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Welcome to Nodal

This project is using:

There are many components in this boilerplate that do not require an active web3 provider, they use Moralis Web3 API. Moralis supports the most popular blockchains and their test networks. You can find a list of all available networks in Moralis Supported Chains

Please check the official documentation of Moralis for all the functionalities of Moralis

Quick Start

Clone or fork ethereum-react-native-boilerplate:

git clone

Install the expo CLI globally:

npm i -g expo-cli

Install all dependencies:

cd Nodal
yarn install

Run your App:

  • IOS:
  • For physical IOS Device: Open the moraliscreatereactnativedapp.xcworkspace from ios folder in Xcode. Run the App by choosing your connected physical device.
  • Next navigate to Signing & Capabilities: Change team to Personal Team & set a custom Bundle Identifier
  • Build!