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generic analysis initial commit
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brendano committed May 30, 2008
0 parents commit 73fe52a
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Showing 4 changed files with 279 additions and 0 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions bin/approve_assignments
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'rubygems'
ENV['XMAS_ENV'] = "production"
require 'xmas'

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions crazyplots.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
util$mypairs <- function() {
# crazy merge of corrgram::corrgram and psych::pairs.panels


39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions main.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# generic analysis functions


dlanalysis = new.env()

agg_to_unit <- function(a, by='unit_id',
up_for_vote = names(a)[bgrep("^X\\.",names(a)) & !bgrep("^X\\.amt",names(a))]
) {

u = dfagg(a, a[,by], function(x) {
ret = list()
for(attr in up_for_vote) {
# winner = names(which.max(table( x[,attr] )))
# ret[[paste(attr,'decision',sep='_')]] = winner
p = table(x[,attr]) / nrow(x)
ret[[paste(attr,'entropy',sep='_')]] = sum(-p * log(p), na.rm=T)
ret = c(ret, table(x[,attr]))

binary_vote <- function(u, thresh=0.5, target='same', total_from=c('same','diff'), bool=FALSE) {
bool_vote = u[,target] / apply(u[,total_from], 1, sum) > thresh
if (bool) return (bool_vote)
fill_bool(bool_vote, target, setdiff(total_from, target)[1])

# w = data.frame(row.names=names(sort(-table(a$X.amt_worker_ids))))
# w$num = table(a$X.amt_worker_ids)[row.names(w)]
# list(w=w, u=u)

while("dlanalysis" %in% search())
229 changes: 229 additions & 0 deletions util.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
options(showWarnCalls=T, showErrorCalls=T)
if (system("stty -a &>/dev/null") == 0)
options(width= as.integer(sub(".* ([0-9]+) column.*", "\\1", system("stty -a", intern=T)[1])) )

util = new.env()

util$unitnorm <- function(x, ...) (x - mean(x,...)) / sd(x,...)

util$msg <- function(...) cat(..., "\n", file=stderr())

util$strlen <- function(s) length(strsplit(s,"")[[1]])

util$strmatch <- function(pat,s) length(grep(pat,s)) > 0

util$strstrip <- function(s) gsub("^\\s*|\\s*$", "", s)

util$unwhich <- function(indices, len=length(indices)) {
ret = rep(F,len)
ret[indices] = T

# util$merge_vec <- function(df, y, by, name) {
# right = data.frame(bla=y)
# right[[name]] = right$bla
# rm(right$bla)
# right[[by]] = as.numeric(names(y))
# merge(df, right, sort=FALSE)
# }

util$lax_rbind <- function(...) {
inputs = list(...)
each_names = sapply(inputs, names)
all_names = unique(c(each_names, recursive=TRUE))
for (k in 1:length(inputs)) {
if (is.null(inputs[[k]])) next
more = setdiff(all_names, names(inputs[[k]]))
inputs[[k]][,more] = NA
}, inputs)

util$fill_bool <- function(bool, true='yes', false='no') {
ret = rep(NA,length(bool))
names(ret) = names(bool)
ret[bool] = true
ret[!bool] = false

# "boolean" grep: return a logical vector ready for &, | etc ops.
# so bgrep works in the world of vector ops like ==, %in%, etc.

util$bgrep <- function(pat,x, ...) {
unwhich(grep(pat,x,...), length(x))

util$tapply2 <- function(x, ...) {
if (is.factor(x)) {
r = factor(tapply(as.character(x), ...), levels=levels(x))
} else {
r = tapply(x, ...)

util$inject <- function(collection, start, fn) {
acc = start
for (x in collection)
acc = fn(acc, x)

util$select <- function(collection, fn) {
r = c()
for (x in collection)
if (fn(x))
r = c(r, x)

util$is_empty <- function(collection) length(collection) == 0

util$as.c <- as.character

util$xprod <- function(xs,ys) {
ret = list()
for (x in xs) for (y in ys) {
i = i+1
ret[[i]] = list(x=x,y=y)

util$timeit <- function(x) {
start = Sys.time()
ret = eval(x)
finish = Sys.time()
print(finish - start)

util$dotprogress <- function(callback, interval=100) {
count = 0
return(function(...) {
if ((count <<- count+1) %% interval == 0)

# dataframe-outputting apply and aggregation functions

# like sapply/lapply except it expects fn() to yield lists.
# each list gets coerced into a single row of a dataframe.

util$dfapply <- function(collection, fn, t=F) {
r = sapply(collection, fn)
if (t) r = base::t(r)
r = matrix2df(r)

# sapply() with fn() yielding lists retrns a matrix with named rows/cols ...
# and whenever you name-index into this thing it return a list ... yuck
# make that shit more normal.

util$matrix2df <- function(x) {
if (class(x) != 'matrix') stop("why is class ",class(x))
colnames = names(x[1,])
sapply(colnames, function(n) unlist(x[,n])),

# like by() but the data types are less crazy:
# if fn() returns a list, a data frame is returned.
# -> byvals are the row names.
# -> each list is coerced into the rows.
# if fn() returns a nonlist, a list is returned.
# -> byvals are the names.
# We attempt to be tolerant for slight inconsistencies in fn()'s return values.

util$dfagg <- function(d, byvals, fn) {
if (class(byvals) == 'function')
byvals = byvals(d)

b = by(d, byvals, fn)

cols = NULL
for (i in 1:min(100,length(b))) {
cols = c(cols, names(b[[i]]))
cols = unique(cols)

ret = data.frame(row.names=names(b))

for (col in cols) {
ret[,col] = sapply(names(b), function(k) b[[k]][[col]])
if(length(cols) == 0) {
return(sapply(names(b), function(k) b[[k]]))

util$mymerge <- function(x,y, row.x=F,row.y=F, by=NULL, ...) {
if (row.x) {
x[,by] = row.names(x)
if (row.y) {
y[,by] = row.names(y)

merge(x,y,by=by, ...)


util$read.xmlss <- function(f) {
## BUG: the xml skips cells sometimes. tricky to parse, argh
# Mac Excel 2004 calls this "XML Spreadsheet". It's nice because it's UTF-8.
# [ mac .xls seems to be macroman, but xls2csv (perl converter) f's it up,.
# and then iconv can't recover. boo! ]
csv_pipe = pipe(paste('ruby <<EOF
require "rubygems"
require "hpricot"
require "fastercsv"
h = Hpricot("',f,'"))
mat = ("worksheet")/"row").map{|row| (row/"cell").map{|data| data.inner_text}}
mat.each{|row| puts row.to_csv}
', sep=''))
df = read.csv(csv_pipe)
# close(csv_pipe)

util$rbern <- function(n, p=0.5) rbinom(n, size=1, prob=p)


# for interactivity...

util$excel <- function(d) {
con = file("/tmp/tmp.csv", "w", encoding="MACROMAN")
write.csv(d, con)
system("open -a 'Microsoft Excel' /tmp/tmp.csv")

util$mate <- function(...) {
system(paste("mate", ...))

# pretty-print as yaml. intended for rows with big textual cells.

util$ppy <- function(x, column.major=FALSE) {
cat(as.yaml(x, column.major=column.major))

while("util" %in% search())

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