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This is a Readme document in Markdown format which was created within final course project of Cousera "Getting and Cleaning Data Course".

This final submission consists of the following files:

  1. run_analysis.R as required by instructions and does all analyzes in changed order. The file also includes the self description of some parts of the process, so you can see most necessary description there. After you run this script, it should, also, save results of each 5 steps of the final task as csv format in ./data folder. Required final tidy dataset is stored as ./task_5_final_dataset.txt

  2. documents which describe each step of analyzes with a bit more details and results displayed. Also, this file allows run analyzes as the separate function for each data step with explanation of each step.

  3. which contains codebook of initially used data and codebook for each step of analyzes.

The order of steps neede to complete final task was changed and that was reflected by step numbes.

Initial data preparation

# Check and install necessary packages

rm(list = ls())
if (!"dplyr" %in% installed.packages()) {install.packages("dplyr")}; library("dplyr")
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'

## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag

## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
if (!"tidyr" %in% installed.packages()) {install.packages("tidyr")}; library("tidyr")
if (!"janitor" %in% installed.packages()) {install.packages("janitor")}; library("janitor")
if (!"knitr" %in% installed.packages()) {install.packages("knitr")}; library("knitr")

Data download

# Import of required data
download.file("", "./")

1. Merges the training and the test data sets to create one data set.

# Import test data
X_test <- as_tibble(read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/test/X_test.txt", sep = "", stringsAsFactors= F))
Y_test <- as_tibble(read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/test/y_test.txt", sep = "", stringsAsFactors= F))
subject_test <- as_tibble(read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/test/subject_test.txt", sep = "", stringsAsFactors= F))

# Import train data
X_train <- as_tibble(read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/train/X_train.txt", sep = "", stringsAsFactors= F))
Y_train <- as_tibble(read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/train/y_train.txt", sep = "", stringsAsFactors= F))
subject_train <- as_tibble(read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/train/subject_train.txt", sep = "", stringsAsFactors= F))

# Join test and train data
test <- bind_cols(subject_test, Y_test, X_test)
train <- bind_cols(subject_train, Y_train, X_train)
joined_data <- ungroup(rbind(test, train))

# Write task_1_dataset.csv as results in csv
write.csv(joined_data, "./data/task_1_dataset.csv")

4. Appropriately labels the data set with descriptive variable names.

# Import file with column names and transpose
features <-  as_tibble(read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/features.txt", sep = "", stringsAsFactors = F))
features_transposed <- as_tibble(t(c("subject_test", "exercise_mode", t(features[,2]))))

### Clean column names clean
colnames(joined_data) <- features_transposed
joined_data_cleaned <- clean_names(joined_data)

# Write task_4_dataset.csv as results in csv
write.csv(joined_data_cleaned, "./data/task_4_dataset.csv")

3. Uses descriptive activity names to label the activities in the data set

# Change numbers to activity names
activity_labels <- as_tibble(read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/activity_labels.txt", sep = "", stringsAsFactors = F))
i <- 0
while (i <= 6) {
  joined_data_cleaned$exercise_mode[joined_data_cleaned$exercise_mode == as.character(i)] <- c(activity_labels[i,2])
  i = i + 1
joined_data_cleaned$exercise_mode <- unlist(joined_data_cleaned$exercise_mode)
joined_data_cleaned <- as_tibble(joined_data_cleaned)

# Write task_3_dataset.csv as results in csv
write.csv(joined_data_cleaned, "./data/task_3_dataset.csv")

2. Extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement.

# Extract mean and std columns
joined_data_selected <-  select(joined_data_cleaned, subject_test, exercise_mode, grep("mean", names(joined_data_cleaned)), grep("std", names(joined_data_cleaned)))
joined_data_selected$subject_test <- factor(joined_data_selected$subject_test)
joined_data_selected$exercise_mode <- factor(joined_data_selected$exercise_mode, levels = c("WALKING", "WALKING_UPSTAIRS", "WALKING_DOWNSTAIRS", "SITTING", "STANDING", "LAYING"))

# Write task_2_dataset.csv as results in csv
write.csv(joined_data_selected, "./data/task_2_dataset.csv")

5. From the data set in step 4, creates a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.

# Group and summarize all with mean
joined_data_grouped <- group_by(joined_data_selected, subject_test, exercise_mode)
final_dataset <- summarize_all(joined_data_grouped, funs(mean))

# Write final dataset as results in csv
write.csv(final_dataset, "./data/task_5_final_dataset.csv")
write.table(final_dataset, "./task_5_final_dataset.txt")

Final dataset check

## Classes 'grouped_df', 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':  180 obs. of  88 variables:
##  $ subject_test                       : Factor w/ 30 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ exercise_mode                      : Factor w/ 6 levels "WALKING","WALKING_UPSTAIRS",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 ...
##  $ tbodyacc_mean_x                    : num  0.277 0.255 0.289 0.261 0.279 ...
##  $ tbodyacc_mean_y                    : num  -0.01738 -0.02395 -0.00992 -0.00131 -0.01614 ...
##  $ tbodyacc_mean_z                    : num  -0.1111 -0.0973 -0.1076 -0.1045 -0.1106 ...
##  $ tgravityacc_mean_x                 : num  0.935 0.893 0.932 0.832 0.943 ...
##  $ tgravityacc_mean_y                 : num  -0.282 -0.362 -0.267 0.204 -0.273 ...
##  $ tgravityacc_mean_z                 : num  -0.0681 -0.0754 -0.0621 0.332 0.0135 ...
##  $ tbodyaccjerk_mean_x                : num  0.074 0.1014 0.0542 0.0775 0.0754 ...
##  $ tbodyaccjerk_mean_y                : num  0.028272 0.019486 0.02965 -0.000619 0.007976 ...
##  $ tbodyaccjerk_mean_z                : num  -0.00417 -0.04556 -0.01097 -0.00337 -0.00369 ...
##  $ tbodygyro_mean_x                   : num  -0.0418 0.0505 -0.0351 -0.0454 -0.024 ...
##  $ tbodygyro_mean_y                   : num  -0.0695 -0.1662 -0.0909 -0.0919 -0.0594 ...
##  $ tbodygyro_mean_z                   : num  0.0849 0.0584 0.0901 0.0629 0.0748 ...
##  $ tbodygyrojerk_mean_x               : num  -0.09 -0.1222 -0.074 -0.0937 -0.0996 ...
##  $ tbodygyrojerk_mean_y               : num  -0.0398 -0.0421 -0.044 -0.0402 -0.0441 ...
##  $ tbodygyrojerk_mean_z               : num  -0.0461 -0.0407 -0.027 -0.0467 -0.049 ...
##  $ tbodyaccmag_mean                   : num  -0.137 -0.1299 0.0272 -0.9485 -0.9843 ...
##  $ tgravityaccmag_mean                : num  -0.137 -0.1299 0.0272 -0.9485 -0.9843 ...
##  $ tbodyaccjerkmag_mean               : num  -0.1414 -0.4665 -0.0894 -0.9874 -0.9924 ...
##  $ tbodygyromag_mean                  : num  -0.161 -0.1267 -0.0757 -0.9309 -0.9765 ...
##  $ tbodygyrojerkmag_mean              : num  -0.299 -0.595 -0.295 -0.992 -0.995 ...
##  $ fbodyacc_mean_x                    : num  -0.2028 -0.4043 0.0382 -0.9796 -0.9952 ...
##  $ fbodyacc_mean_y                    : num  0.08971 -0.19098 0.00155 -0.94408 -0.97707 ...
##  $ fbodyacc_mean_z                    : num  -0.332 -0.433 -0.226 -0.959 -0.985 ...
##  $ fbodyacc_meanfreq_x                : num  -0.2075 -0.4187 -0.3074 -0.0495 0.0865 ...
##  $ fbodyacc_meanfreq_y                : num  0.1131 -0.1607 0.0632 0.0759 0.1175 ...
##  $ fbodyacc_meanfreq_z                : num  0.0497 -0.5201 0.2943 0.2388 0.2449 ...
##  $ fbodyaccjerk_mean_x                : num  -0.1705 -0.4799 -0.0277 -0.9866 -0.9946 ...
##  $ fbodyaccjerk_mean_y                : num  -0.0352 -0.4134 -0.1287 -0.9816 -0.9854 ...
##  $ fbodyaccjerk_mean_z                : num  -0.469 -0.685 -0.288 -0.986 -0.991 ...
##  $ fbodyaccjerk_meanfreq_x            : num  -0.209 -0.377 -0.253 0.257 0.314 ...
##  $ fbodyaccjerk_meanfreq_y            : num  -0.3862 -0.5095 -0.3376 0.0475 0.0392 ...
##  $ fbodyaccjerk_meanfreq_z            : num  -0.18553 -0.5511 0.00937 0.09239 0.13858 ...
##  $ fbodygyro_mean_x                   : num  -0.339 -0.493 -0.352 -0.976 -0.986 ...
##  $ fbodygyro_mean_y                   : num  -0.1031 -0.3195 -0.0557 -0.9758 -0.989 ...
##  $ fbodygyro_mean_z                   : num  -0.2559 -0.4536 -0.0319 -0.9513 -0.9808 ...
##  $ fbodygyro_meanfreq_x               : num  0.0148 -0.1875 -0.1005 0.1892 -0.1203 ...
##  $ fbodygyro_meanfreq_y               : num  -0.0658 -0.4736 0.0826 0.0631 -0.0447 ...
##  $ fbodygyro_meanfreq_z               : num  0.000773 -0.133374 -0.075676 -0.029784 0.100608 ...
##  $ fbodyaccmag_mean                   : num  -0.1286 -0.3524 0.0966 -0.9478 -0.9854 ...
##  $ fbodyaccmag_meanfreq               : num  0.1906 -0.0977 0.1192 0.2367 0.2846 ...
##  $ fbodybodyaccjerkmag_mean           : num  -0.0571 -0.4427 0.0262 -0.9853 -0.9925 ...
##  $ fbodybodyaccjerkmag_meanfreq       : num  0.0938 0.0854 0.0765 0.3519 0.4222 ...
##  $ fbodybodygyromag_mean              : num  -0.199 -0.326 -0.186 -0.958 -0.985 ...
##  $ fbodybodygyromag_meanfreq          : num  0.268844 -0.219303 0.349614 -0.000262 -0.028606 ...
##  $ fbodybodygyrojerkmag_mean          : num  -0.319 -0.635 -0.282 -0.99 -0.995 ...
##  $ fbodybodygyrojerkmag_meanfreq      : num  0.191 0.114 0.19 0.185 0.334 ...
##  $ angle_tbodyaccmean_gravity         : num  0.060454 0.096086 -0.002695 0.027442 -0.000222 ...
##  $ angle_tbodyaccjerkmean_gravitymean : num  -0.00793 -0.06108 0.08993 0.02971 0.02196 ...
##  $ angle_tbodygyromean_gravitymean    : num  0.0131 -0.1947 0.0633 0.0677 -0.0338 ...
##  $ angle_tbodygyrojerkmean_gravitymean: num  -0.0187 0.0657 -0.04 -0.0649 -0.0279 ...
##  $ angle_x_gravitymean                : num  -0.729 -0.647 -0.744 -0.591 -0.743 ...
##  $ angle_y_gravitymean                : num  0.277 0.3348 0.2672 -0.0605 0.2702 ...
##  $ angle_z_gravitymean                : num  0.0689 0.0742 0.065 -0.218 0.0123 ...
##  $ tbodyacc_std_x                     : num  -0.284 -0.355 0.03 -0.977 -0.996 ...
##  $ tbodyacc_std_y                     : num  0.11446 -0.00232 -0.03194 -0.92262 -0.97319 ...
##  $ tbodyacc_std_z                     : num  -0.26 -0.0195 -0.2304 -0.9396 -0.9798 ...
##  $ tgravityacc_std_x                  : num  -0.977 -0.956 -0.951 -0.968 -0.994 ...
##  $ tgravityacc_std_y                  : num  -0.971 -0.953 -0.937 -0.936 -0.981 ...
##  $ tgravityacc_std_z                  : num  -0.948 -0.912 -0.896 -0.949 -0.976 ...
##  $ tbodyaccjerk_std_x                 : num  -0.1136 -0.4468 -0.0123 -0.9864 -0.9946 ...
##  $ tbodyaccjerk_std_y                 : num  0.067 -0.378 -0.102 -0.981 -0.986 ...
##  $ tbodyaccjerk_std_z                 : num  -0.503 -0.707 -0.346 -0.988 -0.992 ...
##  $ tbodygyro_std_x                    : num  -0.474 -0.545 -0.458 -0.977 -0.987 ...
##  $ tbodygyro_std_y                    : num  -0.05461 0.00411 -0.12635 -0.96647 -0.98773 ...
##  $ tbodygyro_std_z                    : num  -0.344 -0.507 -0.125 -0.941 -0.981 ...
##  $ tbodygyrojerk_std_x                : num  -0.207 -0.615 -0.487 -0.992 -0.993 ...
##  $ tbodygyrojerk_std_y                : num  -0.304 -0.602 -0.239 -0.99 -0.995 ...
##  $ tbodygyrojerk_std_z                : num  -0.404 -0.606 -0.269 -0.988 -0.992 ...
##  $ tbodyaccmag_std                    : num  -0.2197 -0.325 0.0199 -0.9271 -0.9819 ...
##  $ tgravityaccmag_std                 : num  -0.2197 -0.325 0.0199 -0.9271 -0.9819 ...
##  $ tbodyaccjerkmag_std                : num  -0.0745 -0.479 -0.0258 -0.9841 -0.9931 ...
##  $ tbodygyromag_std                   : num  -0.187 -0.149 -0.226 -0.935 -0.979 ...
##  $ tbodygyrojerkmag_std               : num  -0.325 -0.649 -0.307 -0.988 -0.995 ...
##  $ fbodyacc_std_x                     : num  -0.3191 -0.3374 0.0243 -0.9764 -0.996 ...
##  $ fbodyacc_std_y                     : num  0.056 0.0218 -0.113 -0.9173 -0.9723 ...
##  $ fbodyacc_std_z                     : num  -0.28 0.086 -0.298 -0.934 -0.978 ...
##  $ fbodyaccjerk_std_x                 : num  -0.1336 -0.4619 -0.0863 -0.9875 -0.9951 ...
##  $ fbodyaccjerk_std_y                 : num  0.107 -0.382 -0.135 -0.983 -0.987 ...
##  $ fbodyaccjerk_std_z                 : num  -0.535 -0.726 -0.402 -0.988 -0.992 ...
##  $ fbodygyro_std_x                    : num  -0.517 -0.566 -0.495 -0.978 -0.987 ...
##  $ fbodygyro_std_y                    : num  -0.0335 0.1515 -0.1814 -0.9623 -0.9871 ...
##  $ fbodygyro_std_z                    : num  -0.437 -0.572 -0.238 -0.944 -0.982 ...
##  $ fbodyaccmag_std                    : num  -0.398 -0.416 -0.187 -0.928 -0.982 ...
##  $ fbodybodyaccjerkmag_std            : num  -0.103 -0.533 -0.104 -0.982 -0.993 ...
##  $ fbodybodygyromag_std               : num  -0.321 -0.183 -0.398 -0.932 -0.978 ...
##  $ fbodybodygyrojerkmag_std           : num  -0.382 -0.694 -0.392 -0.987 -0.995 ...
##  - attr(*, "vars")= chr "subject_test"
##  - attr(*, "drop")= logi TRUE

Final dataset

kable(head(final_dataset), format = "markdown", padding = 0, caption = "Final dataset")
subject_test exercise_mode tbodyacc_mean_x tbodyacc_mean_y tbodyacc_mean_z tgravityacc_mean_x tgravityacc_mean_y tgravityacc_mean_z tbodyaccjerk_mean_x tbodyaccjerk_mean_y tbodyaccjerk_mean_z tbodygyro_mean_x tbodygyro_mean_y tbodygyro_mean_z tbodygyrojerk_mean_x tbodygyrojerk_mean_y tbodygyrojerk_mean_z tbodyaccmag_mean tgravityaccmag_mean tbodyaccjerkmag_mean tbodygyromag_mean tbodygyrojerkmag_mean fbodyacc_mean_x fbodyacc_mean_y fbodyacc_mean_z fbodyacc_meanfreq_x fbodyacc_meanfreq_y fbodyacc_meanfreq_z fbodyaccjerk_mean_x fbodyaccjerk_mean_y fbodyaccjerk_mean_z fbodyaccjerk_meanfreq_x fbodyaccjerk_meanfreq_y fbodyaccjerk_meanfreq_z fbodygyro_mean_x fbodygyro_mean_y fbodygyro_mean_z fbodygyro_meanfreq_x fbodygyro_meanfreq_y fbodygyro_meanfreq_z fbodyaccmag_mean fbodyaccmag_meanfreq fbodybodyaccjerkmag_mean fbodybodyaccjerkmag_meanfreq fbodybodygyromag_mean fbodybodygyromag_meanfreq fbodybodygyrojerkmag_mean fbodybodygyrojerkmag_meanfreq angle_tbodyaccmean_gravity angle_tbodyaccjerkmean_gravitymean angle_tbodygyromean_gravitymean angle_tbodygyrojerkmean_gravitymean angle_x_gravitymean angle_y_gravitymean angle_z_gravitymean tbodyacc_std_x tbodyacc_std_y tbodyacc_std_z tgravityacc_std_x tgravityacc_std_y tgravityacc_std_z tbodyaccjerk_std_x tbodyaccjerk_std_y tbodyaccjerk_std_z tbodygyro_std_x tbodygyro_std_y tbodygyro_std_z tbodygyrojerk_std_x tbodygyrojerk_std_y tbodygyrojerk_std_z tbodyaccmag_std tgravityaccmag_std tbodyaccjerkmag_std tbodygyromag_std tbodygyrojerkmag_std fbodyacc_std_x fbodyacc_std_y fbodyacc_std_z fbodyaccjerk_std_x fbodyaccjerk_std_y fbodyaccjerk_std_z fbodygyro_std_x fbodygyro_std_y fbodygyro_std_z fbodyaccmag_std fbodybodyaccjerkmag_std fbodybodygyromag_std fbodybodygyrojerkmag_std
1 WALKING 0.2773308 -0.0173838 -0.1111481 0.9352232 -0.2821650 -0.0681029 0.0740416 0.0282721 -0.0041684 -0.0418310 -0.0695300 0.0849448 -0.0899975 -0.0398429 -0.0461309 -0.1369712 -0.1369712 -0.1414288 -0.1609796 -0.2987037 -0.2027943 0.0897127 -0.3315601 -0.2075484 0.1130936 0.0497265 -0.1705470 -0.0352255 -0.4689992 -0.2092620 -0.3862371 -0.1855303 -0.3390322 -0.1030594 -0.2559409 0.0147845 -0.0657746 0.0007733 -0.1286235 0.1906437 -0.0571194 0.0938222 -0.1992526 0.2688444 -0.3193086 0.1906634 0.0604537 -0.0079304 0.0130595 -0.0187432 -0.7292472 0.2769530 0.0688589 -0.2837403 0.1144613 -0.2600279 -0.9766096 -0.9713060 -0.9477172 -0.1136156 0.0670025 -0.5026998 -0.4735355 -0.0546078 -0.3442666 -0.2074219 -0.3044685 -0.4042555 -0.2196886 -0.2196886 -0.0744718 -0.1869784 -0.3253249 -0.3191347 0.0560400 -0.2796868 -0.1335866 0.1067399 -0.5347134 -0.5166919 -0.0335082 -0.4365622 -0.3980326 -0.1034924 -0.3210180 -0.3816019
1 WALKING_UPSTAIRS 0.2554617 -0.0239531 -0.0973020 0.8933511 -0.3621534 -0.0754029 0.1013727 0.0194863 -0.0455625 0.0505494 -0.1661700 0.0583595 -0.1222328 -0.0421486 -0.0407126 -0.1299276 -0.1299276 -0.4665034 -0.1267356 -0.5948829 -0.4043218 -0.1909767 -0.4333497 -0.4187350 -0.1606972 -0.5201148 -0.4798752 -0.4134446 -0.6854744 -0.3770231 -0.5094955 -0.5511043 -0.4926117 -0.3194746 -0.4535972 -0.1874502 -0.4735748 -0.1333739 -0.3523959 -0.0977433 -0.4426522 0.0853524 -0.3259615 -0.2193034 -0.6346651 0.1142773 0.0960861 -0.0610838 -0.1947000 0.0656836 -0.6471957 0.3347633 0.0741664 -0.3547080 -0.0023203 -0.0194792 -0.9563670 -0.9528492 -0.9123794 -0.4468439 -0.3782744 -0.7065935 -0.5448711 0.0041052 -0.5071687 -0.6147865 -0.6016967 -0.6063320 -0.3249709 -0.3249709 -0.4789916 -0.1486193 -0.6485530 -0.3374282 0.0217695 0.0859566 -0.4619070 -0.3817771 -0.7260402 -0.5658925 0.1515389 -0.5717078 -0.4162601 -0.5330599 -0.1829855 -0.6939305
1 WALKING_DOWNSTAIRS 0.2891883 -0.0099185 -0.1075662 0.9318744 -0.2666103 -0.0621200 0.0541553 0.0296504 -0.0109720 -0.0350782 -0.0909371 0.0900850 -0.0739592 -0.0439903 -0.0270461 0.0271883 0.0271883 -0.0894475 -0.0757413 -0.2954638 0.0382292 0.0015499 -0.2255745 -0.3073952 0.0632201 0.2943227 -0.0276639 -0.1286672 -0.2883347 -0.2531643 -0.3375897 0.0093722 -0.3524496 -0.0557023 -0.0318694 -0.1004537 0.0825511 -0.0756762 0.0965845 0.1191871 0.0262185 0.0764915 -0.1857203 0.3496139 -0.2819634 0.1900007 -0.0026951 0.0899317 0.0633383 -0.0399768 -0.7444838 0.2672458 0.0650047 0.0300353 -0.0319359 -0.2304342 -0.9505598 -0.9370187 -0.8959397 -0.0122839 -0.1016014 -0.3457350 -0.4580305 -0.1263492 -0.1247025 -0.4870273 -0.2388248 -0.2687615 0.0198844 0.0198844 -0.0257877 -0.2257244 -0.3065106 0.0243308 -0.1129637 -0.2979279 -0.0863279 -0.1345800 -0.4017215 -0.4954225 -0.1814147 -0.2384436 -0.1865303 -0.1040523 -0.3983504 -0.3919199
1 SITTING 0.2612376 -0.0013083 -0.1045442 0.8315099 0.2044116 0.3320437 0.0774825 -0.0006191 -0.0033678 -0.0453501 -0.0919242 0.0629314 -0.0936794 -0.0402118 -0.0467026 -0.9485368 -0.9485368 -0.9873642 -0.9308925 -0.9919763 -0.9796412 -0.9440846 -0.9591849 -0.0495136 0.0759461 0.2388299 -0.9865970 -0.9815795 -0.9860531 0.2566108 0.0475438 0.0923920 -0.9761615 -0.9758386 -0.9513155 0.1891530 0.0631271 -0.0297839 -0.9477829 0.2366550 -0.9852621 0.3518522 -0.9584356 -0.0002622 -0.9897975 0.1847759 0.0274415 0.0297098 0.0676981 -0.0648816 -0.5912475 -0.0604660 -0.2180172 -0.9772290 -0.9226186 -0.9395863 -0.9684571 -0.9355171 -0.9490409 -0.9864307 -0.9813720 -0.9879108 -0.9772113 -0.9664739 -0.9414259 -0.9917316 -0.9895181 -0.9879358 -0.9270784 -0.9270784 -0.9841200 -0.9345318 -0.9883087 -0.9764123 -0.9172750 -0.9344696 -0.9874930 -0.9825139 -0.9883392 -0.9779042 -0.9623450 -0.9439178 -0.9284448 -0.9816062 -0.9321984 -0.9870496
1 STANDING 0.2789176 -0.0161376 -0.1106018 0.9429520 -0.2729838 0.0134906 0.0753767 0.0079757 -0.0036852 -0.0239877 -0.0593972 0.0748008 -0.0996092 -0.0440628 -0.0489505 -0.9842782 -0.9842782 -0.9923678 -0.9764938 -0.9949668 -0.9952499 -0.9770708 -0.9852971 0.0865154 0.1174789 0.2448586 -0.9946308 -0.9854187 -0.9907522 0.3141829 0.0391619 0.1385815 -0.9863868 -0.9889845 -0.9807731 -0.1202930 -0.0447192 0.1006076 -0.9853564 0.2845553 -0.9925425 0.4222201 -0.9846176 -0.0286058 -0.9948154 0.3344987 -0.0002223 0.0219638 -0.0337938 -0.0279229 -0.7434079 0.2701750 0.0122529 -0.9957599 -0.9731901 -0.9797759 -0.9937630 -0.9812260 -0.9763241 -0.9946045 -0.9856487 -0.9922512 -0.9871919 -0.9877344 -0.9806456 -0.9929451 -0.9951379 -0.9921085 -0.9819429 -0.9819429 -0.9930962 -0.9786900 -0.9947332 -0.9960283 -0.9722931 -0.9779373 -0.9950738 -0.9870182 -0.9923498 -0.9874971 -0.9871077 -0.9823453 -0.9823138 -0.9925360 -0.9784661 -0.9946711
1 LAYING 0.2215982 -0.0405140 -0.1132036 -0.2488818 0.7055498 0.4458177 0.0810865 0.0038382 0.0108342 -0.0165531 -0.0644861 0.1486894 -0.1072709 -0.0415173 -0.0740501 -0.8419292 -0.8419292 -0.9543963 -0.8747595 -0.9634610 -0.9390991 -0.8670652 -0.8826669 -0.1587927 0.0975348 0.0894377 -0.9570739 -0.9224626 -0.9480609 0.1324191 0.0245136 0.0243879 -0.8502492 -0.9521915 -0.9093027 -0.0035468 -0.0915291 0.0104581 -0.8617676 0.0864086 -0.9333004 0.2663912 -0.8621902 -0.1397750 -0.9423669 0.1764859 0.0213660 0.0030604 -0.0016670 0.0844372 0.4267062 -0.5203438 -0.3524131 -0.9280565 -0.8368274 -0.8260614 -0.8968300 -0.9077200 -0.8523663 -0.9584821 -0.9241493 -0.9548551 -0.8735439 -0.9510904 -0.9082847 -0.9186085 -0.9679072 -0.9577902 -0.7951449 -0.7951449 -0.9282456 -0.8190102 -0.9358410 -0.9244374 -0.8336256 -0.8128916 -0.9641607 -0.9322179 -0.9605870 -0.8822965 -0.9512320 -0.9165825 -0.7983009 -0.9218040 -0.8243194 -0.9326607
kable(tail(final_dataset), format = "markdown", padding = 0, caption = "Final dataset")
subject_test exercise_mode tbodyacc_mean_x tbodyacc_mean_y tbodyacc_mean_z tgravityacc_mean_x tgravityacc_mean_y tgravityacc_mean_z tbodyaccjerk_mean_x tbodyaccjerk_mean_y tbodyaccjerk_mean_z tbodygyro_mean_x tbodygyro_mean_y tbodygyro_mean_z tbodygyrojerk_mean_x tbodygyrojerk_mean_y tbodygyrojerk_mean_z tbodyaccmag_mean tgravityaccmag_mean tbodyaccjerkmag_mean tbodygyromag_mean tbodygyrojerkmag_mean fbodyacc_mean_x fbodyacc_mean_y fbodyacc_mean_z fbodyacc_meanfreq_x fbodyacc_meanfreq_y fbodyacc_meanfreq_z fbodyaccjerk_mean_x fbodyaccjerk_mean_y fbodyaccjerk_mean_z fbodyaccjerk_meanfreq_x fbodyaccjerk_meanfreq_y fbodyaccjerk_meanfreq_z fbodygyro_mean_x fbodygyro_mean_y fbodygyro_mean_z fbodygyro_meanfreq_x fbodygyro_meanfreq_y fbodygyro_meanfreq_z fbodyaccmag_mean fbodyaccmag_meanfreq fbodybodyaccjerkmag_mean fbodybodyaccjerkmag_meanfreq fbodybodygyromag_mean fbodybodygyromag_meanfreq fbodybodygyrojerkmag_mean fbodybodygyrojerkmag_meanfreq angle_tbodyaccmean_gravity angle_tbodyaccjerkmean_gravitymean angle_tbodygyromean_gravitymean angle_tbodygyrojerkmean_gravitymean angle_x_gravitymean angle_y_gravitymean angle_z_gravitymean tbodyacc_std_x tbodyacc_std_y tbodyacc_std_z tgravityacc_std_x tgravityacc_std_y tgravityacc_std_z tbodyaccjerk_std_x tbodyaccjerk_std_y tbodyaccjerk_std_z tbodygyro_std_x tbodygyro_std_y tbodygyro_std_z tbodygyrojerk_std_x tbodygyrojerk_std_y tbodygyrojerk_std_z tbodyaccmag_std tgravityaccmag_std tbodyaccjerkmag_std tbodygyromag_std tbodygyrojerkmag_std fbodyacc_std_x fbodyacc_std_y fbodyacc_std_z fbodyaccjerk_std_x fbodyaccjerk_std_y fbodyaccjerk_std_z fbodygyro_std_x fbodygyro_std_y fbodygyro_std_z fbodyaccmag_std fbodybodyaccjerkmag_std fbodybodygyromag_std fbodybodygyrojerkmag_std
30 WALKING 0.2764068 -0.0175880 -0.0986247 0.9652176 -0.1576738 -0.0039256 0.0688690 0.0219657 -0.0073953 -0.0459505 -0.0649171 0.0839568 -0.0873840 -0.0617029 -0.0446007 -0.1951400 -0.1951400 -0.3521117 -0.0229641 -0.4720687 -0.3514029 -0.1938567 -0.3095589 -0.3463571 0.0306217 -0.0837533 -0.3895956 -0.2995253 -0.4670307 -0.2688778 -0.2748389 -0.2012297 -0.3744403 -0.1759009 -0.2473503 -0.2076857 -0.3807315 -0.2626507 -0.3423638 0.0483162 -0.3471801 0.1150108 -0.3583444 -0.0688872 -0.5476218 0.1023463 0.0530153 -0.0152830 0.0157766 -0.0720168 -0.8613229 0.1916256 0.0244500 -0.3463943 -0.1735500 -0.1204768 -0.9797525 -0.9701766 -0.9439584 -0.3744009 -0.2707093 -0.5213519 -0.3879206 0.0060028 -0.1825697 -0.4603454 -0.4976218 -0.4762088 -0.3598734 -0.3598734 -0.3537510 -0.2668457 -0.5469773 -0.3449281 -0.2156343 -0.0931448 -0.4151354 -0.2894661 -0.5754103 -0.3990323 0.0955456 -0.2379415 -0.4698528 -0.3665374 -0.3315417 -0.5785800
30 WALKING_UPSTAIRS 0.2714156 -0.0253312 -0.1246975 0.9318298 -0.2266473 -0.0221401 0.0579840 -0.0035872 0.0161506 -0.0035597 -0.0779606 0.0814699 -0.1084143 -0.0141113 -0.0364158 -0.1376279 -0.1376279 -0.5966001 -0.1136084 -0.7187803 -0.4204028 -0.2978138 -0.3675198 -0.5902615 -0.3338217 -0.5122484 -0.5506784 -0.5929194 -0.7378039 -0.4436963 -0.5367438 -0.6261676 -0.4880390 -0.3660584 -0.3189370 -0.3369542 -0.6427040 -0.4836833 -0.4005884 -0.3123380 -0.5497849 -0.0484763 -0.4491507 -0.4566387 -0.7739745 -0.0714399 -0.0001802 0.0868940 -0.0362012 0.0174889 -0.7901143 0.2409754 0.0373907 -0.3505045 -0.1273112 0.0249468 -0.9540336 -0.9149339 -0.8624028 -0.5354202 -0.5872145 -0.7619420 -0.4938375 -0.0840482 -0.2115736 -0.7427495 -0.7433370 -0.6651506 -0.3274108 -0.3274108 -0.5618377 -0.1692935 -0.7744391 -0.3262604 -0.1042992 0.1214474 -0.5615652 -0.6108266 -0.7847539 -0.5034842 0.0449546 -0.2534271 -0.3945081 -0.5808781 -0.1514723 -0.7913494
30 WALKING_DOWNSTAIRS 0.2831906 -0.0174384 -0.0999781 0.9580005 -0.1267104 0.0288082 0.0883933 -0.0075611 -0.0118301 -0.0745591 -0.0693112 0.0895768 -0.0615955 -0.0496808 -0.0543595 -0.0373901 -0.0373901 -0.2937388 -0.0955373 -0.5743370 -0.1069670 -0.0216637 -0.2580674 -0.4633029 -0.0640946 0.0428810 -0.2349231 -0.2249928 -0.3996887 -0.3071167 -0.4250517 -0.1683407 -0.2630616 -0.3480651 -0.2637208 -0.3957702 -0.2864671 -0.2527629 0.0041015 -0.0724828 -0.1259614 -0.1252104 -0.3567723 -0.1759313 -0.6175788 0.0227158 0.0065700 -0.0615355 0.0811338 -0.1089736 -0.8831362 0.1709113 0.0013913 -0.0577703 -0.0272628 -0.2172757 -0.9588904 -0.9186788 -0.8776671 -0.2266439 -0.1946561 -0.4670702 -0.2659232 -0.2853924 -0.2953704 -0.5427645 -0.6137963 -0.4988829 -0.0135771 -0.0135771 -0.1252832 -0.2082675 -0.6176621 -0.0405257 -0.0934683 -0.2573934 -0.2898027 -0.2174320 -0.5355150 -0.2783866 -0.2557321 -0.3715415 -0.1785352 -0.1331243 -0.2523619 -0.6455039
30 SITTING 0.2683361 -0.0080473 -0.0995154 0.8254738 0.1145884 0.3447660 0.0760058 0.0097569 -0.0027816 -0.0358426 -0.0743536 0.0702003 -0.0952708 -0.0407931 -0.0488205 -0.9574872 -0.9574872 -0.9877991 -0.9558473 -0.9937374 -0.9850088 -0.9540760 -0.9662741 -0.1227005 0.0071382 0.0927750 -0.9887754 -0.9804057 -0.9859783 0.1366891 -0.1277838 -0.0214875 -0.9870346 -0.9820059 -0.9611771 -0.0154022 -0.3127816 -0.0503841 -0.9599234 0.0705937 -0.9858263 0.3187685 -0.9738763 -0.1466085 -0.9917507 0.2166511 -0.0151925 0.0458754 -0.0075999 -0.0208555 -0.5963054 0.0010395 -0.2275346 -0.9836227 -0.9378570 -0.9506540 -0.9783647 -0.9593613 -0.9566357 -0.9888646 -0.9804209 -0.9881644 -0.9881327 -0.9764776 -0.9550532 -0.9938685 -0.9924913 -0.9881245 -0.9429015 -0.9429015 -0.9860576 -0.9606413 -0.9912802 -0.9832310 -0.9339926 -0.9462038 -0.9900176 -0.9819021 -0.9889712 -0.9884848 -0.9738050 -0.9573087 -0.9435437 -0.9852950 -0.9595139 -0.9909464
30 STANDING 0.2771127 -0.0170164 -0.1087562 0.9685567 -0.1002968 0.0243044 0.0752414 0.0120860 0.0019084 -0.0276139 -0.0670334 0.0802515 -0.0997160 -0.0437760 -0.0520307 -0.9305736 -0.9305736 -0.9712252 -0.9138906 -0.9729953 -0.9720141 -0.9194751 -0.9380898 -0.0532792 -0.2378598 -0.0288534 -0.9678576 -0.9574349 -0.9628926 0.0608341 -0.2659804 -0.0606642 -0.9157429 -0.9456288 -0.9377981 -0.3935262 -0.3023487 -0.2486312 -0.9320475 -0.1115002 -0.9533576 0.0494753 -0.9174494 -0.3183091 -0.9592422 -0.1317205 0.0172814 0.0041669 0.0515531 0.0328842 -0.8781591 0.1522859 0.0046999 -0.9775594 -0.8916545 -0.9128506 -0.9964209 -0.9581458 -0.9492074 -0.9684307 -0.9573189 -0.9688973 -0.9114085 -0.9407054 -0.9308347 -0.9601191 -0.9681350 -0.9708457 -0.9165704 -0.9165704 -0.9507623 -0.8872476 -0.9559957 -0.9804266 -0.8855728 -0.9072868 -0.9722167 -0.9604424 -0.9739543 -0.9117182 -0.9394698 -0.9351769 -0.9217332 -0.9466398 -0.8888722 -0.9550086
30 LAYING 0.2810339 -0.0194494 -0.1036582 -0.3447378 0.7326612 0.6814592 0.0752197 0.0107680 -0.0003742 -0.0267812 -0.0761476 0.0938472 -0.1022774 -0.0384876 -0.0595737 -0.9698300 -0.9698300 -0.9792328 -0.9622849 -0.9850864 -0.9747900 -0.9599743 -0.9703220 -0.2229584 0.0705691 0.2302698 -0.9768879 -0.9716963 -0.9756324 0.0410382 -0.1419612 0.0650537 -0.9717891 -0.9681703 -0.9675774 -0.0661794 -0.2399248 0.0674681 -0.9628408 0.1760172 -0.9699493 0.1721211 -0.9620012 -0.0802049 -0.9778213 0.1072526 -0.0106131 0.0369006 0.0372059 0.0173555 0.4998487 -0.4922870 -0.5070199 -0.9763625 -0.9542018 -0.9670442 -0.9795639 -0.9889307 -0.9832745 -0.9774638 -0.9710498 -0.9795179 -0.9736628 -0.9660417 -0.9688892 -0.9837758 -0.9803571 -0.9807689 -0.9601679 -0.9601679 -0.9696423 -0.9512644 -0.9761771 -0.9770453 -0.9535584 -0.9671882 -0.9803507 -0.9724342 -0.9822816 -0.9744884 -0.9651342 -0.9721992 -0.9640518 -0.9680878 -0.9526444 -0.9754815


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