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Karl Voit edited this page Jun 18, 2017 · 1 revision

Orgmode Elements > Drawers

Org-mode drawers must not be intended and directly follow a heading. After the first empty line, the parser is looking for Org-mode elements that are not drawers.

Drawers and its content is not visible in the HTML output. They are just parsed for the meta-data described in the next sections.


ID property: The first line starting with :ID: is interpreted as the line holding the ID of the heading.

CREATED property: line begins with :CREATED: (case insensitive) followed by at least one whitespace character and an timestamp.


State transitions: within LOGBOOK drawer: line begins with - State followed by at least one whitespace character, from, at least one whitespace character and text.

The most recent finished time-stamp is used to mark the last update on the article (latestupdateTS).

The oldest finished time-stamp is used to mark the first publishing date (firstpublishTS).

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