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Microservice core

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This module provides boilerplate for microservice core and a few plugins for starters. It sets up convenient connect and close methods, logging features, as well as input validation. At the same time it is an event emitter and may send log and other events silently.


Extend Mservice class, populate plugins with array of their names. Currently supported: validator, logger, amqp and redisCluster


  1. ready - when all plugins are up
  2. close - when all plugins were disconnected
  3. plugin:connect:pluginName, instance
  4. plugin:close:pluginName
  5. error, err - on critical error


const path = require('path');
const Mservice = require('mservice');
const ld = require('lodash');

class UserService extends Mservice {

   * default options
   * @type {Object}
  static defaultOpts = {
    plugins: ['validator', 'logger', 'amqp', 'redisCluster'],
    redis: {
      hosts: [{
        host: 'localhost',
        port: 6379
      options: {
        keyPrefix: 'nice'
    amqp: {
      queue: 'roundrobin'
    logger: true,
    // relative paths will be resolved relatively to the first dir of the file
    // on the call stack that is not src/plugins/validator.js or src/index.js
    // keep that in mind when creating instances of services
    // if that's tricky - pass absolute paths!
    validator: [ '../schemas' ],

  constructor(opts = {}) {
    super(ld.merge({}, UserService.defaultOpts, opts));

   * If specified, amqp plugin will use it when setting up consumers
  router = (message, headers, actions) => {
    // read more about params in makeomatic/ms-amqp-transport


const userService = new UserService();
// methods that userService will have are explain below


initPlugin(mod, [conf])

Initializes plugin, which has 2 methods: .attach - it would be called with service as context and conf as first arg When conf is omitted - it looks for - make sure this is also exported. .attach can return connect and close functions, which must return promises for starting and stopping the plugin

postHook(event, ...args)

Performs listeners defined for event. All of them are called with the context of the mservice and args are applied as a spread. This is useful when you want to track custom event hooks completion in the app.

Constructor accepts hooks Object, which contains of a map of event to a function or array of functions. They could either be sync or a promise.


Validator plugin

When using this plugin - make sure you npm i ms-validation -S

Attaches ms-validation instance to your class on ._validator. Exposes .validate and .validateSync methods on the class itself. Pass array of absolute and relative paths when creating service to automatically include your schemas. They will be available under basename of the file. If names collide - last schemas will overwrite existing ones

// MixedData - any variable to be checked
userService.validate('schemaName', MixedData)
  .then(mixedData => {
    // passed validation
  .catch(err => {
    // validation failed

const validationResult = userService.validateSync('schemaName');
if (validationResult.error) {
  // validation failed
  // handle error

// resulting doc if filter: true was set, otherwise original doc

Logger plugin

When using this plugin - make sure you npm i bunyan -S

Attaches .log method, which is an instance of a bunyan logger. Provides sane defaults when NODE_ENV is set to development. If not includes ringBuffer trace logger with 100 records. Can accept either a boolean value or an existing custom bunyan instance; Will have name of or mservice. When logger options is set to true - will output to stdout, when to false - only to ringBuffer. When debug is on - default log level is debug, otherwise - info

const userService = new UserService({
  debug: false,
  logger: true

// will output data to stdout'Flying just fine!');

// will only save to ringBuffer stream
userService.log.debug('You won\'t see me!');

AMQP plugin

When using this plugin, make sure you also do npm i ms-amqp-transport -S

Enables AMQP transport makeomatic/ms-amqp-transport It allows the service to communicate over AMQP protocol. If service.router is defined, then we will make the best attempt to setup listeners and route incoming messages through this function. Make sure you bind it to your instance if using any references to this. Attaches ._amqp to service.

Events are emitted when plugin has completed connecting, or disconnecting. First arg is the transport instance

  1. plugin:connect:amqp
  2. plugin:close:amqp
const userService = new UserService({
  amqp: {
    queue: 'my-nice-queue',
    listen: [ '' ],

// messages that are sent to will be processed

RedisCluster plugin

NOTE: you can use only 1 of the plugins for redis - either cluster or sentinel

When using this plugin, make sure you also do npm i ioredis -S

Enables redisCluster communication based on ioredis module. Allows one to setup connection to redis and communicate with it;

Events are emitted when plugin has completed connecting, or disconnecting. First arg is the transport instance

  1. plugin:connect:redisCluster
  2. plugin:close:redisCluster
const userService = new UserService({
  plugins: [ 'redisCluster' ],
  redis: {
    hosts: [{
      host: '...',
      port: Number
    options: {
      // ...

// any redis command will be applicable

Redis Sentinel plugin

NOTE: you can use only 1 of the plugins for redis - either cluster or sentinel

When using this plugin, make sure you also do npm i ioredis -S

Enables redisCluster communication based on ioredis module. Allows one to setup connection to redis and communicate with it in a highly available fashion;

Events are emitted when plugin has completed connecting, or disconnecting. First arg is the transport instance

  1. plugin:connect:redisSentinel
  2. plugin:close:redisSentinel
const userService = new UserService({
  plugins: [ 'redisSentinel' ],
  redis: {
    sentinels: [{
      host: '...',
      port: Number
    name: 'mservice',
    options: {
      // ...

Elasticsearch plugin

When using this plugin, make sure you also do npm i elasticsearch -S

Enables to use Elasticsearch as a NoSQL storage/search engine. Wraps an official Elasticsearch JavaScript API module.

Events are emitted when plugin has completed connecting, or disconnecting. First arg is the transport instance

  1. plugin:connect:elasticsearch
  2. plugin:close:elasticsearch
const userService = new UserService({
  plugins: [ 'elasticsearch' ],
  elasticsearch: {
    host: '',
    apiVersion: '2.1',