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fastslam cpp implementation

Implementation of the fastslam algorithm. You can execute natively after installing locally all the dependencies, or execute it in docker container.

Building the Docker image and executing in container

  1. Install Docker on your machine.

  2. Clone the repository

git clone
  1. Go to the source folder
cd probabilistic_robotics/ch13_the_fastslam_algorithm/src/cpp
  1. Build the docker image
docker build --tag=fastslam .
  1. Run the container; you can specify a number of particles (default to 100).
docker run fastslam 150

You can access the container id with

$ docker container ls
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
ca6183eab770        fastslam            "./fslam.bin"       About a minute ago   Up About a minute                            unruffled_hellman

copy back the output locally to your machine

$ docker cp e31da5e0537b:/app/data/poses.dat .

pause the container

docker pause ca6183eab770

stop the container

docker stop ca6183eab770

following command will remove all stopped containers, all dangling images, and all unused networks:

docker system prune

See also the Docker cheat sheet.