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Angular adapter for ProseMirror, only supports Angular 17+.

More detail please move to prosemirror-adapter by @Saul-Mirone.This project is just adding support for Angular.


You can run this example by:

git clone
cd ng-prosemirror-adapter
npm install
npm run start

Online Demo

Getting Started

Install the package

npm install ng-prosemirror-adapter

Wrap your component with provider


Play with node view

In this section we will implement a node view for paragraph node.

Build component for node view

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {NgProsemirrorNode} from 'ng-prosemirror-adapter';

  selector: 'paragraph',
  template: `
      <div role="presentation" [class.selected]="selected"></div>
  styles: [`
    :host .selected {
      outline: blue solid 1px;
  standalone: true
export class Paragraph extends NgProsemirrorNode {}

Bind node view components with prosemirror

import {AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, forwardRef, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {Paragraph} from "../paragraph.component";
import {NgProsemirrorEditor} from 'ng-prosemirror-adapter';

  selector: 'editor',
  standalone: true,
  template: `<div class="editor" #editorRef></div>`,
  providers: [{provide: NgProsemirrorEditor, useExisting: forwardRef(() => EditorComponent)}],
export class EditorComponent extends NgProsemirrorEditor implements AfterViewInit {
  @ViewChild('editorRef') editorRef: ElementRef;

  async ngAfterViewInit(): Promise<void> {
    const element = this.editorRef.nativeElement;
    if (!element || element.firstChild)

    const editorView = new EditorView(element, {
      state: YourProsemirrorEditorState,
      nodeViews: {
        paragraph: this.provider.createNodeView({
          component: Paragraph,
          as: 'div',
          contentAs: 'p',

🚀 Congratulations! You have built your first angular node view with prosemirror-adapter.

Play with plugin view

In this section we will implement a plugin view that will display the size of the document.

Build component for plugin view

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {NgProsemirrorPlugin} from 'ng-prosemirror-adapter';

  selector: 'size',
  template: `<div>Size for document: {{ size }}</div>`,
  styles: [],
  standalone: true
export class Size extends NgProsemirrorPlugin {

  get size() {
    return this.state?.doc?.nodeSize

Bind plugin view components with prosemirror

import {AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, forwardRef, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {Size} from "../size.component";
import {NgProsemirrorEditor} from 'ng-prosemirror-adapter';

  selector: 'editor',
  standalone: true,
  template: `<div class="editor" #editorRef></div>`,
  providers: [{provide: NgProsemirrorEditor, useExisting: forwardRef(() => EditorComponent)}],
export class EditorComponent extends NgProsemirrorEditor implements AfterViewInit {
  @ViewChild('editorRef') editorRef: ElementRef;

  async ngAfterViewInit(): Promise<void> {
    const element = this.editorRef.nativeElement;
    if (!element || element.firstChild)

    const editorView = new EditorView(element, {
      state: YourProsemirrorEditorState,
      plugins: [
        new Plugin({
          view: await this.provider.createPluginView({ component: Size }),

🚀 Congratulations! You have built your first angular plugin view with prosemirror-adapter.

Play with widget view

In this section we will implement a widget view that will add hashes for heading when selected.

Build component for widget decoration view

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {NgProsemirrorWidget} from 'ng-prosemirror-adapter';

  selector: 'hashes',
  template: `
      <span class="hash">{{ hashes }}</span>`,
  styles: [`
    .hash {
      color: blue;
      margin-right: 6px;
  standalone: true
export class Hashes extends NgProsemirrorWidget {
  get level() {
    return this.spec?.['level'];

  get hashes() {
    return Array(this.level || 0).fill('#').join('');

Bind widget view components with prosemirror

import {AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, forwardRef, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {Hashes} from "../hashes.component";
import {NgProsemirrorEditor} from 'ng-prosemirror-adapter';
import {Plugin} from "prosemirror-state";

  selector: 'editor',
  standalone: true,
  template: `<div class="editor" #editorRef></div>`,
  providers: [{provide: NgProsemirrorEditor, useExisting: forwardRef(() => EditorComponent)}],
export class EditorComponent extends NgProsemirrorEditor implements AfterViewInit {
  @ViewChild('editorRef') editorRef: ElementRef;

  async ngAfterViewInit(): Promise<void> {
    const element = this.editorRef.nativeElement;
    if (!element || element.firstChild)

    const editorView = new EditorView(element, {
      state: YourProsemirrorEditorState,
      plugins: [
        new Plugin({
          props: {
            decorations: (state) => {
              const getHashWidget = this.provider.createWidgetView({
                as: 'i',
                component: Hashes,
              const {$from} = state.selection
              const node = $from.node()
              if ( !== 'heading')
                return DecorationSet.empty

              const widget = getHashWidget($from.before() + 1, {
                side: -1,
                level: node.attrs['level'],
              return DecorationSet.create(state.doc, [widget])

🚀 Congratulations! You have built your first angular widget view with prosemirror-adapter.


if you properly wrap your component with NgProsemirrorAdapterProvider, and extends NgProsemirrorEditor or NgProsemirrorNode or NgProsemirrorPlugin or NgProsemirrorWidget, you can use this.provider to access the following APIs. else you can use @ViewChild to access the NgProsemirrorAdapterProvider instance and use the following APIs.

NgProsemirrorNode API

NgProsemirrorEditor.provider.createNodeView: NodeViewFactory => (options: NgNodeViewUserOptions) => NodeViewConstructor

type NgNodeViewUserOptions = {
  component: Type<NgProsemirrorNode>
  as?: string | HTMLElement
  contentAs?: string | HTMLElement
  update?: (node: Node, decorations: readonly Decoration[], innerDecorations: DecorationSource) => boolean | void
  ignoreMutation?: (mutation: MutationRecord) => boolean | void
  selectNode?: () => void
  deselectNode?: () => void
  setSelection?: (anchor: number, head: number, root: Document | ShadowRoot) => void
  stopEvent?: (event: Event) => boolean
  destroy?: () => void

  // Additional
  onUpdate?: () => void
  inputs?: {
    [key: string]: any
  key?: string

type NodeViewFactory = (options: NgNodeViewUserOptions) => NodeViewConstructor

NgProsemirrorNode.context: NodeViewContext

interface NodeViewContext {
  // won't change
  contentRef: NodeViewContentRef
  view: EditorView
  getPos: () => number | undefined
  setAttrs: (attrs: Attrs) => void

  // changes between updates
  node: Node
  selected: boolean
  decorations: readonly Decoration[]
  innerDecorations: DecorationSource

type NodeViewContentRef = (node: HTMLElement | null) => void

NgProsemirrorNode.view: EditorView

NgProsemirrorNode.contentRef: NodeViewContentRef

NgProsemirrorNode.getPos: () => number | undefined

NgProsemirrorNode.setAttrs: (attrs: Attrs) => void

NgProsemirrorNode.node: Node

NgProsemirrorNode.selected: boolean

NgProsemirrorNode.decorations: readonly Decoration[]

NgProsemirrorNode.innerDecorations: DecorationSource

NgProsemirrorPlugin API

NgProsemirrorEditor.provider.createPluginView: NodeViewFactory => (options: NgNodeViewUserOptions) => NodeViewConstructor

export type NgPluginViewUserOptions = {
  component: Type<NgProsemirrorPlugin>
  root?: (viewDOM: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement
  update?: (view: EditorView, prevState: EditorState) => void
  destroy?: () => void,
  inputs?: {
    [key: string]: any
  key?: string

export type PluginViewFactory = (options: NgPluginViewUserOptions) => Promise<PluginViewSpec>

NgProsemirrorPlugin.context: PluginViewContext

export interface PluginViewContext {
  view: EditorView
  prevState: EditorState

NgProsemirrorPlugin.view: EditorView

NgProsemirrorPlugin.state: EditorState

NgProsemirrorPlugin.prevState: EditorState

NgProsemirrorWidget API

NgProsemirrorEditor.provider.createWidgetView: WidgetViewFactory => (options: NgWidgetViewUserOptions) => WidgetViewConstructor

export type NgWidgetUserOptions = {
  as: string | HTMLElement
  component: Type<NgProsemirrorWidget>,
  inputs?: {
    [key: string]: any
  key?: string

export type WidgetViewFactory = (options: NgWidgetUserOptions) => WidgetDecorationFactory

NgProsemirrorWidget.context: WidgetViewContext

export interface WidgetViewContext {
  view: EditorView
  getPos: () => number | undefined
  spec?: WidgetDecorationSpec

NgProsemirrorWidget.view: EditorView

NgProsemirrorWidget.getPos: () => number | undefined

NgProsemirrorWidget.spec: WidgetDecorationSpec


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


MIT License