a structured block of size n on the heap and stack the corresponding address
FREE Pop an address a and release the structured block allocated at address a


The equality test tests whether two objects on the stack (integers, real or addresses) are equal. An execution error occurs if the two objects are not of the same type. Two strings stored at the same address are equal, so this instruction can be used to test the equality of two strings.

Instructions Status Description
EQUAL Pop n then m which must be of the same type and stack the result of n = m


Various instructions can be used to convert a string to integer or real and vice versa.

Instructions Status Description
ATOI Pop the address of a string, and stack its conversion to an integer, fail if the string does not represent an integer.
ATOF Pop the address of a string and stack its conversion to real number, fail if the string does not represent a real number.
ITOF Pop an integer and stack its conversion into a real number.
FTOI Pop a real number and stack the integer representing its integer part (obtained by removing the decimals).
STRI Pop an integer and stack the address of a string representing that integer
STRF Pop a real number and stack the address of a string representing this real number

Stack Operations

If x denotes an address in the stack, then x[n] denotes an address with an offset of n above x.


Instructions Status Description
PUSHI n Stack n(integer)
PUSHN n Stack n(integer) times the integer value 0
PUSHF n Stack n(real number)
PUSHS n Store n(string) in the string area and stack the address
PUSHG n Stack the value in gp[n], where n must be an integer
PUSHL n Stack the value in fp[n], where n must be an integer
PUSHSP Stack the value of the sp
PUSHFP Stack the value of the fp register
PUSHGP Stack the value of the gp register
LOAD n Pop an address a and stack the value in the stack or heap in a[n], where n must be an integer
LOADN Pop an integer n, an address a and stack the value in the stack or the heap in a[n]
DUP n Duplicate and stack the n(integer) values at the top of the stack
DUPN Pop an integer n, then duplicate and stack the n values at the top of the stack


Instructions Status Description
POP n Pop n(integer) values in the stack
POPN Pop an integer n then pop n values in the stack


Instructions Status Description
Storel n Take a value n(integer) and store it in the stack at fp[n]
STOREG n Take a value n(integer) and store it in the stack in gp[n]
STORE n Pop a value v and an address a , store v at the address a[n] in the stack or heap, where n must be an integer
STOREN Pop a value v, an integer n and an address a , store v at the address a[n] in the stack or heap, where n must be an integer


Instructions Status Description
CHECK n p Verify that the vertex of the stack is an integer i such that nip , else fails on an error
SWAP Pop n then m and stack n then m


Instructions Status Description
WRITEI Pop an integer and print it to the standard output
WRITEF Pop a real number and print it to the standard output
WRITES Pop the address of a string and print the corresponding string to the standard output
READ Read a string on the keyboard, terminated by a carriage return, store the string (without the carriage return) and stack the address.

Graphical Primitives

Instructions Status Description
DRAWPOINT Pop m then n which must be an integers and draw a coordinate point (n,m)
DRAWLINE Pop q, p, m and n which must be an integers and draw a segment between (n,m) and (p,q)
DRAWCIRCLE Pop p, m and n which must be integers and draw a circle with center (n,m) and radius p
OPENDRAWINGAREA Pop h then w which must be integer and open a new graph window with width w and height h
CLEARDRAWINGAREA Clear the graphic output and reset the current color to black
SETCOLOR Pop b, g and r which must be integer and change the current color according to the RGB value defined by the three integers between 0 and 65535
REFRESH Refreshe the graphics window, i.e. make visible the graphical operations performed since the last refresh

Control Operations

Instructions Status Description
JUMP label Assign the address in the program corresponding to label to the register pc which can be an integer or a symbolic value
JZ label Pop a value, if it is zero assign the program address corresponding to the label, if not increment pc by 1
PUSHA lable Stack the program address corresponding to the label


When calling a procedure it is necessary to save the instruction register and local variables that will be restored upon returning.

Instructions Status Description
CALL Pop a code address a, save pc and fp in the call stack, set fp to the current value of sp and set pc to a
RETURN Assign to sp the current value of fp, pop the fp and pc from the call stack and increment pc by 1 to return to the instruction following the procedure call

Initialization and Termination

In the initial state, the pc register points to the first instruction in the program. The call stack and run stack are empty. The registers gp and sp point to the execution stack while fp is not defined. The fp register must be initialized by the START statement, which can only be used once. The following instructions are used to stop the machine at the end of the program or in the event of an error.

Instructions Status Description
START Assign the value of sp to fp
NOP Do nothing
ERR x Trigger an instruction error with message x(string)
STOP Stop program execution


Lexical Conventions

spaces, tabs and carriage returns are considered whitespace. Comments begin with // and continue until the end of the line. The identifiers for <ident> obey the following regular expression:

<digit> ::= 0-9
<alpha> ::= a-z | A-Z
<ident> ::= (<alpha>|_)(<alpha>|<digit>|_|')*

The integer and real number constants are defined by the following regular expressions:

<integer> ::= -?<digit>+
<float> ::= -?<digit>+(.<digit>*)?((e|E)(+|-)?<digit>+)?

With the convention that a constant is a real number only if it is not also an integer constant (in other words, a real constant contains at least a decimal point or an exponent).

Strings are delimited by the character " , and can contain the same character only if preceded by the character \. In other words, strings obey the following regular expression:

<string> ::= "([^"]|\")*"

All identifiers that are instructions (see syntax below) are reserved and are case-insensitive.


Every program follows the following syntax:

<code> ::= <instr>*

<instr> ::= <ident> :
          | <instr_atom>
          | <instr_int> <integer>
          | pushf <float>
          | (pushs | err) <string>
          | check <integer> , <integer>
          | (jump | jz | pusha) <ident>

<instr_atom> ::= padd | add | sub | mul | div | mod | not | infeq | inf | supeq
               | sup | fadd | fsub | fmul | fdiv | fcos | fsin
               | finfeq | finf | fsupeq | fsup | concat | equal | atoi | atof
               | itof | ftoi | stri | strf
               | pushsp | pushfp | pushgp | loadn | storen | swap
               | writei | writef | writes | read | call | return
               | drawpoint | drawline | drawcircle
               | cleardrawingarea | opendrawingarea | setcolor | refresh
               | start | nop | stop | allocn | free | dupn | popn

<instr_int> ::= pushi | pushn | pushg | pushl | load
              | dup | pop | storel | storeg | alloc


Stack-based virtual machine with debug support







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