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Pre requisites

Configuring environment

Follow the installation guide to set up your working environment

Signin to Openrecordz

Sign in on Openrecordz and access to your dashboard

For the use of the console refer to the wiki

Clone repository

Change to your prefered directory and type

$ git clone 

Setting up the project

$ cd openrecordz-ionic-app/ 
$ npm install


Open the file app-config.ts under /src/ and edit it with your settings:

  • defaultLanguage : default app language:
    • it for Italiam;
    • en for English;
  • urlApi : API url for a portal. i.e.: "http://<MY_PORTAL>";
  • domain : Domain for a portal. i.e.: "<MY_PORTAL>";
  • developer : Developer name within About tab;
  • devWebSite : Developer website within About tab;
  • oneSignalAppId : Onesignal App ID;
  • oneSignalRestApiKey : Onesignal rest API Key;
  • firebaseSenderId: Firebase sender ID for push notifications;
  • mailgunUrl : Mailgun domain (i.e.:;
  • mailgunApiKey : Mailgun API Key
  • aboutMap : It is possible to customize the menu within the About tab adding a json structured as follows
           "header": "<CARD TITLE>",
           "values" : [
                   "key": "<ITEM>",
                   "value": "<VALUE >",

For example the following map

aboutMap: [
           "header": "Socials",
           "values" : [
                   "key": "Facebook",
                   "value": "",
                   "key": "Twitter",
                   "value": ""
                   "key": "LinkedIn",
                   "value": ""

            "header": "Search engines",
            "values": [
                    "key": "Google",
                    "value": "",
                    "key": "Bing",
                    "value": ""
                    "key": "",
                    "value": ""

will generate the following result


Web (Dev mode)

Run the app in dev mode with:

$ ionic serve

Remember to modifiy the parameter OneSignal.setDefaultNotificationUrl presente into index.html

Build with : npm run ionic:build --base-href /soleto/

or in prod with: npm run ionic:build --prod --base-href /soleto/

Deploy on AWS S3 with(Prerequisite: AWS CLI installed):

aws s3 sync ./www s3://<AWS_S3_BUCKET>

For example:

aws s3 sync ./www s3://openrecordz-com-webapp/soleto. (Example demo app published here

Invalidate with:

aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id EIO8LJQKD0TL1 --paths "/*"


ionic cordova platform add android


Attaach your device and authorize it. Check if it is attached successfully

$ adb devices

The previous instruction will prompts something like

root@ubuntu:/opt/android-sdk/tools# adb devices
List of devices attached
05a7df5c0a74af63	device

Run on the device

ionic cordova run android --device --prod