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This page provides a detailed list of changes and migration guide for Fluent UI React version 8. See the release notes for a higher-level overview.

Easier migration

As of 2022-09-05, Fluent UI React v7 has been updated to ease migration from @uifabric and office-ui-fabric-react to @fluentui packages and imports.

If you first update your package references and imports to the @fluentui name while remaining on v7, moving to v8 will require fewer changes. You will be able to focus on the few breaking changes between v7 and v8.

@fluentui Stub Packages

The following packages were added to v7 that publish the @uifabric exports as equivalent @fluentui exports.

Important! v8 removed implicit exports which removed deep imports beyond the lib level. The stub packages only re-export top-level and lib level exports. For example, office-ui-fabric-react/lib/components/Button/CommandBarButton/CommandBarButton should become @fluentui/react/lib/Button if you are still doing lib level imports or @fluent/react if moving to package-level imports.

@uifabric package @fluentui stub package
charting react-charting
experiments react-experiments
file-type-icons react-file-type-icons
icons font-icons-mdl2
merge-styles merge-style
react-cards react-cards
react-hooks react-hooks
styling style-utilities
utilities utilities
variants scheme-utilities

v7 and v8 fixes

Fixes and additions were made to both v7 and v8 to make migration easier. Many were ensuring that the getStyles methods for various components were exported under unique names at the top level. Others included exporting types and methods that were previously implicit exports.



Using codemods

We've provided a number of codemods to help make picking up name and API changes easier.

Run npx @fluentui/codemods to automatically upgrade your repo! This will result in changes being made to files so be sure to run it separate from an other active changes that you have.

More documentation here.

Supported dependency versions

The minimum supported React version remains at 16.8. React 17 is also supported but has not yet been thoroughly tested due to tooling issues, so if you encounter any problems, please file an issue and we'll fix it.

The minimum supported TypeScript version has increased to 3.9. Later versions should also work. Our tslib dependency has been updated to version 2, as required by TS 3.9.

React 16.8 and TypeScript 3.9 will continue to be our minimum supported versions for the duration of @fluentui/react version 8.

(We've updated our tooling within the repo to TypeScript 4.1, but we'll ensure that this does not affect our public APIs.)

Package renames

As the Fabric brand has evolved to Fluent UI, we've renamed our main package from office-ui-fabric-react to @fluentui/react. The @uifabric sub-packages have also been moved to the @fluentui scope and in some cases renamed.

office-ui-fabric-react to @fluentui/react

As of version 8, the office-ui-fabric-react package has been discontinued in favor of @fluentui/react.

Deep imports: what are they, why are they bad?

Update: Although deep imports won't create as much of an immediate issue now that we've reverted the @fluentui/react-internal addition from the original beta and moved most files back to their original locations (details here), we still highly recommend removing deep imports! This should be easier now since recent versions of 7 and 8-beta fixed the majority of exports that were missing from the package root.

Some partners have deep imports into the current Fabric package; for example:

import { ICalloutProps } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/components/Callout/Callout.types';

This has never been supported officially, as we've always recommended to use either the package import or a "top-level import," meaning a file directly under the /lib/ path.

import { ICalloutProps } from '@fluentui/react'; // Good
import { ICalloutProps } from '@fluentui/react/lib/Callout'; // Also good

We cannot guarantee any deep import will continue working across major releases. They will break any time any given file is moved, renamed, or even when the casing is changed. This would create a massive surface contract that we are not able to support.

If you have deep imports in your product, please update them now to only use package or top-level imports. (And please, let us know if you depend on something that is not exported. We can fix that.)

@uifabric package renames

The @uifabric sub-packages have been moved to the @fluentui scope and in some cases renamed to reflect our current naming conventions.

These renames can automatically be picked up in TypeScript code by running codemods, though references in package.json and other configuration files will need to be updated manually.

The following table shows the new package names. For more details and history, see this issue. (The UMD global name is probably only relevant for codepen examples or prototypes, not apps which use a bundler.)

Old name (under @uifabric) New name (under @fluentui) New UMD global name
azure-themes same FluentUIAzureThemes
charting react-charting FluentUIReactCharting
date-time react-date-time FluentUIReactDateTime
example-app-base react-docsite-components
example-data same FluentUIExampleData
experiments react-experiments FluentUIReactExperiments
file-type-icons react-file-type-icons
foundation foundation-legacy FluentUIFoundationLegacy
icons font-icons-mdl2
jest-serializer-merge-styles same
merge-styles same MergeStyles
monaco-editor same FluentUIReactMonacoEditor
office-ui-fabric-react @fluentui/react FluentUIReact
react-cards same (reintroduced here) FluentUIReactCards
react-hooks same FluentUIReactHooks
set-version same
styling style-utilities
test-utilities same
theme-samples same FluentUIThemeSamples
tsx-editor react-monaco-editor
utilities same
variants scheme-utilities FluentUISchemeUtilities
webpack-utils webpack-utilities

Discontinued packages

The following packages have been discontinued:

  • @uifabric/fluent-theme: Constants have been moved to @fluentui/theme. Styles are now the default.
  • @uifabric/mdl2-theme: This styling is deprecated (though you can continue to use version 7 of the package if needed).

ThemeProvider location changes

A preview of ThemeProvider was published with version 7 under @fluentui/react-theme-provider. For various reasons, it was moved from that package into @fluentui/react itself in version 8, so do not use @fluentui/react-theme-provider in version 8.

Function component conversions

As part of the work to support React strict mode and unblock adoption of React concurrent mode once it's released, some components were converted from class components to function components. This results in some API surface changes and may also require updates to tests.

While the function component conversions may require a bit of extra work to pick up in the short term, they also unblock future changes to more easily share state and interaction logic between components, which will help reduce bundle sizes and make behavior more consistent across components.

Converted components

The following components have been converted. (Any component not on this list remains the same component type, class or function, as it was in version 7.)

  • Breadcrumb
  • Calendar
  • Callout
  • Checkbox
  • ChoiceGroup (and ChoiceGroupOption)
  • Coachmark (and Beak, PositioningContainer)
  • ComboBox
  • ContextualMenu
  • DatePicker
  • Dropdown
  • Fabric
  • Grid (renamed to ButtonGrid)
  • Image
  • Layer
  • Link
  • MaskedTextField
  • MessageBar
  • Modal
  • OverflowSet
  • Persona (and PersonaCoin, PersonaPresence)
  • Pivot
  • Popup
  • Rating
  • ResizeGroup
  • SearchBox
  • Shimmer
  • Slider
  • SpinButton
  • SwatchColorPicker
  • TeachingBubble
  • Toggle

Potentially breaking changes

There are a few breaking behavior and API changes for the converted components. Most of these are inherent differences between the behavior of class and function components in React, not specific to Fluent UI React.

ref returns a DOM element, not class instance

The ref prop no longer refers to a component class instance; instead, the ref is forwarded to the underlying DOM. All our function components should correctly return a reference to the root DOM element.

For components with an imperative API (example: IDropdown.focus()), you can still access that via componentRef.

See React's docs for useRef and forwardRef for more on using refs with function components.

ReactDOM.findDOMNode will not work on function components

The deprecated ReactDOM.findDOMNode API can't be used to find root elements of function components (this is a React limitation). Instead, use ref as described above.

Accessing state is no longer supported

Since function component state is handled with hooks rather than a state member, it can no longer be accessed from outside the component.

Most important state properties should be accessible via componentRef on the IComponentName "imperative handle" interface.

If you need a former state property which is not included in the relevant IComponentName interface, please file an issue and we can consider adding it.

Class extension of components is no longer supported

If you were using class extension on a component that was converted, it will no longer work. We recommend using composition instead: wrap the Fluent UI component inside another component which handles the prop or callback customizations which were previously done in the child class.

Even for components which were not converted, class extension is not recommended since we'll be converting the remaining components to function components in the future, possibly within a minor release. (Exception: Class extension of Pickers will continue to be supported for now since the current architecture relies on it. We'd like to change this in the future, but not within v8.)

Some test operations may need to be wrapped in act()

If you have components which use our converted function components, certain test operations may need to be wrapped in act() (from react-dom/test-utils). This is a new requirement from React itself when testing function components that use hooks, and React will log console warnings if the wrapper is missing. More details here.

Theming changes

We know that the number of possible theming approaches and lack of clear guidance has been confusing to Fabric/Fluent UI React users in the past, so for version 8 we've added ThemeProvider as a unified approach to applying and accessing themes.

Please see this wiki page and the ThemeProvider README for details about usage and migration.

The Fabric and Customizer components have been deprecated in favor of ThemeProvider. (If you're using Customizer for purposes besides theming, please let us know.)

NOTE: ThemeProvider was previously published under @fluentui/react-theme-provider. For various reasons, it was moved from that package into @fluentui/react itself in version 8, so do not use @fluentui/react-theme-provider in version 8.

Individual components: new features


This has moved back to dev status--see this comment for details.

(Note: when the beta was announced, we planned to officially release the new buttons with version 8 and export them by default from @fluentui/react. However, it became apparent that a bit more time was needed to ensure that we're using the right patterns to provide a good foundation for building components moving forward.)


Calendar and DatePicker have been replaced with the versions from the @fluentui/react-date-time package (formerly @uifabric/date-time). These versions contain various bug fixes and have been converted from SCSS to CSS-in-JS. They should be almost identical in visuals and functionality, though there are some changes to how to customize styles. See under "Breaking changes" below for details.


Pivot supports displaying an overflow menu when there is not enough room to display all of the tabs. This can be enabled by setting overflowBehavior="menu" on the Pivot.


It's now possible to use Rating as an uncontrolled component by setting IRatingProps.defaultRating.

For either controlled or uncontrolled Ratings, the current value is now accessible via componentRef as IRating.rating. (Use this instead if you were previously accessing Rating.state.rating.)


SpinButton (finally) has a standard onChange prop. This means you can easily use it as a controlled component without having to re-implement the default increment/decrement/validate handlers.


SwatchColorPicker now has a standard onChange prop. onColorChanged is still available but has been deprecated.

Also added support for the standard controlled/uncontrolled pattern: provide selectedId for controlled behavior and defaultSelectedId for uncontrolled behavior.

Individual components: breaking changes


Due to a change of plans, there are no breaking changes to Button in v8. The old version of Button remains exported by default from @fluentui/react for this release, and the previously proposed "compat" import path for the old Button (@fluentui/react/lib/compat/Button) has been removed.


Calendar has been replaced with the version from the @fluentui/react-date-time package (formerly @uifabric/date-time).

  • Converted styling from legacy SCSS to CSS-in-JS. Styling can now be customized using ICalendarProps.styles or sub-component props, such as ICalendarProps.calendarDayProps.styles.
    • See here for details of how to override sub-components' style props and related outstanding issues.
  • The DOM structure has changed, and most global classNames are no longer available. We may add some of the classNames back if needed (see details here) but haven't implemented this yet.
  • Removed the following props:
    • autoNavigateOnSelection: Now the default behavior.
    • selectDateOnClick: Now the default behavior.
    • shouldFocusOnMount: Use ICalendar.focus() instead (via componentRef)
    • yearPickerHidden: Moved to ICalendarMonthProps (settable via ICalendarProps.calendarMonthProps)


  • Prop onDismiss?: (ev?: any) => void; is now onDismiss?: (ev?: Event | React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement> | React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>) => void;


Checkbox no longer accepts arbitrary native props at the root (ICheckboxProps no longer extends React.ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement | HTMLInputElement>). This actually is not a behavior change: any native props or data-* props previously being passed through were ignored, and now the types accurately reflect the behavior.

To apply arbitrary native props to the hidden checkbox input element (used for accessibility and forms), use ICheckboxProps.inputProps instead. Note that data-* props are supported in ICheckboxProps.inputProps but will require casting since TS < 4.1 doesn't provide a way to express this. This should be adequate for most scenarios, but please comment on this issue if you have a scenario where you need native props on the root element.


  • Setting checked on individual options to indicate their checked state is no longer supported. Instead, use defaultSelectedKey or selectedKey.
  • Moved root style to the actual root element and removed applicationRole style.
  • Removed deprecated props and types:
    • onChanged from IChoiceGroupProps (use onChange)
    • checked from IChoiceGroupOption (see above for alternative)
      • Note that this is still available via IChoiceGroupOptionProps for custom rendering purposes only, and will be set correctly by the parent ChoiceGroup.
    • Type aliases OnFocusCallback and OnChangeCallback: use IChoiceGroupOptionProps['onFocus'] and IChoiceGroupOptionProps['onChange']
  • Only if manually rendering the ChoiceGroupOption component, the new prop itemKey is now required. (You can still use key when passing options via IChoiceGroupProps.options, which is by far the most common.)


  • Removed deprecated isBeaconAnimating and isMeasured style props


  • The return type of IComboBox.focus() has changed from boolean to void to reflect its actual behavior (the implementation does not return a value and can't easily be modified to do so).


DatePicker has been replaced with the version from the @fluentui/react-date-time package (formerly @uifabric/date-time), which also uses the Calendar from that package. See the notes on Calendar above for details and potential breaking changes.


Dropdown options no longer infer title values from their text prop as it was redundant.


Grid has been renamed to ButtonGrid to better reflect what it is, and to free up the more generic name for a possible future abstraction of CSS grid. (The new name is also available in version 7.) Exported IGridStyles are now IButtonGridStyles.


  • Contents of the OverflowSet are no longer wrapped in a FocusZone.
  • Removed deprecated focusZoneProps and doNotContainWithinFocusZone from types.


  • The picker input and selected tags are no longer wrapped in a FocusZone.
  • The text of selected tags is no longer focusable; only the remove button is in the tab order.


  • Removed deprecated and redundant props from v7, including initialSelectedKey and defaultSelectedIndex. Use selectedKey or defaultSelectedKey to define the selected tab, and provide itemKey on pivot item children.
  • IPivotStyleProps changes
    • Replaced rootIsLarge with linkSize.
    • Replaced rootIsTabs and linkFormat.
    • Removed deprecated prop linkIsSelected.
  • Updated enums to string union type: PivotLinkFormat, PivotLinkSize. (#13370)


  • Updated signature of onDismiss to include the native KeyboardEvent as a possible type of the ev parameter: onDismiss?: (ev?: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement> | React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement> | KeyboardEvent) => any


  • Removed deprecated props:
    • onChanged (use onChange)
    • ariaLabelId (use getAriaLabel)
  • Passing null for IRatingProps.rating is no longer supported. To determine whether the user has interacted with the rating yet, set allowZeroStars: true and check whether the rating is 0.
  • Minor typing corrections:
    • IRatingProps now extends React.HTMLAttributes rather than React.AllHTMLAttributes. The old interface included some props which don't actually apply to a div.
    • Corrected type of IRatingProp.onChange's event parameter to reflect how it's used internally. It should be React.FormEvent<HTMLElement>, not React.FocusEvent<HTMLElement>.


  • If value is provided, the SearchBox will now use strict controlled behavior (the displayed value won't update until the value prop changes). Use defaultValue for uncontrolled behavior.


  • Removed default values of min and max (formerly 0 and 100).
  • If value is provided, the SpinButton will now use strict controlled behavior (the displayed value won't update until the value prop changes). Use defaultValue for uncontrolled behavior.
  • onChange now has custom handling and is only called when the SpinButton's value is "committed" (blur, enter, or spin). If you were previously using the native onChange prop (applied to the component's root div) to be notified of every keystroke, use onInput instead.
  • Simplified props to ISpinButtonStyles to include only the parts of the component to bring in line with other components. As a result, the following props have been removed (see below for migration tips):
    • arrowButtonsContainerDisabled
    • inputDisabled
    • inputTextSelected
    • labelDisabled
    • labelWrapperStart
    • labelWrapperEnd
    • spinButtonWrapperDisabled
    • spinButtonWrapperFocused
    • spinButtonWrapperHovered
    • spinButtonWrapperTopBottom
  • Replaced getClassNames legacy prop with styles prop to bring component consistent to other components and improve cacheability of internal styles.

If you're using a removed ISpinButtonStyles prop, you can instead pass a style function which returns appropriate styles based on the current state of the component. The following code snippet shows how to do this for each removed prop.

<SpinButton styles={(props: ISpinButtonStyleProps) => {
  const { disabled, isFocused, labelPosition, theme } = props;
  return {
    spinButtonWrapper: [
      disabled && { /* spinButtonWrapperDisabled styles */ },
      isFocused && { /* spinButtonWrapperFocused styles */ },
      !disabled && { ':hover': { /* spinButtonWrapperHovered styles */ } }
    input: [
      disabled && { /* inputDisabled styles */ },
      !disabled && { '::selection': { /* inputTextSelected styles */ } }
    label: [
      disabled && { /* labelDisabled styles */ }
    labelWrapper: [
      (labelPosition === || labelPosition === Position.bottom)
        && { /* spinButtonWrapperTopBottom styles */ },
      labelPosition === Position.left && { /* labelWrapperStart styles */ },
      labelPosition === Position.right && { /* labelWrapperEnd styles */ },
    arrowButtonsContainer: [
      disabled && { /* arrowButtonsContainerDisabled styles */ }


  • Removed unused componentRef prop from Shimmer types as it doesn't use any public methods.


  • Selection state is now tracked internally based on, not item index. Ensure that all color cells have a unique id property.
  • Removed deprecated props:
    • positionInSet: use ariaPosInSet
    • setSize: use ariaSetSize
  • Deprecated isControlled. Provide selectedId for controlled behavior and defaultSelectedId for uncontrolled behavior.
  • Added an onChange prop and deprecated onColorChanged.


  • Removed rootElementRef from public API.


Text now uses either the selected font variant's color, or theme.semanticColors.bodyText as its color by default. This will only cause problems if you were previously relying on Text inheriting color from its parent.


  • Added separate interfaces for MaskedTextField: IMaskedTextFieldProps and IMaskedTextField
  • Moved MaskedTextField-specific props mask, maskChar, and maskCharData from the general ITextFieldProps to IMaskedTextFieldProps
  • onChange is now called synchronously in the change event handler, before updating state (previously it was called asynchronously after the state update). This more closely matches other components and React itself, but may cause issues if anyone was depending on the old behavior.


Previously, KeytipData was built into different components which needed Keytip support. This added extra bundle size to our components. In version 8, we have removed KeytipData and keytipProps props from Link, Toggle, Checkbox, ComboBox, Dropdown, and SpinButton.

Here is an example on how to migrate from this change:


<Checkbox label="Checkbox" keytipProps={checkboxKeytips} />


import { useKeytipRef } from '@fluentui/react/lib/Keytips';

const checkboxRef = useKeytipRef({ keytipProps: checkboxKeytips });

<Checkbox label="Checkbox" ref={checkboxRef} />;

You can find more code examples on the public documentation site here.

Other call-outs

  • If the component is disabled and you don't want to enable keytips in that case, make sure you are passing disabled: true to keytipProps. It's possible you weren't setting disabled previously and still worked because the value was populated within the component which uses KeytipData.
  • If you have another ref that needs to be passed to a component apart from the ref returned by useKeytipRef, you can use useMergedRefs from @fluentui/react-hooks to merge multiple refs into one then pass it to the component.

Child window support

WindowProvider is required for child windows/embeds. This can be imported from @fluentui/react/lib/WindowProvider or the @fluentui/react-window-provider package.

Other changes

Removed experimental components

The following components have been removed or deprecated from @fluentui/react-experiments (formerly @uifabric/experiments):

  • Removed Button: didn't provide desired performance gains, and is superseded by convergence work.
    • MicroFeedback now uses the button from @fluentui/react; this will affect valid slot prop overrides.
  • Deprecated Slider: we kept this one for now since it provides some functionality not currently implemented by the @fluentui/react Slider, but it will also be superseded by convergence work in the future.
  • Removed Toggle: superseded by convergence work.

The previous implementation of Card (which was never officially released) has been entirely removed. As of this PR, the deprecated experimental Card has been re-introduced under @fluentui/react-cards. Please don't use it in new code.

Removed internal paths

  • FluentStyles is removed from @fluentui/react-experiments since it re-exported FluentStyles from @uifabric/fluent-theme. Leverage @fluentui/theme if you want to replicate the original behavior inside your project, although this should not be needed since the FluentStyles are the default ones.
  • Removed various files which were originally in office-ui-fabric-react and not intended to be part of the public API:
    • office-ui-fabric-react/src/components/Theme/defaultTheme.ts (use @fluentui/theme)
    • office-ui-fabric-react/src/customizations/TeamsTheme.ts (use @fluentui/theme-samples)
    • office-ui-fabric-react/src/utilities/exampleData.ts (use @fluentui/example-data)
  • (list may be incomplete)

Something missing? Let us know!

If you encounter any breaking changes which were not mentioned here, feel free to file an issue or let us know internally.

Known issues

  • Although we've added React 17 to our peer dependency range, the library has not been fully tested with React 17. Please file an issue if you encounter problems.

  • Azure theme styling for DatePicker and Calendar may not fully work - #17156