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Functions for generating noisy sine waves, for use in pretraining ANNs

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Simple 1D ANNs

This repository contains basic PyTorch neural networks with varying architectures that use synthetic sinusoidal input data. Includes a variety of dataloaders and PyTorch training additions, including Lightning and Tensorboard for reference. These are meant for my own reference when building more complex networks intended for real world scenarios, they don't include any domain specifics or complex implementations, nor do they focus on hyperparameter tuning or thorough demonstration. Every input is derivative of simple 1D sine waves precisely because this requirement allows all the hard parts of loading, storing and preprocessing data to be set aside in favor of debugging and implementing the network architectures quickly.

Sine Wave Generation

PyTorch RecursiveWaveGen

  • Recursive generator for sine waves with combinations of input hyperparameters
  • Input parameters are lazily evaluated, meaning each parameter method call adds expected operations to the class until .sample() is called, causing the tensors to be instantiated and returned as a single tensor
  • All computations are done in PyTorch, returned results are PyTorch Tensor instances as well

NumPy WaveGen

  • Each method calls transforms the underlying array, defined by initial arguments and method setters
  • After calling .sample(), array is resampled with noise a select number of times
  • Once resampled, the .samples attribute can be used to access different versions of the array with additional noise
  • After the underlying samples are handled, parameters can again be modified with method calls to make changes, the array can then be resampled, so on and so forth

General Operations

The following can be adjusted with method calls:

  • Sine/Cosine phase
  • Horizontal/Vertical flips
  • Gaussian noise added
  • Alteration of amplitude & bias
  • Repeat of current array
  • Custom adjustment of phase angle
  • Alteration of number of periods

Current Notebook Progress

Notebook Contents :

  • Synthetic Generator : Sine wave generation for intended purpose is included
  • Data Loader : Synthetic data is properly train/test split for model training
  • Model Definition : PyTorch model is defined
  • Training : Proper training & testing code is included
  • Visualization : Visual evaluation of the input and model output is visible

Notebook Status :

  • Complete : Whole notebook works for the intended purpose
  • Unrefined : At least one model has been tested, but the code needs to be cleaned up
  • Untested : General code structure is finished, but training/visuals need to be tested
  • In Progress : Enough code is available to view the intent, but the model is not ready for testing
File Status Description Implementation Library Extra
Bayesian Regressor Unrefined Probabilistic Linear Regression Model PyTorch Torch BNN Library
Binary Separator Complete Time series segmentation intended to maximize distribution differences while being constrained by autocorrelation in each class PyTorch
CNN LSTM Untested Simple 1D CNN for feeding down to an LSTM forward predictor PyTorch Ray Tune
TCN Complete Time convolutional pooling down to linear model for regressing scalar value PyTorch
DAE Complete Denoising autoencoder for reconstructing sine waves from bottleneck PyTorch
Linear Ensemble Unrefined Simple linear regressor with training for synthetic compositions of weights, allowing objective measure of coefficients against actual weights PyTorch
Siamese Unrefined Siamese network for similarity learning between two sine waves PyTorch
Unet Unrefined Single dimensional UNet for supervised time series segmentation labeling PyTorch
Forward Ranker Unrefined Model that predicts forward time series rankings with limited parameters PyTorch
DDPM In Progress Single dimensional denoising diffusion probabilistic model for generating new data PyTorch
Sharpe Regressor In Progress Simple linear model optimizing for sharpe loss and alternative financial portfolio metrics as an alternative optimizer Flax
Bidirectional Unet Encoding In Progress Simple Unet encoder/decoder for extracting 3D features for Bidirectional GRU analysis Flax


Functions for generating noisy sine waves, for use in pretraining ANNs






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