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Calculator Project

This project is a simple calculator application built with vanilla JavaScript. The main purpose of this project is to practice and gain a deeper understanding of various web development tools such as Webpack and Babel.

Technologies Used

  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • Webpack for bundling the JavaScript files
  • Babel for transpiling ES6+ code to ES5 for better browser compatibility
  • PostCSS for processing CSS

Project Structure

  • src/ directory contains the source code for the application
    • Calculator.js is the main JavaScript file that contains the calculator functionality
    • index.js is the entry point for the application
    • styles.css contains the styles for the application
    • template.html is the HTML template for the application
  • webpack.config.js contains the configuration for Webpack
  • babel.config.js contains the configuration for Babel
  • postcss.config.js contains the configuration for PostCSS
  • package.json contains the list of project dependencies and scripts

Getting Started

To get started with this project:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install the dependencies with npm install
  3. Start the development server with npm run dev
  4. Build the project for production with npm run build

This project is an example of how to set up a modern JavaScript development environment from scratch. It provides a solid starting point for anyone looking to learn more about Webpack, Babel, and other modern web development tools.