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A Git-based lightweight headless CMS. A modern, free, open source alternative to Netlify CMS & Decap CMS.


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Sveltia CMS

Sveltia CMS is a Git-based lightweight headless CMS partially compatible with Netlify/Decap CMS. You can use it with any static site generator, such as SvelteKit, Eleventy, Next.js and Hugo, to manage the content as static files on a Git repository. The open source Netlify/Decap CMS alternative is now in public beta, with more features to come.

Screenshot: Git-based Headless CMS with Dark Mode

Screenshot: Instant Entry Listing, Searching and Saving

Screenshot: All-New Media Library

Screenshot: Stock Photo Integrations; Quick Translation

Screenshot: Single-Line Migration from Netlify/Decap CMS; Sveltia CMS


Sveltia CMS is a Git-based lightweight headless CMS, which means:

  • Git-based: The content is saved as static JSON, YAML or TOML files on your Git repository. No 3rd party database or API is involved. Your data is yours.
  • Lightweight: The app is compiled as a single small JavaScript file served via a CDN. You don’t have to sign up for a service or install additional software.
  • Headless: The CMS only takes care of raw data. You can read it and render the final content with your favourite framework.

Here are some highlights mainly compared to Netlify/Decap CMS:

Compatible with Netlify/Decap CMS

  • Ready to replace Netlify/Decap CMS in some casual use case scenarios by updating one single line of code.
  • Existing configuration files can be reused as is.
  • Various features are still missing though; see the chart below for details.

Better UX

  • Offering a modern, intuitive UI, with some inspiration from the Netlify/Decap CMS v3 prototype1.
  • Immersive dark mode2.
  • The screenshots above are worth a thousand words!

Better performance

  • Built completely from scratch with Svelte rather than forking React-based Netlify/Decap CMS. The app starts fast and stays fast. The compiled code is vanilla JavaScript; you can use it with any framework.
  • Using the GraphQL API for GitHub by default to fetch contents quickly at once, so showing and searching entries and media are now instant. Saving entries and media is also much faster.
  • Small footprint: less than 250 KB when minified and gzipped, compared to 1.5 MB of Netlify/Decap CMS.

Better productivity

  • Required fields, not optional fields, are clearly marked for efficient data entry.
  • Integrating Pexels, Pixabay and Unsplash to allow inserting free stock photos into image fields with no hassle3.
  • You can work on a local Git repository without having to run a proxy server.
  • Delete multiple entries and assets at once.
  • Solving various outstanding Netlify/Decap CMS bugs4.

Better i18n support

  • Making it easier to switch between locales while editing with just a click on a button.
  • Integrating DeepL to allow translating text fields from another locale with one click.
  • You can now use a random UUID for an entry slug, which is a good option for locales writing in non-Latin characters5.
  • Solving limitations in Netlify/Decap CMS’s list and object widgets so that changes made with these widgets will be duplicated between locales as expected6.
  • Users can now choose their preferred UI locale.

Collection enhancements

Media library enhancements

  • An all-new media library makes it easy to manage all your assets.
  • Sort or filter assets by name or file type.
  • View asset details, including size, dimensions, and a list of entries that use the selected asset.
  • Upload multiple assets at once, including files in nested folders, by browsing or dragging & dropping them into the media library8.
  • You can now navigate between the global media folder and a per-collection media folder9.


While recreating all the features found in Netlify/Decap CMS is not our goal, we plan to maximize the compatibility before reaching the 1.0 release so that more users can migrate to our modern alternative.

Feature Status in Sveltia CMS
UI locales Only English and Japanese are available at this time. No registration is needed. While the UI locale is automatically selected depending on the browser’s language settings, it can be changed in Preferences. (Click on the Account button at the top right corner of the CMS.)
Account Only the GitHub backend is available at this time. You can keep using Netlify or a 3rd party OAuth client (or our own) to sign in with GitHub, just like Netlify/Decap CMS. We plan to add the GitLab and Test backends, but Azure and Bitbucket are unlikely to be supported, mainly due to the lack of an API method to fetch content in bulk. Later we may implement a performant Git Gateway alternative using GraphQL.
Configuration Supported.
Media External media storage services are not yet supported.
Editorial Workflow Coming soon.
Collections Supported.
Widgets See below for the current limitations.
Custom widgets Not yet supported.
Custom previews Not yet supported.

Widget limitations

Widget Status in Sveltia CMS
Code Not yet supported.
Color It’s a native <input> element at this time. The enableAlpha option is not yet supported.
Date/DateTime These are also native <input> elements. The date_format and time_format options with Moment.js tokens are not yet supported. We may deprecate the Moment.js format support anyway.
File/Image The media_library options are not yet supported other than max_file_size and choose_url.
Map Not yet supported.
Markdown It’s a plain text editor at this time. We’ll soon implement a rich text editor with i18n issues addressed.
Relation The search_fields options is not yet supported.

Beta features in Netlify/Decap CMS

Feature Status in Sveltia CMS
Working with a Local Git Repository Supported. See below for details.
GitLab and BitBucket Editorial Workflow Support The GitLab backend is not yet supported. No plan to support BitBucket.
i18n Support Supported. In fact, i18n is at the core of Sveltia CMS!
GitHub GraphQL API Supported. Sveltia CMS uses GraphQL by default for a better performance. It cannot be disabled.
GitLab GraphQL API The GitLab backend is not yet supported.
Open Authoring Not yet supported.
Folder Collections Path Supported.
Folder Collections Media and Public Folder Supported. We recommend using absolute path per-collection folders for easier asset management rather than relative path per-entry folders.
List Widget: Variable Types Supported.
Custom Mount Element Supported.
Manual Initialization Not yet supported.
Raw CSS in registerPreviewStyle Not yet supported.
Squash merge GitHub pull requests Editorial workflow is not yet supported.
Commit Message Templates Supported.
Image widget file size limit Supported.
Summary string template transformations Supported.
Registering to CMS Events Not yet supported.
Dynamic Default Values Supported.
Nested Collections Not yet supported.
Remark plugins Not yet supported.

Known issues

  • Comprehensive config validation is not implemented yet.
  • Auto-saving a draft entry is not implemented yet.
  • Duplicating an entry is not implemented yet.
  • Accessibility support is limited.
  • Assets cannot be previewed when using relative path per-entry media folders.


  • Further Netlify/Decap CMS compatibility, including Editorial Workflow
  • Config editor10
  • Documentation
  • Demo site
  • Starter templates

Non goals

  • Mobile support
  • WYSIWYG editing

Getting started

New users

Currently, Sveltia CMS is aimed at existing Netlify/Decap CMS users. If you don’t have it yet, follow their documentation to add it to your site first. Then migrate to Sveltia CMS as described below.

As the product evolves, we’ll implement the configuration editor and provide comprehensive documentation to make it easier for everyone to get started with Sveltia CMS.

Here are some starter templates for popular frameworks created by our contributors. More to follow!


If you’re already using Netlify/Decap CMS with the GitHub backend and don’t have any custom widget, custom preview or plugin, migrating to Sveltia CMS is super easy. Edit /admin/index.html to replace the CMS script tag, and push the change to your repository:

-<script src="^2.0.0/dist/netlify-cms.js"></script>
+<script src="" type="module"></script>

That’s it! You can open https://[hostname]/admin/ as before to start editing. There is even no authentication process if you’ve already been signed in with GitHub on Netlify/Decap CMS because Sveltia CMS uses your auth token stored in the browser. Simple enough!

That said, we highly recommend testing your new Sveltia CMS instance first on your local machine. See below for how.

Tips & tricks

Move your site from Netlify to another hosting service

You can host your Sveltia CMS-managed site anywhere, such as Cloudflare Pages or GitHub Pages. But moving away from Netlify means you can no longer sign in with GitHub via Netlify. Instead, you can use our own OAuth client, which can be easily deployed to Cloudflare Workers, or any other 3rd party client made for Netlify/Decap CMS.

Work with a local Git repository

You can use Sveltia CMS with a local Git repository, just like the beta feature in Netlify/Decap CMS, but Sveltia CMS has simplified the workflow by removing the necessity of the additional configuration (the local_backend property) and proxy server, thanks to the File System Access API available in some modern browsers.

  1. Launch the local development server for your frontend framework, typically with npm run dev.
  2. Visit http://localhost:[port]/admin/index.html with Chrome, Edge or other Chromium-based desktop browser. The port number depends on your framework.
  3. Click “Work with Local Repository” and select the project’s root directory once prompted.
  4. Make some changes on Sveltia CMS.
  5. See if the produced changes look good using git diff or a GUI like GitHub Desktop.
  6. Commit and push the changes if satisfied, or discard them if you’re just testing.

Use a custom icon for a collection

As shown in the screenshot above, you can use different icons for collections in Sveltia CMS.

  1. Visit the Material Symbols page on Google Fonts.
  2. Search and select an icon, and copy the icon name displayed on the right panel.
  3. Add it to one of your collection definitions in config.yml as the new icon property, like the example below.
  4. Repeat the same steps for all the collections if desired.
  5. Commit and push the changes to your Git repository.
  6. Reload Sveltia CMS once the updated config file is deployed.
   - name: tags
     label: Tags
+    icon: sell
     create: true
     folder: data/tags/

Use a custom media folder for a collection

This is actually not new in Sveltia CMS but rather an undocumented feature in Netlify/Decap CMS11. You can specify media and public folders for each collection that override the global media folder. Well, it’s documented as a beta feature, but that’s probably not what you want.

Rather, if you’d like to add all the media files for a collection in one single folder, specify both media_folder and public_folder instead of leaving them empty. The trick is to use an absolute path for media_folder like the example below. You can try this with Netlify/Decap CMS first if you prefer.

 media_folder: static/media
 public_folder: /media

   - name: products
     label: Products
     create: true
     folder: data/products/
+    media_folder: /static/media/products
+    public_folder: /media/products

In Sveltia CMS, those per-collection media folders are displayed prominently for easier asset management.

Use DeepL to translate entry fields

Sveltia CMS comes with a handy DeepL integration so that you can translate any text field from another locale without leaving the content editor. To enable the high-quality, quick translation feature:

  1. Sign up for DeepL API and copy your Authentication Key from DeepL’s Account page.
  2. Go back to Sveltia CMS, click on the Account button at the top right corner, then click Preferences.
  3. Paste your key to the DeepL API Authentication Key field, and close the Preferences dialog.
  4. Open any entry, and you can now translate all fields or individual fields by selecting the Translate menu item.
  5. If you have upgraded to DeepL API Pro, provide your new Authentication Key in the same way.

Use a random ID for an entry slug

By default, the slug for a new entry file will be generated based on the entry’s title field. Or, you can specify the collection’s slug option to use the file creation date or other fields. While the behaviour is generally acceptable and SEO-friendly, it’s not useful if the title might change later or if it contains non-Latin characters like Chinese. In Sveltia CMS, you can easily generate a random UUID for a slug without a custom widget!

It’s simple — just specify {{uuid}} (full UUID v4), {{uuid_short}} (last 12 characters only) or {{uuid_shorter}} (first 8 characters only) in the slug option. The results would look like 4fc0917c-8aea-4ad5-a476-392bdcf3b642, 392bdcf3b642 and 4fc0917c, respectively.

   - name: members
     label: Members
     create: true
     folder: data/members/
+    slug: '{{uuid_short}}'

Set up Content Security Policy

If your site adopts Content Security Policy (CSP), use the following policy for Sveltia CMS, or some features may not work.

style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';
font-src 'self';
img-src 'self' blob: data:;
script-src 'self';
connect-src 'self' blob: data:;

And combine the following policies depending on your Git backend and enabled integrations.

  • GitHub:
  • Pexels:
  • Pixabay:
  • Unsplash:
  • DeepL API Free:
  • DeepL API Pro:

If you have image field(s) and expect that images will be inserted as URLs, you may want to allow any source using a wildcard instead of specifying individual origins:

img-src 'self' blob: data: https://*;

Self-host the CMS

Sveltia CMS is open source for sure! You can host it on your server rather than loading it from UNPKG, though it’s not recommended due to missing bug fixes. Simply copy the latest sveltia-cms.js file from the CDN, or build it yourself:

  1. Clone this Git repository.
  2. Run pnpm install && pnpm build at the project root.
  3. sveltia-cms.js will be generated under the dist directory.

Importing the CMS as an npm package is not yet supported.

Support & feedback

Visit the Discussions page on this GitHub repository and start a new discussion. Tell us about your use cases!

Want to build a website with Sveltia CMS? @kyoshino is available for hire depending on your requirements.


Sveltia CMS is still in early beta, so we do expect various problems. Please report any bugs to us. Feel free to submit feature requests as well. Meanwhile, pull requests may not be accepted for the time being due to limited review resources.


  • Introducing Sveltia CMS: a short technical presentation by @kyoshino during the This Week in Svelte online meetup on March 31, 2023 — recording & slides


This software is provided “as is” without any express or implied warranty. This product is not affiliated with or endorsed by Netlify, Decap CMS or any other integrated services. All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners.


  1. Netlify/Decap CMS #2557

  2. Netlify/Decap CMS #3267

  3. Netlify/Decap CMS #2579

  4. Netlify/Decap CMS #1382 and many more. We’ll be updating this list after reviewing their issue list.

  5. Netlify/Decap CMS #1975

  6. Netlify/Decap CMS #4386

  7. Netlify/Decap CMS #1040

  8. Netlify/Decap CMS #1032

  9. Netlify/Decap CMS #3240

  10. Netlify/Decap CMS #341

  11. Netlify/Decap CMS #3671


A Git-based lightweight headless CMS. A modern, free, open source alternative to Netlify CMS & Decap CMS.







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  • JavaScript 51.6%
  • Svelte 48.3%
  • HTML 0.1%