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This is for the maint-v1.0 version of NervesHub. It has been merged into NervesHubCLI going forward.

This is a library for interacting with a NervesHub website programmatically. See NervesHubCLI for using it with mix.

Devices do not use this library to connect to a NervesHub server. See NervesHubLink for the reference client.


The package can be installed by adding nerves_hub_user_api to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:nerves_hub_user_api, "~> 0.8.0"}

The docs can be found at HexDocs.

Environment variables

NervesHubUserAPI may be configured using environment variables to simplify automation. Environment variables take precedence over configuration. The following variables are available:

  • NERVES_HUB_SCHEME - NervesHub API endpoint scheme (defaults to https)
  • NERVES_HUB_HOST - NervesHub API endpoint IP address or hostname
  • NERVES_HUB_PORT - NervesHub API endpoint port (defaults to 443)
  • NERVES_LOG_DISABLE_PROGRESS_BAR - Set to disable the progress bar on file transfers


NervesHubUserAPI may also be configured in the config.exs. It supports the following keys:

  • scheme NervesHub API endpoint scheme (defaults to https)
  • host - NervesHub API endpoint address
  • port - NervesHub API endpoint port (defaults to 443)
  • ca_store - A module that exposes a single function ca_certs that returns certs as a list of DER encoded binaries.