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Introduction to Singularity on Discovery (Dartmouth College HPC cluster)


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Getting Setup with Singularity

This is a guide to getting started with Singularity containers in conjunction with Dartmouth College's Discovery HPC.
Questions can be addressed to [email protected] or [email protected].
We're not experts but we're happy to try to help!

Pre-requisites (OSX only!)

Because singularity runs primarily on linux, we need to create a virtual linux environment on OSX in order to build/manipulate singularity containers. Follow this step first if you're using OSX.

Install Homebrew package manager

Homebrew is a package manager for OSX similar to apt-get or yum on linux. It allows you to download and install different software (e.g. wget, or curl) and allows you to build your own packages. Just copy and run the command below:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Use Homebrew to install Vagrant

Vagrant is a virtual development environment that can be used to create virtual-machines (kind of similar to Virtualbox, but much more powerful). It can be used to install and run another operating system on your computer that's completely independent from your host OS. First we're going to install vagrant via Homebrew.

brew cask install Virtualbox
brew cask install vagrant
brew cask install vagrant-manager

Use Vagrant to create a virtual machine

Now that we have vagrant installed, we can use it to make a brand new linux- based virtual machine, within which singularity will be installed. It's from inside this vm that we're going to do all future singularity container creation, modification etc.

First let's create a folder that our virtual machine will live in.

mkdir singularity-vm
cd singularity-vm

Now lets download a vagrantfile for a prebuilt Ubuntu system that already has singularity installed.

vagrant init singularityware/singularity-2.3

Finally we can start up virtual machine and move into it.

#If this is the first time you're building the vm the vagrant up command might take a minute or so to complete
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Whenver you're done using a vagrant vm just use ctrl+c to exit the machine and type vagrant halt to shut it down.

Creating a Singularity container

Let's begin by creating a new folder within our vm for our brand new container (this isn't strictly necessary but nice to keep different containers organized):

mkdir miniconda
cd miniconda

The first thing we need to do in order to create a singularity container is make a singularity definition file. This is just an instruction set that singularity will use to create a container. Think of this definition file as a recipe, and the container as the final product. Within this recipe, specify everything you need to in order create your custom analysis environment. Sharing this definition file with others will enable them to identically reproduce the steps it took to create your container.

To get you started here's an example definition file that we're going to use for this demo. This is a simple neurodebian flavored container with miniconda installed along with numpy and scipy.
Let's save this to a file called miniconda.def

# Singularity definition example with miniconda
# Matteo Visconti di Oleggio Castello; Eshin Jolly
# [email protected]; [email protected]
# May 2017

bootstrap: docker
from: neurodebian:jessie

# this command assumes singularity 2.3
    # install debian packages
    apt-get update
    apt-get install -y eatmydata
    eatmydata apt-get install -y wget bzip2 \
      ca-certificates libglib2.0-0 libxext6 libsm6 libxrender1 \
      git git-annex-standalone
    apt-get clean

    # install anaconda
    if [ ! -d /usr/local/anaconda ]; then
         wget \
            -O ~/ && \
         bash ~/ -b -p /usr/local/anaconda && \
         rm ~/
    # set anaconda path
    export PATH="/usr/local/anaconda/bin:$PATH"

    # install the bare minimum
    conda install\
      numpy scipy
    conda clean --tarballs

    # make /data and /scripts so we can mount it to access external resources
    if [ ! -d /data ]; then mkdir /data; fi
    if [ ! -d /scripts ]; then mkdir /scripts; fi

    echo "Now inside Singularity container woah..."
    exec /bin/bash

Now lets use our vagrant vm and create a blank singularity image allocating 4gb of disk space within our container. You may need to adjust this depending on how much software you plan to install. By default the vagrant vm will share /vagrant with your host OS so lets perform our operation in there within the container folder we created earlier.

vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant/miniconda
# Now let's build it!
sudo singularity build miniconda.img miniconda.def

Basic container usage

If all went well we should be able to issue a python command to the python version installed within our container like so:

singularity exec miniconda.img python -c 'print "Hello from Singularity!"'

We can also open up our container and work inside it interactively:

singularity run miniconda.img
conda list

Press ctrl+d to exit the container.

Most commonly you'll use one of three commands with a container:
singularity exec to run a specific command/file/script using the container
singularity run to move into a container and use it interactively; what gets run by this command is dictated by your singularity definition file
singularity shell similar to above, but specifically open up a shell within the container

A few other useful flags include: -B mount an external folder to the container
-c don't automatically map /home and /tmp to shared folders with the host OS

Using a container on Discovery

In order to use a container on Discovery you have to first upload the generated .img file to your home directory. Since containers can be rather large lets compress this and then uncompress on Discovery (starting with Singularity >=2.3.0 this functionality works through import and export commands)

tar -cvzf miniconda.tar.gz miniconda.img
scp miniconda.tar.gz [email protected]:~
ssh [email protected]
tar -xvzf miniconda.tar.gz

Now you can utilize the container by loading the singularity module and utilizing any of the singularity commands above. There is one catch however: by default singularity will try to melt together any environment variables defined in your account on discovery with environment variables defined within the container. The rationale behind this is that singularity offers the ability to seamlessly blend a custom environment (i.e. your container built with all your goodies) and the functionality of your HPC (i.e. all the goodies that already exist on Discovery). However, often times you want to turn this functionality off and only use environment variables within your container to avoid conflicts (i.e. completely ignore environment variables set on Discovery). Here's how we do that:

module load singularity
singularity run -e miniconda.img

To make our lives easier we can create a simple bash script that executes a command in our container making sure to call it with all the extra flags we want (e.g. mounting some folders, ignoring environment variables). I personally like to create two scripts one for interactively working with a container and one for using it to execute commands for example with job submission. Here are some examples, you'll need to adapt them to mount the directories you want:
Let's save the following code into a bash file called: exec_miniconda

singularity -e  exec \
    -B /idata/lchang/Projects:/data \
    -B /ihome/ejolly/scripts/:/scripts \
    miniconda.img "$@"

Let's save the following code into a bash file called: interact_miniconda

singularity -e run \
	-c \
	-B /idata/lchang/Projects/Pinel:/data \
	-B ~/scripts:/scripts \

Now we issue a command to our container (e.g. when submitting a job) like this:

./exec_miniconda python -c 'print "Hello World!"'

We can also use our container interactively with. Here let's actually serve a jupyter notebook server from the cluster and interact with it using our local web browser. To do so we need to reconnect to Discovery with port-forwarding. The demo container here isn't built with a jupyter notebook so this won't work, but we you can use the same command when building your own container

# You should really connect to something other than the head node here!
ssh [email protected] -N -f -L localhost:3129:localhost:9999

./exec_miniconda jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=9999
# On local machine navigate to localhost:3129 in a web browser

Updating an existing container

The preferred way to update a container is to modify the definition file and rebuild the image using the steps above. This ensures that any container image is always a product of its definition file and is therefore easy to reproduce.

However, singularity makes it easy to make changes to an existing container as well using the --writable flag with the exec, run, or shell commands, e.g.

singularity exec --writable miniconda.img apt-get install curl

You can also increase the size of an existing container with the expand command, e.g.

#Expand a container by 2gb
singularity expand --size 2048 miniconda.img

Sharing containers

One of the nice things about using singularity (and containers in general) is that you can share your analysis environment with others. These are served on Singularity hub. Many prebuilt containers already exist that you easily download and use.

Let's say we want to use this container prebuilt with tensor flow for GPUs. This is as simple as:

singularity pull shub://researchapps/tensorflow:gpu

Then you can setup run and execute scripts like above to use it on Discovery.

You can also easily share you custom container on Singularity hub by committing your singularity definition file to github and flipping the switch for that repository on singularity hub.

Extra resources

Much of this tutorial is borrowed/integrated from several helpful resources:

Quick guides

Matteo Visconti's blogpost on getting started with singularity
Jin Cheong's quick guide to using the discovery cluster

More comprehensive guides

Singularity Documentation
Discovery Documentation

Sharing is caring

Singularity hub
Docker hub


Introduction to Singularity on Discovery (Dartmouth College HPC cluster)







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