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Marc-Andre Hermanns edited this page Jul 7, 2020 · 2 revisions

MPI Tools WG Meeting 2020-07-02


  • Bengisu Elis
  • Marc-André Hermanns
  • Joachim Protze
  • Martin Schulz



  • How to do registration?
    • API should use an abstract handle to hide implementation details
      • Potential workflow:
        1. Create registration handle
        2. Add function registration to handle (light-weight)
        3. Perform actual registration in bulk with all functions associated with registration handle (heavy-weight)
    • Should we use Enum values or Strings?
  • Need to change wording into a more positive way

    • "It is only valid to bind .... is valid for use as an argument ..."
  • Still unclear whether we need the restriction of MPI_T calls

    • There are 3 handle allocation calls that take binding arguments
    • Would a wording like "a handle can only be used as a binding argument when it can be used in MPI calls outside MPI_T handle allocation" be sufficient?
      • We should use the "if there exists" and not "for all"
        • Uncommited datatypes are not valid in all MPI calls, but in some and might still be valid subject to tracking using MPI_T
  • Need to check with Sessions WG how to formulate the the part of "initialization" and "point of execution"

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